United To Transform Prayer Conference, Glad Tidings PJ


18 September 2014 by Jason Law CM –


Recently, the prophet Cindy Jacobs gave a prophecy over Malaysia. ‘There is a Great Awakening coming to Malaysia. “My glory is going to wash Malaysia from the North to the South, from the East to the West,” says the Lord. The Lord God said, “I am going to pour out My Spirit, the former and the latter rain; together I am going to raise up a generation of miracle workers. This anointing is going to hit schools; even in the primary schools. Look particularly to the coast lines of Malaysia.’

Cindy Jacobs was speaking in the United To Transform Prayer Conference held in Glad Tidings PJ from the 10th-13th of September 2014. ‘“I am coming,” says the Lord, “to visit the coast. And it’s not going to stay (the same) because I am coming like a mighty tsunami of glory.”And I am coming in such a way that you cannot imagine,” says the Lord.   


Prophetess Cindy Jacobs


‘The Lord is saying that He is concerned with what is going on in the nations today. He is never asleep, and the time is coming soon when He will pour out His wrath on those who are stubborn in their wicked ways. He is displeased with the corruption that is going on in many parts of the world. God is calling for those who are corrupted and power abusing to repent or be shaken to their foundations. Give up your wicked ways or find your corruption exposed for what they are,’ warned Jacobs.

Already, there are ripples giving sign of the Spiritual tsunami that is to come. The battles in the spiritual realms are intensifying each day, Cindy Jacobs shared, but there are also many things she has seen that gives her great encouragement. In many parts of the world, people are returning to the Lord in great numbers, and their prayer lives have increased dynamically, often transforming the impossible into the miraculous.


Cindy Jacobs at the United to Transform Prayer Conference


We must position ourselves so that when the great tsunami hits, we are ready to ride on the crest of its waves, Cindy Jacobs imparted. Every later generation stands upon the shoulders of the work done by giants in the previous generations. One such example is John Sung. It is well-known that John Sung’s determination to redeem the souls of people for God was such that he gave up every qualification he had earned as a young man.

‘He only kept his doctorate out of a promise he made to his father, and that doctorate he gave to his father’s hands. It was said that John Sung prayed for the souls of people with such intensity that you could wring the sweat out of his clothes after every prayer session. He worked so hard for the souls of the people around him that it affected his health. That was how much the souls of people mattered to him,’ Cindy Jacobs shared.


John Sung


‘Today, we’re standing upon the hills left through the legacies of people like John Sung. It is an exciting time for Christians. We mustn’t give up and let the work of people like them go to waste and end up for nothing. We must be faithful unto the Lord, we must continue to push on and keep the momentum. We must hold on to what the Lord has said, that there is going to be a great revival in the latter days, and that His glory is going to be manifested like never before.’     

The conference was also graced by the sharing of Pastor Julius Suubi. He shared about the requirements for transformation. ‘If we look in to the Bible, we can see that for every character in it, there is a favorite word. If you ask Abraham, the word would be faith. If you ask Jacob, it will be fighting for his inheritance. For Joseph; dreams and visions. For Moses; deliverance. For Solomon; wisdom. For David, that word is seeking after the heart of God.


Pastor Julius Suubi


‘Transformation can only come when we are in the presence of God. We must hunger for His presence with the same intensity that David hungered for that presence. We often ask God to transform situations, but in order for transformation to come, there must first be revival. And for revival to take place, we cannot be lackadaisical. Everything must begin with desire after God; that is the most important thing of all.  

‘To seek after God is not to perform an action. It is a lifestyle that needs to be developed, when we learn to focus on God instead of the problem. What is it that motivates us? It cannot be our problems because then once the problem goes away, we will drift away from Him. It must be our love for God. God is often more interested in transforming us than the situations around us. Seeking is a place of transformation, and where we learn to change our priorities from the answers to the one who provides the answer.’


Pastor Julius Suubi at the United to Transform Prayer Conference


The three-day conference was an anointed time in which people prayed and worshipped prophetically, and the thing that filled hearts with hope was the fact that many of the attendees were from the young generation.   


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