Worship Song: More of You


Shamini Ruth is known to many of us from the Global Worship Day and A Day of Praise events. Every year, the event gathers Christians from various denominations for a corporate full day of praise and worship, and many have been blessed. Shamini is herself a composer. This worship song is part of a collection of her own compositions and is one of her earliest songs. May there be more of God in our lives as we grow deeper in our relationship with Him!


More of You



Sharing with you a song that Global Worship Malaysia just released called “More of You“. This song is one of the first few songs I wrote way back in 1995. It was a prayer song that I wrote based on John 3.30:He must increase but I must decrease“. To be like Him should be our goal. Many times when the Lord uses us, we want to be visible and shine brighter than Jesus and failing to let Him shine through us and let Him do His work through us. May we be reminded that we are just vessels for Him to work through. Let it be more of Him and less of me, that we might be a mirror of Him reflecting His marvelous glory!

Thank you team, Abi Lee , love what you did with the music arrangements and for your patience. Kavita Steven and Noel Ko , thank you for doing this song beautifully. May we all be more like Him!

Shamini Ruth
Global Worship Malaysia


Song Title | More of You

Words by Shamini Ruth | Lead vocals by Kavita Evelyn Steven | Background vocals by Noel Ko | Arranged, mixed and mastered by Abi Lee | Acoustic guitar by Noel Ko | Motion graphics by Jayden Nishan | Produced by Global Worship Malaysia


Song Lyrics

Verse 1
More of You, More of You
More of You is my desire
More of You, More of You
More of You is my desire
That You increase and we decrease
Jesus, You be seen in me
That You increase and we decrease
Jesus, You be seen in me


Verse 2
Flow through me, flow through me
Let Your anointing flow through me
Flow through me, flow through me
Let Your anointing flow through me
A vessel that’s pure and holy
For anointing, grace and mercy
A vessel that’s pure and holy
For anointing, grace and mercy


More of You, less of me Lord (4x)


Verse 3
Shine in me, Shine in me
Let Your light so shine in me
Shine in me, Shine in me
Let Your light so shine in me
That I might be a mirror of thee
Reflecting Your marvelous glory
That I might be a mirror of thee
Reflecting Your marvelous glory



This video and sharing was kindly contributed by Shamini Ruth and Global Worship Malaysia. You may find the original video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoHRA28jF8U


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