30 March 2013 by Kelvin Lim-
The Story Behind the Song – In Christ
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)
Our Senior Pastor spoke a series called IN where he inspired us to realize who we are IN Christ.
Through this message I realize that many believers don't grasp the power of being IN Christ. We get overcome by work, children, finance, sickness, relationship and so many other challenges in life.
I wrote this worship song to encourage us to declare that IN Christ, we are made new everyday, IN Christ all things that are passed and present that stops us from moving forward can be broken and we can be set free.
Today is Easter Weekend, let's learn to grasp the power of being IN Christ. He died so that we can be free.
You Can Save Lives,
Kelvin Lim
1a.m. Director ( Worship & Creative division of Eaglepoint)
Watch this music video!
Your grace consumes my sins
Your love is deeper than the deepest ocean
I'm alive because of you
I'm alive because of you
Your truth has set me free
Your peace flows longer than the longest river
I'm alive because of you
I'm alive because of you
Jesus I wanna be found more in love with you
Found deeper more in love with you
Jesus I wanna be found more in love with you
Found deeper in faith and hope in you
Jesus more of you, more of you, more of you
Less of me
In Christ I am a new creation
In Christ, old things have passed away
In Christ, I am a new creation
In Christ, In Christ
One Accord Ministry
One Accord Ministry or better known as 1a.m. is the worship and creative arm of Eaglepoint Church, Kuala Lumpur.
The phrase one accord holds Acts 2 together.
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” Acts 2:1.
The believers were united in everything they did. In our time, we come together in one accord because we believe that united worship brings change.
Visit 1a.m. Website: http://www.1am.com.my
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