17 Feb 2013 by James Hoh-
It was eight o’clock on a lazy Saturday morning but a group of diligent young men and women primarily from colleges in Sunway area in Petaling Jaya were already up and gathered in a restaurant watching intensely the first part of a DVD teaching called “Demolishing Strongholds – War of Worldviews” by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis.
Dicky Sudrajad, the elder of an Indonesian church in Malaysia organized this series of teachings for the second time. The first was done in his church and it was a success. His passion led him to organise a second one for young people outside his church.
Dicky believes that the thoughts at the back of our mind, also called presupposition, can dictate our perception and judgment. And it is important that young people who are “bombarded” with ideologies from the media, Internet and even schools and colleges today should realise and learn about this truth because these ideologies could lead to different worldviews and perspectives in life; some even clash with the Word of God. Very often such ideologies that undermine God’s authority have been planted before one even reaches her or his teens.
In the first series of his teaching, Ken Ham stresses that presupposition in our minds basically dictates how we look at things and interpret them. For example: a scientist with an evolution worldview would conclude the fossils he found dating back to maybe millions of years while a scientist who has a Biblical worldview would tell you that the fossils maybe just under seven thousand years old. Both of them have different starting points, one from an evolutionary view point and the other, Biblical.
In addition to presupposition, Ken Ham also differentiates two types of sciences – observational science and historical science. Evidences that can be repeatedly produced by scientists are called observational science. For example, electronic circuits in hand phones are wired to produce the same results repeatedly. Just press a button for a certain person, his contact number would pop up on the screen without fail. The same goes for chemistry tests in the lab that produce same results over and over again.
However, in historical science, we are talking about evidence that cannot be reproduced again. For example: the building of Eifel Tower. To find out the details of the iconic structure and who built it, we have to refer to some other evidences such as documentation that tells us who the designer and builder are because we were not there when it was built.
No one can claim how the universe was created except our God because He is the Creator and the Witness of what had happened (Genesis 1). He inspired Godly people to write about the creation accordingly in their own styles (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).
The so-called “Big Bang” theory remains a theory because no one was actually there to witness the incident. Therefore, evolution which is the consequence of the “Big Bang” remains just as a theory. It remains a speculation as no scientists could substantiate it.
Among the crowd of young people who watched the DVD series was Rubina, an astronomy student with an Australian university. She said: “While in class, the lecturers could not substantiate most incidences which happened millions and millions years ago, you just have to accept what is being taught.” She went on to said, “Putting God as the Creator makes better sense.”
Dicky ended the session with the conclusion that understanding God from the starting point of creation makes more sense as God has intended to. He summarized the whole teaching by the 7C’s:
Creation – God created the universe and humankind in six days;
Corruption – sin through Adam and Eve’s disobedience;
Catastrophe – consequences of sin as God sent the worldwide flood;
Confusion – was brought in during the building of Tower of Babel;
Christ – God’s solution to reconcile man unto Himself;
Cross – where reconciliation and redemption were done;
Consummation – the second coming of Christ for His bride (Christians).
(For details of the seminar, please contact Dicky: dicky.sudrajad@gmail.com )
The big bang theory on Fox Channel 415