Worship Song: Glorious



Shamini Ruth is known to many of us from the Global Worship Day and A Day of Praise events. Every year, the event gathers Christians from various denominations for a corporate full day of praise and worship, and many have been blessed. Shamini is herself a composer. Here, she shares with us her latest composition, as well, as the inspiration behind it.





“Glorious” was a song that i was inspired to write while reading Habakkuk Chapter 3. I was in awe of how majestic and powerful God is as the author takes us back to history.

God showed His glorious power and stopped the sun and moon, turned the river into blood, parted the sea, yes He did this to deliver and save His people.

Let us be reminded that God has not changed and He is the same awesome powerful God that we serve. God will do it again, just like He did in the days of old. Don’t give up. Every Bible believing Christian must have the faith to believe that He will deliver and He will revive His work in us as we pray. We just have to wait and see the fulfillment of His promise to us.

We learn that Habakkuk prayed for revival but he praised the God of revival. May we know the power of deliverance and His mercies in prayer and praise.


Be blessed,
Shamini Ruth
Global Worship Malaysia










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