Younified Christmas Party


17th December 2012 by Natasha Kim – CM .

The youth of City Revival Church held their Younified Christmas service at the main office in SS15 recently. It was a joy for the youths to come together for their very last service of the year 2012. The age range of the youths who attended ranged from as young as 13 all the way to 25 years old. All were merry as they each entered the entrance hall with a special gift in hand, all wrapped up for their gift exchange later on in the service. As the presents piled up on the table, each of the youths were presented with a designated number where they would then be randomly given out. Thirty over youths attended the service on this day.

The upbeat Praise and Worship session

The service began with a fun ice breaker where they all joined in, in a circle to play a game of catch and dare. Some were dared to dance while some others were dared to beat box as they missed each other’s names. All in all, it definitely got the youths to remember each other’s names. When that was done, everyone stood up for praise and worship where they sang praises to the Lord as well as Christmas songs. As the colourful lights lit up everyone danced and sang their hearts out, along to the great music performed by the youth group on stage.

Getting the Youth Involved

When it ended, they were divided into groups and separated to act out a play in front of everyone. The youths were nervous but thrilled to work together. One could definitely see that it was a big deal for each of them to convey a good story of the birth of Jesus Christ in front of everyone. Interestingly enough, each group came up with an interesting modern twist to the birth of Jesus Christ, one that many youths could easily have fun and relate to. Some played out a “Transformers” version of the birth while some others did a “Madagascar” version where they played out their characters, danced and sang.   

The ice breaker

After everyone played out their stories, settled down and quietly sat down awaiting the word for the day. The word of the day was preached by City Revival Church Pastor Suresh’s daughter who is one of the heads of the youth. Being part of the youth group for so long since she was a youth herself, she really has a heart to extend the great times she had as a youth there and see the youth group grow together.

The youths were divided into groups to act out the birth of Jesus Christ

An Unconditional Love and an Ultimate Sacrifice

Rhenita Sundram, 26, is currently working as an engineer. She confidently shared a short sermon in front of the youths talking about the play the youths acted out about how the wise men came and the angel appeared to Virgin Mary. She said, “There’s a reason why Jesus had to come into this world.” She took the children back to the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 1:1 which says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

One of the groups that was formed to act out a play, in deep discussion.

Our perfect God created the world with Adam and Eve in it and soon sin came into the world as both Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit that they were asked not to partake of. Being a just God, the Almighty then punished both Adam and Eve. Children sometimes do not understand why they have to be punished, but just as God punishes when wrong is done; parents also do the same, for they cannot possibly praise a disobedient child if they have done wrong.

Rhenita preaching the word in front of the youths

Instead of continuing to punish humans for what they’ve done wrong, God sent his only begotten Son to earth in the form of man to bear the sins of the world. There has to be a punishment for sin, but this was done because God so loved the world and His children that he has created. It is an unconditional love that cannot be fully understood by man.

The youths acting out the play at the front

She said to the youths, “The Christmas season is always busy with Christmas parties and presents and it is a really wonderful time but we need to look back and see why Jesus came. He came for each one of us to die for our sins. According to the Bible, John 15: 13 it says, “There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.”

The pile of presents that the youths brought in for the gift exchange

Jesus Loves Us

“Jesus loves us no matter what we do or no matter how much we disobey him. He endured the same pain that we can feel so that we can have life, peace, hope and love forevermore. A love that does not depend on what you are or who you are”, she continued.

The reason that He sacrificed himself is so that we can have life, a peace that surpasses understanding and a hope that is limitless. Amidst this busy Christmas season reflect and see what God has done for us.

As the sermon was closing, the youths bowed their heads and ended in prayer, that everyone gives God a chance, that each of them will not take things for granted, and appreciate everything that they have. There is hope and the hope is in Jesus!

The youths having fun during praise and worship

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