15 March 2013 by Timothy Tai CM-
With only 2 weeks to go till the Easter weekend, here are some fun activities that you could do with your children during the upcoming school holidays. Not only will this pry your kids away from behind the TV and computer screens, more importantly, they’ll learn about the most fundamental aspect of our faith: the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Re-enact the Lord’s Supper around your dinner table
You can do this as a surprise during dinner one night and read the biblical account of how Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples. Alternatively, you could also plan this in advance with your family and get everyone to dress up in bible-time clothes (e.g. you can wear robes and wrap towels around your heads etc) and have a full re-enactment of the Lord’s Supper complete with breaking loaves of bread, passing around grape juice and washing each other’s feet. Either way, you’ll transform your routine family meal-time into a fun teaching moment that your children will never forget!
2. Get your kids to draw their own Easter comic strip
A few sheets of paper and some color pencils or crayons are all you need for this biblical boredom-busting activity. You can start by telling your kids about Easter in your own words or by reading the Easter story to them from the bible. And if you don’t have an illustrated childen’s bible, don’t worry. There are plenty of Easter videos on GodTube.com and YouTube.com that you could watch with your kids (Check out the video entitled “Animated The Easter Story” by Geoffrey McLean that’s based on the book of Mark). Then ask your kids to use their creative juices to draw a comic strip to depict what happened to Jesus (Suggestion: A simple 3-frame comic strip is more than enough especially for younger children e.g. Frame 1 – Jesus hanging on the cross on Friday. Frame 2 – Jesus lying in the tomb on Saturday. Frame 3 – Jesus walking out of the tomb on Sunday). Finally let them tell you the Easter story and showcase their works of art for everyone to see.
3. Throw a Hallelujah Party!
Everyone loves parties! Even during ancient bible times, God’s people would observe various festivals to remind themselves of the things that God had done for them (For example, the Passover Feast was celebrated to remember how God delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptians). This school holidays, why don’t you throw a Hallelujah Party to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to your family? And because it’s Easter, don’t forget to celebrate the fact that Jesus died for our sins and is alive forevermore! Get your children involved by asking them to list down 10 things that they are grateful to God for and have everyone read out their lists during the party.
The best part about doing this with your kids is that they’ll be learning about Easter from the most important person in their lives: YOU.
For more ideas of things to do with your kids during the school holidays, look up the article entitled “2 Words Parent Dread Hearing From Their Kids” which was previously published on Christianity Malaysia.
Note: Timothy grew up in Kuching and worked in KL before jumping off the corporate ladder in 2006. He moved to New York City where he served at an inner-city kids ministry for almost 6 years. He has since returned to KL and has just married his Irish fiancee Sarah.
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