Walking Where Jesus Walked – A Tour of Israel

31 Dec 2012 by Mindy Oon CM-


A group of 38 Malaysians from River of Life PJ, SS2 Gospel Center, FGA Ipoh and Bandar Puchong Gospel Center recently spent 10 days walking where Jesus walked. The spiritual tour to Israel and Jordan covered many significant places in the Bible, including Mount Nebo; where Moses was given a view of the promised land that God had promised the children of Israel, the Sea of Galilee; where Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea (Matthew 8:23-27) and walked on water (Mark 6:45-52), and the Garden Tomb; the site of Christ’s resurrection.


View of the Sea of Galilee


Our government has recently allowed for Christians to visit Israel. Given a chance, I would love to jump on a plane to visit God’s chosen nation. But since I can’t, I did the next best thing – have a chat with the several people who have gone and returned.

According to Elder Ong Hock Chye, the ‘sites in Jerusalem spoke volumes. It was a privilege to visit places such as the Temple Mount, where God manifested Himself to His people. The Bible came alive when I saw the places. I was an amazing and enriching experience, especially as we can now enter daily into His presence’.


Having fun in the Dead Sea


His wife, Mrs. Ong said that she realized that Israel is a very significant nation to God, and that she too was significant, as she is a chosen child of God. “It was especially emotional when our tour guide said "Welcome Home" when we arrived. To go to the places Christ was makes me realize that there is so much truth in the Word of God. We should not have any doubt in God’s Word.”, said Mrs Ong when asked about the highlight of the trip.


Part of the people in the tour group


As the group walked where Jesus walked, many sensed God speaking to them as they visited the many places in the Bible. Through the journey Mr. Bernard Chong said that he has gained ‘a better perspective of the Bible’, and that it was ‘most remarkable to feel God’s presence during the tour’. “The verse ‘Be still and know that I am God’ spoke to me deeply. We need to trust in His word”.

A spiritual journey for most who went, the Bible came alive. To those who are planning to visit Israel, Mrs. Chong says to ‘read the Bible before you go, and read it when you return. You will have a better understanding, you will be able to visualize the places, it will be easier to remember. It is a journey that will open your eyes to the reality of God and the Bible’.


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  1. If there are 2.8 million Christians in this country, there should be thousands going there each year to visit and understand better biblical facts.


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