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“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isa.55:9)


One idea that God gives you can change your entire life. When Bill Gates had an idea he went looking for investors, some of his big business friends called it “too risky”. Can you imagine how they would feel now? It is undeniable that man has succeeded and accomplished many great things in this world.

Having said that, man’s wisdom is however still limited when compared to God’s wisdom.




Of course we are not denying that good ideas are great. But if good ideas are great, don’t you think that God’s ideas are even greater? When God gives you an idea, you bet, He will back you up with the resources of Heaven. The fact of the matter is that God’s economy has never failed but man’s economy has failed too often.

Paul said: “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches” (Php.4:19).

Imagine what a difference it will make when your ideas are being influenced and empowered by God.




God’s problem has never been a lack of giving you ideas when you seek Him with all your heart and mind. But you know what? The problem is finding the right people of faith who are willing to take on those ideas passionately and faithfully. There are a lot of us sitting in our comfort zone and trying to talk terms with God using our own clever ideas.

Here is what we need to understand despite all that we are thinking. God is not going to be impressed by your clever ideas and your intelligence. The only thing God will be impressed is when you dare to apply kingdom principles in your walk of faith. When you and I are prepared to walk on the water we will draw breakthroughs and miracles in our situations. We serve a supernatural God and we are the children of a supernatural God!




When you operate on kingdom principles you become a kingdom enforcer and you will be able to take God’s ideas and take it to a different level.  It can only be done when you have the kind of faith to walk in the supernatural. When you step into the impossible you draw the presence and power of God to manifest in your situation.

Abraham was able to impress God because of his faith. He was called the father of faith.


By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Heb 11:8)


Because of one man’s faith that impressed God, “All the families of the earth will be blessed through you” (Gen.28:14).

Here is what we need to know: God’s ideas and wisdom freely flows in us when we first acknowledge our own wisdom is limited and cannot be depended upon. Secondly when we set aside our pre- conditions and we are willing to do whatever God says. Thirdly, we are willing to take risk, (faith without risk is hollow faith.) Fourthly when our focus is not on ourselves anymore but all about Him.




Abraham saw the place afar off (Gen.22:4). He did not have a blue print when God called him out. But he got excited about the invisible; although he could not tell where he was going he trusted God to know his destiny. He learned to walk in the invisible by following his spiritual compass.

David knew a life-changing moment has come for his people despite all the odds against him as others were running away from the giant.  He took the risk of faith to walk in the impossible and defeated Goliath and became a game changer.


“What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that will I do”( Isa.46:11 )


God has declared and spoken certain things over your life. Humble yourself. Acknowledge your limitations. Seek Him and one idea that comes from Him will transform your entire life.


JaiNote: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of   Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is a mission    minded pastor who carries an apostolic anointing who  preaches  and teaches an uncompromising gospel  with  boldness. A member  of ECCM (Malaysia)  Spiritual Adviser &  overseer to various  ministries and churches. An itinerant  speaker.  He is also the  author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time  Clock.’ Currently he  worships  at C3 Subang.


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Rev Dr Jai Kumar

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