17 Nov 2013 by Rev Dr Steven Kau-
I am sure many have seen on You Tube, or read of thousands, even tens of thousands of animals, birds and fishes dying all over the world in mysterious circumstances. Scientists and ecologists and governmental authorities are totally baffled as to what is causing these phenomena to happen. There had always been death of animals, birds and fishes from time to time due to pollution, oil spills or some explainable environmental conditions. But what we are seeing today defies everything known to man. The mystery deepens when all of these animals, birds and fishes were perfectly healthy upon examination.
What is baffling to man is not to students of Bible prophecy. What is overwhelming is that a prophet of God prophesied this very phenomenon thousands of years ago. It is absolute proof that we are at the tail end of the last days. The last days are already upon us but most Christians do not have the foggiest idea of what is happening and that it is tragedy of biblical proportions.
Those that teach Post-Millennialism, Dominion Theology or any other of the false doctrines will soon be laughed at and scorned. Multitudes are going to miss the Rapture because they believed and followed these false doctrines that scoff at the Lord’s return for His faithful saints.
God’s prophet Hosea used language that perfectly describes our dying earth. It is a precise picture.
By swearing and lying, killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break all restraint, With bloodshed upon bloodshed. Therefore, the land will mourn; And everyone who dwells there will waste away, with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air; even the fish of the sea will be taken away.
(Hosea 4:2-3 NKJV)
You could argue with this if the facts were not so awesome. From a list of the last 86 days, August 5, 2013 to November 8th 2013, there were reports of over 200 incidents of animals, birds and fish death around the world. Below is a short list of the 200 mentioned above.
- Thousands of fishes in Mississippi
- Millions of fishes in China
- Thousands of seal pups in California
- 15 tons of fish, crabs and birds in Russia
- Tons of fishes in Sweden
- 300 dolphins along the east coast of America
- Thousands of eels in Czech Republic
- 100,000 hens in Italy
- 100% of Oyster beds in St. Lucie River
- Pigeons en mass in Ukraine
- 900 fishes in Netherlands
- 10 tons of fish in Brazil
- Thousands of ducks in Oregon
- 5,000 fishes in new Mexico
- 70,000 sheep and cattle in Bolivia
- 1,500 cattle in Paraguay
- 950,000 birds killed in Canada
- Massive numbers of starfish in Canada
- Mass die-off of birds in Germany
- Crows and pigeons in Nepal
- 2,200 cattle in Utracan
- 30,000 sheep in Uruguay
- Tons of fish in Vietnam
- 8000 tons of Salmon in Norway
- 2,900 cattle in Bolivia
- 100,000 cattle in South Dakota
- 50,000 lbs of fish in China
- 90 wild boars in France
- 100 sheep in Saudi Arabia
- 16,84 livestock in Italy
- 170,970 birds and 4,393 livestock in California
- Thousands of cattle in India
- Over 700 dolphins along the east coast of America
- Ten of thousands of cattle and poultry in Vietnam
- Hundreds of shearwater birds in New Zealand
- Thousands of fish in Florida
- Mass number of turtles in Costa Rica
Remember, this is just a few of the more than 200 News reports received in an 86 days period that ended on Friday, November 8th 2013. You will notice these are not isolated incidence but something happening on a worldwide scale. There could be many more that went unreported.
The apostle Paul stated clearly that our earth was on a course that could not be averted but by God’s hand of redemption.
Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that we also who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groans within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.
(Romans 8:21-23)
Sin has depleted the very earth we walk and live on. The post-millennialists are just as foolish as the ecologists that think they can save it and restore order from the present chaos. Not only this, but read the report of the USGS of the thousands of earthquakes that are happening every month and the volcanoes that are mysteriously becoming active almost at the same time. Never mind the extraordinary fierce storms, hurricanes and typhoons that are still battering the earth and killed tens of thousands. The earth is dying, plain and simple.
This is sure evidence that the Rapture and the Great Tribulation are God’s perfect plan to purge the disorder and restore the earth to its pristine condition that sin has robbed. When the Millennium begins after the “Seven Years of Judgment,” it will be a new world or picture of beauty and pure happiness. The one thousand years of Christ reign on earth will see our world explode in prosperity and His glory. The world has longed for a “One World Order” and it will truly arrive under the true King of Kings.
The wicked will not be resurrected until the thousand years of Christ reign is finished. The Great White Throne will finish the purification of judgments. The Lake of Fire will doubtless be full as every wickedness is judged. A New Earth perfectly purified and a New Heaven without the troublesome fallen angels will become our joy. New Jerusalem will descend and the Bride occupying this golden city will be the Lord’s joy forever. It is closer than you think.
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