5th Oct 2012 By Mindy Oon, CM –

As I made arrangements to meet Linda Lee and her daughter Sabrina Lee for their salvation story, little did I know that Pastor Paul Ang had just prayed over her saying “You will have lots of testimonies to share.”
Linda Lee received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior on Christmas Eve 2003. For a long time she had desired for someone to bring her to church, and God met this desire by sending her neighbor to invite her to this Christmas Eve event. During this event, she experienced the joy of the Lord, and with tears of joy, responded to the salvation call. Upon receiving the Lord, she had vast changes in her life, and felt that all her burdens had been lifted.
During her first years in her journey with the Lord, Linda described herself as being amazed at how people could speak in tongues. It was something so new, and she wondered if she herself would be able to do it. With her hunger for the Holy Spirit, she asked the Lord for the gift of tongues, and after six months, she was definitely a Spirit filled believer. Linda was also blessed to see her husband and both her daughters – Sabrina and Sharon, come to know the Lord. Through the years, she has experienced God’s protection, provision, care, love and guidance. Indeed Linda had many testimonies to share, each one proclaiming the goodness and faithfulness of God. Here are four that will touch your heart.
Testimony 1.
Linda experienced God’s protection when her husband, Simon, was in a car accident. On the morning of that particular day, the Lord kept impressing upon her heart the word ‘miracle’. Linda thought something good and exciting was going to happen, so much so that she couldn’t settle down for her afternoon nap. Around five in the evening she received a phone call from her husband, saying that he was in a car accident. Their new two year old car had turned turtle, glass was everywhere and the car a total wreck. He however, was safe, and had managed to crawl out of the car window, escaping without a single scratch. It would already have been a miracle for anyone to survive such a wreck, let alone to escape without any injuries.
Testimony 2.
The Lord also showed Linda that He cares for the little things in her life when she lost her diamond earring. Unable to find it after searching high and low, she committed the matter to the Lord. As she slept, God awoke her and impressed upon her heart Jeremiah 3v33 (Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know). Being a new Christian, she had not come across this verse, but when she read it, she knew that it was definitely God speaking to her, letting her know that He was able to tell her where the unsearchable earring had gone. And a little while later when she went to the toilet, she saw it glittering in the corner.
Testimony 3.
The Lord also provided for her daughter Sabrina who had been transferred to work in a pharmacy in Lenggong, a small outskirt about an hour away from Ipoh. Sabrina needed a place to stay and the only house suggested by her senior was a house that was filled with idols. Not feeling any peace, and rather worried, they returned to Ipoh and committed the matter to the Lord that night. Linda was confident that God would provide a place for her daughter, and indeed the next day when they went back to continue their lodging search, they met a friendly lady during lunch who invited them to her home. Little did they know that they lady was lived in a bungalow, and that she was a Christian. The lady offered Sabrina a place to stay, rent free, and in the end, Sabrina stayed with the lady and her family for one year and seven months. This was definitely the Lord’s provision as it is almost unheard of for one to allow a stranger to stay in their home, and without asking for rent money!
Testimony 4.
In 2008, Linda embarked on a mission trip to Cambodia with 5 team members. While she was praying for a Cambodian lady, the Lord showed her a vision of three thin ladies in white, and the name ‘Alice’ came to her. Not knowing which Alice the Lord was referring to because she knows many Alices, Linda asked the Lord the meaning of her vision. It was only after two months that God revealed who Alice was. Going for her usual line dancing class, Linda got to know a lady who had just moved from Singapore. She was tall and thin, and her name was Alice! Knowing that this was The Alice God had spoken about in the vision, Linda shared Christ with her new friend, and invited her to church. It was not long before Alice accepted the Lord.
A woman who runs after God, Linda and her family are serving at St. Andrew’s Church, Ipoh. Her testimonies show that God is real and that He cares, even for the smallest details in our lives, if only we would call to Him. Praise and glory be to the Lord!