Where is God when it hurts? | Dr Philip Yancey | 14-15 Nov |Wesley Methodist Church Kuala Lumpur

Ref: matthewpaulturner
Ref: matthewpaulturner


Conference Times

14 November 2015 – Saturday – 9.30 AM – 4.30 PM

15 November 2015 – Sunday – 9.00 AM – 12.30 PM




About Dr Philip Yancey

Growing up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the southern USA, a young Philip Yancey tended to view God as “a scowling Supercop, searching for anyone who might be having a good time—in order to squash them.” Yancey jokes today about being ‘in recovery’ from a toxic church. “Of course, there were good qualities too. If a neighbor’s house burned down, the congregation would rally around and show charity—if, that is, the house belonged to a white person. I grew up confused by the contradictions. We heard about love and grace, but I didn’t experience much. And we were taught that God answers prayers, miraculously, but my father died of polio just after my first birthday, despite many prayers for his healing.”

For Yancey, reading offered a window to a different world. So, he devoured books that opened his mind, challenged his upbringing, and went against what he had been taught. A sense of betrayal engulfed him. “I felt I had been lied to. I went through a period of reacting against everything I was taught and even discarding my faith. I began my journey back mainly by encountering a world very different than I had been taught, an expansive world of beauty and goodness. Along the way I realized that God had been misrepresented to me. Cautiously, warily, I returned, circling around the faith to see if it might be true.”


Ref: i.ytimg
Ref: i.ytimg


Ever since, Yancey has explored the most basic questions and deepest mysteries of the Christian faith, taking millions of readers with him. Early on he crafted best-selling books such as  Disappointment with God  and  Where is God When it Hurts?  while also editing The Student Bible.  More recently, he has felt the freedom to explore central issues of the Christian faith, penning award-winning titles such as The Jesus I Never KnewWhat’s So Amazing About Grace? and Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?  His books have garnered 13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers. He currently has more than 15 million books in print, published in 35 languages worldwide.


Ref: bookshoptalk
Ref: bookshoptalk


SATURDAY (9.30AM – 4.30PM)

Session 1:             The Question That Never Goes Away

Session 2:             Where Is God When It Hurts?

Session 3:             The Secret of the Universe


SUNDAY (9.00AM – 12.30PM)

Session 4:             A King and A Prostitute

Session 5:             Q & A


Reg. Type Due Date Fee/pax
Early Bird By 15 Sep 2015 RM 40/pax
Normal 16 Sep 2015 – 20 Oct 2015 RM 50/pax
Late 21 Oct 2015 – 13 Nov 2015 RM 65/pax
Walk-in 14 Nov 2015 RM 80/pax
Full-time Student Rate:  50% discount off Normal registration fee


  • Registration must be accompanied by payment to be valid.
  • Fees paid are non-refundable; however, you may transfer your registration
    to another person.


For registration form, please download from www.klwesley.org  For enquiries, please call the Church Office, 03-2072-0338/9 or email to wmckl@klwesley.org.


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