2 August 2013 by Joycelyn Loh CM –
由Christianity Malaysia 及 The Branches 联办,Christart 赞助的一项以《因为·爱》为主题的摄影竞赛,即日开始!
– Each photo must be submitted together with ONE bible verse (in bilingual) AND a short paragraph to explain the relatedness of the photo taken with the theme Because of Love per entry.
– All entries must include personal details as followed: Full Name, Contact No., Gender, Email Address, and Postal Address. Any incomplete details will be disqualified automatically.
– All photos and the complete details mentioned above, please kindly email to joycelynloh@ymail.com for registration.
请将所有参赛作品及以上所述之完整资料电邮至 joycelynloh@ymail.com 以完成线上报名及投稿。
– Registration starts from 2nd August 2013 till 22nd August 2013.
General Terms:
– This photography contest only open for Malaysian and non-Muslim.
– All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization (removal of dust, cropping, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified.
– We can only accept digital photo submissions. No printed photos will be accepted. Photos must be submitted electronically as a high resolution image, of up to 2200 pixels at 72 dpi. The maximum file size is 2MB. All photos must be in .jpg format. Photos can be in color or black and white, and must be appropriate for printing as a 16 x 20 inch print, as winning photos will be printed and featured in galleries at The Branches sponsored events.
– Christianity Malaysia reserves the right to adjust any deadline(s) as the result of causes beyond its immediate control.
– You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit — including ownership if applicable. You only grant Christianity Malaysia and The Branches rights (as described below) to your photograph if you are honored by the competition as an honorable mention, finalist, runner up or grand prize winner. Before you are formally honored by the competition, Christianity Malaysia and/or The Branches will contact you to confirm that you wish to grant us rights to your image as described below.
– If your photograph is formally honored by the competition as an honorable mention, finalist, runner up or grand prize winner, you grant Christianity Malaysia and The Branches a royalty-free, nonexclusive right, in perpetuity, to:
· Use the photograph on the Internet in support of our mission.
· Use the photograph in Christianity Malaysia and The Branches in commercial and non-commercial communications.
· Provide your photograph to other individuals and organizations for non-commercial use, TNC-related use in news stories, newsletters, reports, slide shows, displays, web pages, and the like.
· Use, in connection with the Photo Contest, your name, city, state and country of residence in promotions and other publications.
· Keep the files provided, and to archive the images on CD or in other electronic forms, so that your photos can be used to support our mission and be properly credited.
– As conditions of this permission, Christianity Malaysia and The Branches shall credit all photographs with the caption "by Person's Name" when the full name is available.
– We reserve the right to reject any entries that are inaudible, incomplete, incomprehensible, damaged or otherwise deficient.
– We also reserve the right to reject entries that are unlawful, indecent, racist, inflammatory, defamatory or which we consider to be otherwise harmful to the goodwill and reputation of our station that is running this photography contest.
– Entrants must not submit images that involve human nudity, the willful harassment of wildlife, damage to the environment by the photographer, put any individual or animal in danger, or infringe on the rights of any other photographer or person.
– We accept no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries including but not limited to texts, calls or emails not received due to technical disruptions, network congestion or any other reason. Proof of posting of any postal entry will not be proof of our receipt of that entry.
– Christianity Malaysia and The Branches reserve the right to reject any submitted photo. Photographs featuring any inappropriate material will be rejected. Please note that we take a particularly hard lined approach to photographs that include children. Even if the custom in a region may be to have children wearing limited clothing, photographs of that nature will be rejected immediately and without exception. Photographers may crop inappropriate images out of otherwise acceptable photographs. Christianity Malaysia and The Branches also reserve the right to reject photos that clearly do not reflect the theme of the competition.
– 于Christianity Malaysia (Chinese) 面子书(Facebook)上获得最高票数的12张作品将成为The Branches 2014年年历的主题封面。
– 前6名最高票数得奖者将获价值RM200的奖品。
– 第7名至第12名最高票数的得奖者将获价值RM150的奖品。
– 此外,所有12名最高票数的得奖者也将获得一件Christart T-恤。
– 所有奖项定於2013年9月16日颁发,随之12张最高票数得奖作品也将以摄影展形式于The Branches公开展览。
更多的详情,欢迎向Christianity Malaysia 或是 The Branches 询问。
Dear Viewers in Christ, if you find this article edifying to you, please share with your friends or loved ones by using the social media plugs (Share, Email to this article). The Lord will surely bless you as you bless others. May the Lord’s peace and love be with you.
References for pictures:
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