World’s First Tamil Romanised Bible Scheduled to Be Launched This December!


29 Nov 2014 –


The world’s first Romanised Tamil Bible is scheduled to be launched this December 17th 2014 at Community of Praise Church, Taman Wahyu. The launch will be officiated by Rev Dr Simon Wong, the General Secretary of the Bible Society of Malaysia while Rev Gabriel Jabanathan, the Chairman of the Tamil Commission of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) will be bringing the message.




The Bible took 4 years to complete (including 3 rounds of proof reading). It enables Tamils to read the Bible in their own language even if they cannot read the script in Tamil. It is specifically dedicated to the Tamil speaking diaspora who cannot read Tamil and also to all English speaking persons who are non-Tamil speaking natives who are working among the Tamils. It also preserves the Tamil language among the diaspora who otherwise cannot read Tamil.




When Reverend Paul Packianathan, the senior pastor of Community of Praise church, was about half-way through Romanising the Tamil Bible, his friends asked him; “WHY?”. The normal response would have been “WHY NOT?”. Many Indians of Tamil origin (including Pastors and other Christians) in Malaysia cannot read the Tamil scripts and, even for songs, they depend on romanised versions. Although they cannot read, they can still understand Tamil. In all his years in the ministry he has observed that they depend on others to read the Tamil Bible for them.




In order to overcome this challenge, Reverend Packianathan believes that God had put this burden upon his heart. This Bible will enable these Indians to read the Bible in their own language even if they cannot read in Tamil. Furthermore, there are many English speaking missionaries and individuals who are doing great work among the Indians, especially in Tamil Nadu, where Tamil is the main medium of communication. Reverend Packianathan believes that this Bible will be of great assistance to them. He is certain that when a foreigner speaks the native language of the Indians, they are going to very pleased.


Event Information:

What: The Launch of the World’s First Romanised Tamil Bible

Where: Community of Praise Church, Taman Wahyu

When: December 17th 2014

What Time: 8.00pm


For more information about the church or event, you can go to their website at or their Facebook page at /CoPChurchMalaysia.


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  1. 0

    Praise the Lord Pastor for the wonderful works of yours to romanised tamil Bible versioned that you have prepared congratulations Pastor. I will like to have a copy how shall I get it and from whom please reply and thank you for your cooperation.

  2. 0

    Its really good news for every one who like to read a tamil bible without learning tamil alphabets. and i need a bible, please send me the details

  3. 0

    Dear Pastor, praise God for your work! I will get a copy. May I ask the Tamil Romanised Bible is translated from which version? Is it the modern tamil or classical tamil? Because we play the online audio tamil bible for hindu background new believers to listen, they say they cannot understand as it is classical tamil. Therefore we have resorted to reading from the Easy-To-Read Version Tamil on Bible Gateway, someone reads for them to listen.

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