Ref : gespo |

3 Nov 2014 by Reverend Dr Jai Kumar –


Many of us carry shadows from the past that has darkened our present day lives. These can be traced back to painful soul injuries that took place in your past years. The damage may be so tremendous and deep that some of us find it difficult to come out of it and appropriate the new life in Christ. Broken homes and marriages results in broken hearts, hurts and brings confusion to lives.


Ref : amybscher


There are many things that can place lasting damage to our souls. As I had mentioned earlier in my article, a healthy spirit is a sound foundation for a healthy soul. A healthy soul favours a healthy body. Obviously it is absolutely impossible to function soundly if we are emotionally sick. God wants us whole in spirit, soul and body. But we must allow Him to work His total healing into our lives.

Needless to say that many Christians are defeated and suffer today because they have not dealt seriously with this issue of deep scars in their souls and they keep recalling it all the time. Although at times they seem to receive healing but they lose their healing after a short period of time because they lack understanding in the deeper levels of soul needs.


Isaiah 43: 18-19,

 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”  


Listen! “We cannot change the past, but we can do something about our future.” 



So many people are holding on to their past; they let the past hold them prisoner, so much so that they find it hard to move forward in the plan and purpose of God. Listen! It’s not what you are going to that will destroy you, but it’s what you are going back to that will kill you!


Ref : razvoj-karijere


Stop looking back and recalling your past. What is in front of you is far greater than what is behind you. Have you ever realized that satan will always remind you of your past but God will always remind you of your future?


Paul said in Phil 3:12: 

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”. 


Apparently there are people who are suffering indefinitely because either they have not addressed this issue of painful memories of their past or they fear willfully to address this matter on the other hand. 


Ref : obrazky


Isn’t it true that it’s hard to think straight with a balanced mind when our heart is hurting? The key to life’s victory and wholeness is to find inner peace and inner peace can only come when we are able to maintain peace with God which will result in inner healing of the soul.  

You know what? God wants us “whole”. He wants us sound and complete IN OUR SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY. Therefore God always starts at the center of our being: our spirit. Our inner man (John 7:37-38) then He desires to work His way into our soul, to heal and restore it. He touches our spirit with His spirit. After our spirit is released our soul can be restored


3John2 KJV

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”


The verse reinforces that physical health is linked to the well being of our soul. Or rather a healthy soul life is absolutely required for a healthy body life.

Spiritual problems, mental and emotional (soul) problems, these in turn produces physical (body) problems. The links between our spirit, soul and body is truly an unbroken chain and it’s strongly interrelated to each other. This is the reason why medical doctors and psychologists fail to heal and deliver sickness and illness completely but rather can only sustain the patients on medications indefinitely.

Because the root of the problem is the soul and the spirit that is producing the problem and apparently this area is not being addressed and the issue not rooted out. 


Ref : falkvinge


Just like in order to kill a tree completely you can’t just keep cutting its trunk, branches and trimming its leaves. You got to go deeper into the root and you got to uproot it otherwise it will keep growing again and again.

Some of us are so ignorant that we keep wondering why the tree is not dead despite all our efforts of cutting what appears above the roots. Because what you cut above the root will only last for a short time, but you uproot will last forever.

The first step to freedom in CHRIST is to renounce any previous involvements with occultic practices or false religions i.e Divination, Witchcraft, Mediums, Idolatry.  


Deut. 18:9-14

“You shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations”


Throughout all the healing crusades that I had personally witnessed in my ministry, I have noticed one thing; that is, in many cases healings and deliverance took place instantly after praying for some people, particularly body pain and other physical symptoms. However, it was discovered later that those healings were not sustained very long because the spiritual and soul needs were not addressed, which apparently was the root of the problem for recurrence.



Unfortunately many people involved in deliverance and healing ministry are ignorant of this important strategy which of course requires much dedication, effort, time and serious counseling. Unless we are prepared to go deeper and touch the root of the problem (inner soul), we will miss the mark and you would only see partial, limited, and relapse in the person you are ministering and praying for.



Forgiving somebody sets you free! It takes the load off your back and enables you to live again and walk in the blessings of God once again.


Ref : garycoxe


In most cases I have discovered that unforgiveness is the greatest sin that has crippled many Christians TODAY. They want God to forgive them but they are unwilling to forgive others. WE WANT GOD TO BLESS US BUT WE ARE UNWILLING TO BLESS OTHERS. Can you see the hindrance there?

We must learn from Jesus how to release forgiveness towards others who have wronged us. What did Jesus say when He was tormented with unthinkable agony on the cross?  


Luke 23:34

“Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”


This is the main key to inner healing. He forgave so that you may have life!

If we fail to forgive others a root of resentment would begin to grow in our souls. Before long it will become a bitter root. Resulting in the sufferings of our souls, meaning the pain will torment every area of your life. A life that will become hell on earth. You know what? You are holding the keys in your hand to unlock the prison of hell and apparently the choice is yours.  If you are not careful to deal with this issue quickly I am afraid your soul can rot and decay in the ‘hell’ of unforgiveness.


Ref : stclarebronx


The Psalmist was referring to Jesus when he said:

“You will not leave my soul in hell, or let your Holy One see decay and destruction” – Psalm 16:10 


Your inner healing can only take place if you can release and forgive others. Look to Jesus for the grace of forgiveness if you are in short supply of it! He forgave you of all your iniquities and sins and purchased you by that One sacrifice on the cross so that you may secure a place in Heaven!!



“So shall my Father do to you, if in your heart you refuse to forgive your brothers”



“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”


Whatever you don’t forgive, you ‘relive!’ You replicate.  That causes you to keep striking at others and that will rob you of the joy of loving, and being loved in return. What a loss!! You know what?  Here is a key: “Whatever you don’t want to be carried into your future you need to cut it out in the present. Repeating the past will only create more of your past”.

Increasing medical evidence has been revealing that the root of bitterness and unforgiveness is largely responsible for a lot of psychosomatic and physical illness in human beings in the present society. When you hate somebody you kill yourself either directly or indirectly!


Ref : whchurch


You know what? When you withhold forgiveness, you not only hurt the other person, but you hurt yourself more! You lose the joy of living. It hangs over you like a cloud, affecting everything you do. You become DRAINED OUT, YOU AGE FAST and ultimately you DON’T LIVE LONG! Can you start to see what unforgiveness can do to your life?

The SIN OF UNFORGIVENESS damages our lives by causing illness to our spirit, soul and body. Only God can heal these three areas of our lives, example (spirit, soul and body) and make us complete and whole again.




Ref : Joseph Forgives His Brothers – Peter Von Cornelius ;1817 (wikimedia)


Remember the life of Joseph. He fed those who imprisoned and abused him. He blessed those who betrayed him. You know what? In so doing, God promoted him in a land that he did not belong, he prospered and was favoured by God to a level he could hardly imagine and comprehend!  He became second-in-command of the Egyptian civilization that was so advanced in those days. History says he rode on a chariot that was made of gold. All the people bowed and applauded as he rode past them. Joseph had a forgiving heart! Joseph controlled his emotions! And he was set free from his anger and revenge over his own brothers.

God wants to heal the broken and bruised parts of our lives. The role of the Holy Spirit is to bring every part our bodies to be safe, sound and strong. This is part of our salvation process.


Psalm 147:3 says –

He heals the broken hearted & binds up their wounds. 


Reverend Jai
Reverend Jai Kumar

Note: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is also the representative of Faith International Bible School for Malaysia & Singapore. He is the founder and senior pastor of Full Gospel Outreach Ministry KL, a member of ECCM, Spiritual Adviser & overseer of Capstone Ministries/Capstone Community Church -C3 (Bangalore); Co-founder and adviser of Kingdom Christian Fellowship, Subang Jaya, he is also the author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time Clock.’


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    Dear Jai Kumar

    I read your article and I even attempted to post the comment as shown below, but could not get the Catcha Code correct despite of numerous attempts for some reason. So I am providing it here and if you are able to post it on my behalf, it will be good. Thanks. GOD BLESS.

    “It is absolutely correct, what Rev. Dr. Jai Kumar has so well written and underpinned as such in this evergreen timely and scriptural important article. Unforgiveness is indeed a cancer spreading destruction which not only ravages, engulfs and destroys the whole body in record time, but also the individual’s very soul. This is Satan’s stronghold – an unforgiving heart. Satan is always nearby churning up this apparent human inherent weakness, which we Christ Believers must definitely overcome and be victorious over with a clear conscience and a renewed mind. The unforgiveness emotional baggage must be flushed down the toilet, never to surface again. Prayerfully. We must become aware that behind all unforgiveness, bitterness and revengefulness is indeed lurking the enemy. The enemy will hold the individual down from progressing and excelling in their Christian Walk and will chain the individual’s very own soul from being unable to be receiving any GODLY Blessing. For you cannot receive your own forgiveness too, if you do not forgive others. This is indeed Divinely enshrined in the LORD’s Prayer as found in Matt 6:9-15 with GODLY Warning emphasis as in verses 14 and 15. Please do read it now without any delay, and if you are truly a Christ Believer, it should pull you out of this dismal pit, if you are currently in it.

    I pray that GOD will open your eyes and your mind and soften your very heart to be always forgiving. Hate the sin but love the Sinner who has transgressed you. Matt 6:9-15 is evidently provided for us to constantly remind us what we need to do with unforgiveness. This is why it is said that we need to forgive everybody of everything so that it will be good for our own well being and for our very own soul. For there is no way that the unforgiving would be able to continue working out their very Salvation, which was in the very first place accorded freely to us through the grace, mercy and love of GOD ALMIGHTY.

    And I thank GOD that I too have been able to release everybody of their transgressions over me. It was not easy at first to let go and let GOD take over, but with the love for GOD and the LOVE of GOD, I was able to overcome too and there is no looking back ever since. Amen. Praise be to GOD.

    So be ready for the very floodgates to be open for your receiving of GOD’s Blessings in your life too, if only you will forgive and forget. GOD BLESS.”

    On Thursday, 6 November 2014, 8:45, Jai Kumar wrote:

    Sent from my iPad

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