Like Water to a Dry Soul- HT Long


10 June 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-


On 24th of May, the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship Malaysia (FGBMF) held an evangelistic concert by our very own Elvis Presley, HT Long, at the Global Business and Convention Centre.

The night was called, ‘AN UNFORGETTABLE Evening of Humor and Song with HT Long!


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HT Long on-stage


Although the concert started at 7:30 pm, enthusiasts were already seen pouring in an hour before the show started. More than 300 people turned up for the concert, where each ticket is sponsored by respective FGB Chapters.

“We thank God because the FGB prayer team did everything accordingly, so things were in order.”

“But the only hitch was that we were hoping for more people who have yet to know Christ, to come to the concert. Everyone was enjoying themselves so much through the evening,” said Yesudas, chapter president of TA One Chapter.


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HT engaging the audience

The crowd was very involved to say the least. They sang along, danced along and a few of them even came on-stage to dance the Elvis way with HT.


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The audience coming up to dance the Elvis way!


“Besides singing, HT also shared his testimony with his usual funny streak. And praise the Lord! Two people accepted Christ after the concert!” said Yesudas.

Not only was the crowd entertained, HT was also glad to reconnect with his long lost classmates in his concert; not to mention, sing a few duet songs on-stage with his songstress niece, Rachel Voon.

A night of singing and humor, the concert was like a cup of cooling water to a dry and weary soul. 


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The audience enjoying themselves!


For more information on FGBMF, please refer to


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  1. 0

    My family and I, we really enjoyed the Concert. Ht Long as usual was just awesome! He sang his heart out and gave all praises & glory to Jesus Christ our Lord and our GOD! Hallelujah, Amen.


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