Worshippers Congress 2015 Feast of Tabernacle

Rev David Swan
Rev David Swan


“I give God all the Glory, Honour and Praise! Worshippers Congress and Feast of Tabernacle (FOT) 2015 was successful beyond expectation!” declared Apostle David Tan Suan Chew, Founder of Third Day Glory Ministries, who hosted this event.

The Congress and FOT began on October 2- 4, 2015 has been through many months of preparation, with commitment, perseverance and prayers. With detailed planning by Pastor David, almost singlehandedly, having limited resources, several dedicated volunteers, together with the dancers, shofar blowers, drummers and trumpeters went through numerous rehearsals in preparation to usher in the Glorious Presence of the LORD.



In response to Pastor David’s invitation participants flowed in from about 14 nations and neighbouring lands, like, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines, Taiwan, Pakistan, Canada, Russia, Australia, Singapore, Brunei including the rainbow nation of Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak inclusive. Numerous participants from these nations were first-timers attended through the support and subsidies provided by Pastor David enabled them to witness and experience the glorious presence of the LORD.

Since the first day, as the Crown was ushered in, the presence of the LORD was felt and many started to sense in awe – the anointing, and some started to cry with tears of joy and gladness, while many experience and marvelled at the active and spontaneous response from different groups in reverence to the LORD. At this point, the congregation comprising various nations blended-in as a family of the LORD is truly a demonstration of manifestation of the spirit of unity amongst men. There were more than 1000 attendees and participants at every worship session and the numbers grew each day each session as the event news spread forth.




Every nation dressed in array of colours has the opportunity to display their expression of praise and worship to usher in the glory manifestation of God, the rest simultaneously merged in together in worship. Countless worshippers testified having experience an awesome and glorious encounter with the LORD for the first time in their Christian lives. Some felt the impact has changed them realising a new dimension of the LORD – He is absolutely REAL. Even though they speak in different languages the worshippers are in unity and one Spirit in worship to the LORD. Not only did women cried, many men cried too because of the great and tangible Presence and Glory of the Lord throughout each worship session. One man said he could not stop crying because he felt the Father’s Heart is moved by the worship and praises of the people in diverse tongues, cultures and languages. Thus, coming together corporately in pray, praise and worship is powerful.




Many felt this Congress is very different from others as the wave of His Glorious Presence is preparing Malaysia to a new level of revival for the nation. The multiple nationals having experience, enjoyed and basked in the glory of the LORD will carry home the wave of glory respectively creating a ripple effect amongst the people of the LORD.

There are numerous testimonies and few are included. Nevertheless many more testimonies are still flowing from Russia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, Borneo and other countries as the fire of revival from the Congress continue to touch, transformed lives and spark the fire of the Lord on the worshippers as they go to their respective countries.




On the last day of the Congress, to the surprise of everyone present, Eric and Lisa Foong announced their wedding plan and requested Apostle David to conduct their wedding. This beloved couple is truly blessed to have their wedding ceremony in such an auspicious occasion in the presence of the LORD. The gaiety, the pomp and the splendour; it is truly a Feast fit for the KING of Kings and the LORD of lords with worship, praises, in adoration of the true and living God.

Before the excitement could even come close to an end, the atmosphere continues with a new wave of revival by the Holy Spirit and Apostle David Tan Suan Chew of Third Day Glory Ministries announced “Congress 5777 and Feast of Tabernacle for 2016” shall be held at Spice Arena, Penang with a seating capacity of 10,000 on September 9 – 11, 2016.




As the saying goes a picture can paint a thousand words many pictures are displayed here with videos too. Photos taken included those from Spencer Wing, Masan Photography and Caleb.

Special thanks to Spencer Wing and Masan Photography for kindly consenting the use of their photos taken at the Congress and FOT 2015.


“Dear Pastor David, on the first night of the Congress in the midst of worship I saw in the spirit a huge angel hovering on the stage. Its size covering the whole stage. It’s a seraphim with wings span from the top left to the top right corners of the stage. The rest of its wings and body covers the rest of the stage touching the floor stage. Its feathers are of pure gold are well defined shining brightly throughout the whole worship session. The glorious and awesome presence of the Lord is in our midst.” Esther

Many participants witnessed and confirmed the manifestation of gold dust were all over the floor, on and under chairs; and some even on their clothes and hands.

“Dear Pastor David, at the Congress on Saturday night when the Chinese drummers were in session, I saw in the spirit the heavens open and immediately a giant golden bowl appeared containing the incense of worship and praise reaches up to heaven. Suddenly another golden bowl appeared, which is filled with many different types of gifts from the Lord for the worshippers. After that the whole hall turned into the throne room of the Father where the floor is of pure gold. About twenty minutes later Pastor David continued to lead in worship and declared that the Heaven is Open. Indeed this is glorious presence of the Lord.” Caleb Mah




“Ps David, just want to share with you what happened on the last day of congress. When all the pastors were praying for you, i saw a vision that an angel was blowing a trumpet on top of your head. I also saw anointing oil flowing down from above onto you! Yes….it was an open heaven…” Sarah Teoh Chin

“So after Sunday the last day of the congress I had a vision I saw 4 Angels the first single angel blew it’s trumpet and it made one sound and then I saw a second angel blew his Trumpet and made two sounds then I saw the third angel blew his Trumpet and made three sounds and then I saw the fourth angel and he blew his Trumpet and made four sounds and then I saw another angel come behind the first angel and he was holding a Golden Bowl in his hands I saw this angel turn towards the heavens with his arms lifted up he started to Flappy Wings and as he flapped his wings he was holding up the Golden Bowl to the heavens and I saw the smoke they came out of the bowl rise to the heavens as the angels were sounding the trumpets as a single was offering up the offerings of praise I believe it was in praises of unison in one Accord in the spirit and in truth amen god bless” – Acer Tui Luamanu “Yes we have gold dust on our hands. I also saw many on the floor of the auditorium. We are the Glory Generation!” – Ps Rolly Riguis Pondias from Philippines Blessings and Glory be to the LORD Caleb Mah c/o Eagle Christian Fellowship 012-2937981


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