You Have A Free Pass To A New Past!

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You have a free pass to a new past!

God is the God of your yesterday, today and forever. He wants to heal your past so you don’t have to live in denial. He wants to empower you for your present challenges. And He wants to assure your future so that you can be at rest.

Time travel is fascinating. Look at the number of movies using this theme. Have you fantasised going back to your past to undo a wrong? Have you ever thought of going back to the past and change something so that you can have a better present? The truth and the beauty of it all is that you can have a new past.


“Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. (Romans 6:3-4)”


God heals you of your pass hurt and rejection. He also gives you a new past. What happened to Jesus in His death and resurrection becomes the main overwhelming feature of your past. Now is the time to claim your new past. Don’t just munch and chew on this truth, sink yourself wholly into it. Jesus died to cleanse you, Jesus resurrected to free you. Embrace this glorious and monumental truth. Accept it. Live it. This is your new identity.


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Each passing day you have a fresh new chance for a fresh new past, a fresh new present and a fresh new future. God’s mercy is new every morning.

You are who you are in the present because of your past experiences, upbringing, interactions and exposure. You act what you presently feel or you act because of the thoughts you which presently carry. And your future is affected by how you live in the present or what you intentionally do in the present for your own personal desired predetermined outcome in the future.

SURRENDER your past, present and future to Christ. Let you past, present and future be united with Christ …burnt into Christ…engrafted into Christ …joined into Christ …connected and fused together with Christ. Hence what Jesus did for you becomes the main overwhelming feature of your past. The landscape of your past is changed. You have a brand new past. Therefore, you have a brand new present resulting in a brand new future. And you have a totally brand new identity.


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Believe it. What Jesus did affects you. He is part of your history. Let it become part of your past beyond your recent past of your earthly existence. Be part of Jesus’ history. Your history did not begin when you came into this world. Look to your past all the way back to the cross. Your past becomes bright. Your present becomes bright. Your future becomes bright.


“For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. (Romans 6:5-9)”


Because He died, you live. Because He resurrected, you overcome. You are irrevocably and eternally linked to Christ. Because you died with Him, you also live with Him. You live because He lives!

In the fictional time travel, there is something called the butterfly effect or the ripple effect. Simply means, if you change something in the past, you will effect changes in the present. Many have said that you cannot change your past, which is absolutely true. To overcome self-denial, you have to accept and reconcile with your past. This is precisely my point, but A DIFFERENT PAST.


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You see, we are the victims of our past running back to way beyond our existence … because of the fall of Adam … but we are victors through Jesus Christ who rose from the dead. We now have a new past. God’s provision at the crucifixion and resurrection – infused into our consciousness by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. This is the divine supernatural spiritual time machine. We now have the ripple effect, the butterfly effect, of the cross. We are transformed by that one act at Calvary. The Son of God said, “It is finished” and we are changed forever. The Gospel must be more than a historical factual event in our heads. The truth must be burned into, imprint and permeate our consciousness – producing the ripple effect, the butterfly effect, in our present reality. What happened then is ours now.

Have you been trying to change? But you’ve fallen into the same pattern over and over again? The cycle repeated itself, replicated, over the years? Something needs to happen to break the chain of events, to stop the cycle of habitual bondage and sin.


”For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:10-11)”


By faith today, surrender yourself to what happened to you at the cross. You can only be changed by what you’ve wholly given yourself to. Your life is in, and through, the cross, nothing else.


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Before the New Year’s Day of 1773, ex-slave trader turned church minister John Newton composed the famous hymn about the Amazing Grace that saved a WRETCH like me … let me add that God’s love will STRETCH from heaven to me … because of God’s Amazing Grace that is ABOUND … I am a rubber ball that REBOUND.


Pr Zac Loh is the founder of a ministry called “Discipling Africa.” He travels around the world to share about the importance of self-transformation and his love for God.


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Pr Zac Loh

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