26 Jan 2015 by Reverend Dr Jai Kumar –
You are what you are because of what you think in your heart (Prov. 23:7)
We are born-again Spirit-activated people of God. We have been made alive through the death of Jesus on the cross. Therefore we are to live consistent to who we are in Christ!
The born-again spirit in us is a powerful element that controls the soul and the body in us. We need to be seriously sensitive to how we think because the way you think will determine your spiritual attitude. If you unconsciously go back and allow your feelings to control your spiritual attitude then you will be heading for trouble. The spirit in us is in absolute control of our feelings. Our protection and wellbeing is the consciousness of your born-again spirit in you which controls everything including our faith we walk in everyday.
Faith does not follow your feeling but your feelings will follow your faith.
When you are able to see God in your circumstances you will find victory in every encounter you face in life.
God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
When the Isralietes were about to possess the promised land Joshua and Caleb alone saw God in their circumstances whereas the 10 others spies saw a different picture of fear that crippled them into a grasshopper mentality which defeated them from moving forward. You will not be defeated when you see God in the midst of your circumstances.
Zec. 4:6
It’s not by might nor by power but by my spirit says The Lord.
Change your thinking and you will change your life! You have the ability within you through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to transform every situation that confronts you in your life. No matter how hopeless or helpless a crisis may appear, you can either view that problem negatively or positively. You have a choice to trust your crisis to the supernatural miracle-working God; the promise-keeping God who can turn your impossible situation around into a miracle, or you can trust your crisis to your own limited ability and drain yourself up, by struggling through and getting nowhere.
![nov 812](http://christianitymalaysia.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/nov-812.jpg)
However, having said all that, when you and I are suddenly faced with a crisis, the spiritual atmosphere changes with most of us at least. It’s o.k. to praise God and boast of all His goodness and mercy when everything is flowing smoothly for you but it’s quite a different matter when you are faced with a serious situation. When our faith is severely tested, how often do we find times when we become so depleted and weak that someone steps in taking control of your situation? You feel that you are no longer in control of the situation and you feel that you are losing all balance and direction to your destiny. You are just hanging there hopeless and helpless.
You will notice one common scenario! That all of us will be confronted instantly and that is an experience of “FEAR.” Fear is a perverted tool of the enemy. Fear is the first weapon the enemy will use to demoralize you! FEAR will FREEZE you in such a situation. You will not know what to do and how to do and how to solve your problem in such a situation. Because FEAR will affect your mental equilibrium and you will no longer be able to think straight anymore.
Paul is reminding us very clearly in Rom.12:2:
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
You become a conformer when you have no control over your life. HOW DO YOU DEFINE A CONFORMER? People who compromise the standards, values, virtues, morals and principles laid down in God’s word. One who has developed a poor measurement of the Kingdom of God.
2 Timothy 3:5
…..having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
A transformer on the other hand renews his mind with God’s word daily. He allows God to speak into his life about His goodness and mercy and he flows in the purpose and plan of God. Such is a person who can hear from God and who is in absolute confidence of who is in control of his life. You got to pluck into the word of God and study what the word says about you and when you behold the word, the Holy Spirit will do his work of transforming you into the image of his glory.
If you don’t get into God’s word the world will get into you. The world will seduce you into a mindset of thinking that it’s o.k to flow with it. A thinking pattern that is not in line with God’s word. You either grow into the image of God or you grow into the image of the world.
IF YOU GROW INTO THE IMAGE OF THE WORLD: this is what will happen to you.
It will seduce you into thinking that gay lifestyle is o.k. It will seduce you into thinking that same sex marriage is o.k.! It will seduce you into thinking that living out of wedlock is o.k. It will seduce you into thinking that you don’t need God to drive your life! You will be seduced into thinking that in the name of freedom just keep doing what you feel is good for you. This is what the world is selling us by and large today. Can anybody ever understand what is the world today?
The world tries to infiltrate and conquer us with knowledge and intelligence. This is what the new-age gurus are doing right now all over the world. They use intelligence and knowledge to conquer and influence people.
When you are exposed and bombarded by this garbage constantly and you hear and see all this big guys in the limelight and the media of the world making statements against the word of God and ridiculing God. Undoing every moral standard that God has established from the very beginning for mankind. You better watch out; no sooner after that you will be subtly drawn away by this demonic thinking that will trap you into their philosophy and subsequently cut you off from God.
Have you ever realized that the world is in such a mess today because people have de-recognized God and removed God out of the equation? They say we can make it without God! We don’t need God!
Jesus said:
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5).
How long does it take a branch to die when it is cut off from the root?
The question is who is influencing you in your thinking. Is your thinking measured by the word of a God or is it influenced by the philosophies of this world?
Note: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is also the representative of Faith International Bible School for Malaysia & Singapore. He is the founder and senior pastor of Full Gospel Outreach Ministry KL. A member of ECCM (Malaysia) Spiritual Adviser & overseer to various ministries and churches. An itinerant speaker with a passion for missions. He is also the author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time Clock.’
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