Temptation is something that we deal with daily in our lives. The Oxford Dictionary defines temptation as the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. Merriam-Webster defines it as something tempting; a cause or occasion of enticement. In both of these statements, the core idea that we pick up is that of desire. Sin always has a starting point, and it is called desire. Desire in itself is not sinful, but it is when we desire the wrong thing that cannot be controlled, that it leads to sin. When we flip the pages of scripture, we see that Jesus Our Saviour had an overwhelming desire – it was to heal, deliver and set free those who were in bondage and sin. The great apostle Peter desired repentance in his life. Paul had the desire to disciple the church of God and lay down foundations that would sustain the growing church. He also had a deep desire for missions. These are good desires. Therefore, not all desire is evil in itself.

As James 1:13 reads, ‘Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” Temptation here is conceived by our own desires. That is the root. When our desires are not Godly, the seed is planted and it will grow into a tree! ‘What do we surround ourselves with?’ is the question we should be asking. Are we around things or circumstances that can pique the desire? “Be Holy For I Am Holy”, the clarion call that we read in 1 Peter 1:15-16 is the benchmark for a believer in Jesus.
Let’s talk about snakes for a moment. Did you know that the black mamba snake is known for its large size, quickness, and extremely potent venom? It lives in sub-Saharan Africa and is one of the continent’s most dangerous snakes. The average black mamba is 2–2.5 metres (6.6–8.2 feet) long, with a maximum length of 4.3 metres (14 feet). Despite its name, the snake is not black. Instead, it ranges in colour from grey to dark brown, with a lighter underside. The black actually refers to the colour of the inside of its mouth; green mambas and other snakes have white mouths.

One of the fastest snakes, the black mamba is capable of speeds of more than 12 miles (19 km) per hour. When it strikes, it’s with precision. It can continuously strike its prey/victim up to 12 times in succession. One venomous strike has enough venom that can kill up to 25 adults in 15 minutes! Knowing these facts, if we do come across these reptiles, we should flee and stay away from them, not go near and try to play with them or inspect them at close range! It’s the same with sinful desires, when we know something is bad or unwise, just stay away. Don’t afford it any attention.
When we have an active relationship with God, He warns us of what is ahead. The Holy Spirit is there to caution us on the things we face. He will reveal to us and speak the truth in every circumstance, telling us ‘It’s Dangerous, Don’t Do It, It’s Wrong, It Will Cause Problems!‘ On the other hand, the tempter, the evil one will always sugarcoat these instances that entice. He will give the impression that ‘It is Fun, It Won’t Hurt You, It’s Just A Small Thing, You Will Love It!’ These statements are meant to feed the desire and stoke the fire!
So how does one overcome temptation? Perhaps we can share 3 things that have helped us in our walk with God.
#1. What Desires Do You Have A Problem With That Seems To Be A Weak Spot In Your Life?

Identify this and keep away from it. Each of us has our own weak spots, things that we succumb to easily. The enemy knows it and will use it to his advantage. Each of us must do an internal audit of our lives and identify these areas with the help of the Holy Spirit. He reveals to redeem us. When God points out areas in our lives and shows them to us, it is not to condemn us. Romans 8:1 guarantees that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. It is for us to realise and overcome it.
#2. Avoid Tempting Situations.

If you know a situation or surrounding will awaken certain desires in you, learn from 2 Timothy 2:22 and flee! Whenever I am out driving and looking for a parking spot, I always look above and consider the surrounding. ‘Why?’ you may ask. It’s because of bird droppings! We all know how bird droppings can damage the paintwork and exterior of a car, especially one that has just been washed and polished! If we can do that for temporal things, how much more should we consider our eternal destiny!
#3. Make An Effort To Fill Yourself With God’s Word.

Do what is right and honorable in his eyes. This means that there is no place for wrong or unwise things. How did Jesus overcome Satan’s temptations in the desert? He used the scriptures! Jesus was teaching us how to face the enemy and defeat him using the same tools. The Word of God is meant to be a sword. It is a weapon to defeat the flaming arrows of the enemy. How many of us can recall and quote scripture at ease? If we read God’s Word, memorise it, and keep it in our hearts and mind, when temptation comes calling, we have the Word ready to be used against the enemy.

As we move forward in life pursuing all that God has laid down for us, let us be aware that the enemy is always waiting to trip us up. Never take him for granted. Be prepared and always be on guard. Let us all determine in our spirits to fill ourselves with the promises of God so that our spirit man is strengthened and we can be overcomers in Christ Jesus!
About the Ryans: Ps. Justin Ryan & his wife Ps. Jacquie are the founders of One Voice Ministries, established in 2008. It is a missions and training ministry focused on reaching the 10/40 Window. To date they have ministered in 9 nations, teaching and training pastors and leaders as well as evangelising many of the unreached peoples groups. Here in Malaysia, One Voice has an established work with the Orang Asli.
In 2013, the Lord has led them to found Issachar Academy where they provide training specifically for missions in a hospitable environment. Through the academy, the Ryans also help Christians recognise and move in their seasons with God.For more details please visit them at www.onevm.net
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