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“Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye, and returned to her childhood home.” (Ruth 1:14 LB)




Eccles 3:11: He has made everything beautiful in its time. 


It is in God’s time that He makes all things beautiful. But most of us unfortunately, lack such discernment and wisdom to appreciate God’s timing in our lives. God has a plan and a set time for everybody. A timeline for every season and every problem under heaven. Sometimes He moves suddenly but sometimes He takes a very long time to act. Meanwhile, He says to you don’t forget that I am in control (Psalm 46:10).




The fact of the matter is we don’t know everything about Him and besides its dangerous to conclude we know Him fully.  The only thing you need to know is that when God moves, you must learn to move with Him!

There is a time for everything, there is a season for everything. You will not be in the same situation forever, but remember, it will not be over until God says it’s over!  Certain people will leave your life and when they do, let them go! Don’t try to talk them into staying because of the simple truth that your destiny is seldom tied to those who walk away!


“They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us.” (1 Jn:19 NIV) 


You know what? When people don’t belong to your life!  When people don’t belong to your journey! Even a bucket of Super Glue won’t make them stay!
Orpah’s leaving didn’t make her a bad person, it merely meant her part in the story was over. Therefore we need to use our Godly wisdom to recognize when somebody’s part in your life is over let them go, otherwise you will keep trying to raise the dead.


Ref: blogspot


Never beg someone to stay with you against their will because it’s not going to work in the long run. It is not an accident that certain people get connected to you at some point in time and leave you at some season. It simply means God is in control of everything that happens in your life. He is steering your destiny. You know what?  You bet your life despite certain people leaving you God has got something better in store for you. There is nothing too hard for God to accomplish in your life if you could only trust Him to do it for you. When God wants to bless you, even if it breaks every rule in the book, He will do it for you!

Failure comes when people fail to recognize and bypass the special seasons and opportunities God brings into your life. Many aspects of human life can only be experienced once in a life time. Time is a great gift of God to mankind. What you do with your time determines the summary of your life and destiny. Therefore if you lose control of your time, you lose control of your life!
You know what? Life is not valued by the time you live but by the use of the time. Even a short life is long when it is wisely spent. When you fail to manage time you will end up with a bankrupt life!


Remember God did not speak to Moses for 40 years! because of one mistake Moses made. He left him there for 40 years and broke him down until he was fit to move on with God. God sometimes will leave us in the wilderness to form us into His character until we grow to match the assignment that He places upon us.


Ref: wordpress


The scripture says, suddenly Moses heard the voice of God calling “Moses! Moses!”. You feel like screaming your head off! 40 years! The heavens were shut! 40 years! You felt you were forgotten and condemned to be a shepherd on the remote-side of the desert.

Remember, there is a reason for everything. God has already fixed an appointed time! You will not be in the same situation forever! But it will not be over until God says it is over!

God wanted to begin a new nation and He wanted Moses to lead it. God’s timing seems very strange sometimes to the human mind to comprehend, but that’s how God operates! And that’s why he is God!

When God busts into your season with His programme, you are suddenly introduced into the picture and nobody can stop it. No matter how demoralized, how weak, how inadequate you may feel, it doesn’t matter with God.

God said to Moses, “I am going to empower you as like a god unto Pharaoh, you go and bring my people out of Egypt!”


Ref: wikimedia


God will introduce a new season of change! It’s a season of Miracles! It’s a season of His programme! Get ready! God will move the world for you.

The problem with most of us I discovered is that when circumstances and anxiety over takes us we often try to jump the gun overriding God’s sovereignty. Thus we miss out on the significant purpose of God in our lives. Little do we realize that when we are not flowing in God’s timing, the enemy will hunt you down and attack you. “Unripe fruit will leave the sour taste.” When we permit God to work out his plan for our lives according to His schedule the end result is, you get the best for your life.


JaiNote: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of   Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is a mission    minded pastor who carries an apostolic anointing who  preaches  and teaches an uncompromising gospel  with  boldness. A member  of ECCM (Malaysia)  Spiritual Adviser &  overseer to various  ministries and churches. An itinerant  speaker.  He is also the  author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time  Clock.’ Currently he  worships  at C3 Subang.


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Rev Dr Jai Kumar

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