The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025: A Commemoration of the Legacy of Faith and Unity

Every year, Christians around the world observe the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from January 18 to 25. The week is devoted to prayer, reflection, and activities that develop and encourage unity among the different traditions within Christianity. This is Jesus’ last prayer for His disciples; “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in Me and I am in you.” John 17:21. The Year 2025 is particularly significant as it marks the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. That historic council played an indispensable role in the formulation of the Nicene Creed, the grassroots statement of faith in Christianity that still unifies the Christian faith across denominations.


A medieval depiction of the first Nicene Council. The historic council played an indispensable role in the formulation of the Nicene Creed, the grassroots statement of faith in Christianity that still unifies the Christian faith across denominations (image ref:


The theme for the Week of Prayer in 2025, based on John 11:26, is “Do you believe this?” It was Jesus Himself who posed this question to Martha after the death of her brother Lazarus. This is a challenge that still faces every believer, our unbeliefs, and also an encouragement in our collective effort to triumph over doubt with renewed faith. Jesus identifies Himself as the Resurrection and Life in John 11:17-27. There is something that deeply touches on the declaration of Christ’s divinity and salvific ministry in the Nicene Creed.


A Historic Gathering: Remembering the Council of Nicaea

The first ecumenical council in Christian history, the Council of Nicaea, was convened at the invitation of Emperor Constantine. It aimed at finding solutions to theological controversies, especially the nature of Christ, and the unification of the Church in its teachings. There, the so-called Nicene Creed formulated and declared Jesus Christ to be “true God from true God,” hence affirming His divinity and eternal relation to the Father. The creed established that there was only one Church – “one, holy, catholic and apostolic” Church  – a vision for the ecumenical movement that continues to this day.


The convergence of different denominations throughout the week evidenced a shared commitment to that unity for which Christ prayed in John 17:23, “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent me.” (picture used solely for illustrative purposes; image ref: squarespace)


This was a milestone in Christian history, and as Christians around the world came together in prayer for unity in 2025, they celebrated this momentous event. The convergence of different denominations throughout the week evidenced a shared commitment to that unity for which Christ prayed in John 17:23, “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent me.”


A Memorable Evening of Worship

In Malaysia, the Orthodox Syrian Cathedral of St Mary the Theotokos in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, hosted this year’s prayer service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The order of worship, carefully designed to reflect the spirit of unity and faith, brought together church leaders and congregants from various Christian denominations in the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) which represents some 95% of Christians in Malaysia from the Catholic Church, Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) mainline denominations and National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) congregational churches. 


In Malaysia, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was hosted for the first time by the local community of the Orthodox Syrian Church in the Cathedral of St Mary the Theotokos in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur.


The service began with a prelude, “Locus Iste,” sung by Cantus Musicus, setting a reverent tone for the evening. The Invitation was started by Mr Cherian Vargis with a word of welcome and followed by Rev Fr Joshua Jacob, and Ms Mary Joney, all from the Orthodox Syrian Church. The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa (Orthodox Syrian Church) then led the procession of various denominational leaders into the church.


The service began with a prelude, “Locus Iste,” sung by Cantus Musicus, setting a reverent tone for the evening.


Rev Ronley Ansoi from Sabah (Anglican) took over the reading for Bishop Datuk Danald Jute (Anglican Diocese of Kuching) who had to be in Rome and Canon Andrew Khoo read Bishop Steven Abbarrow (Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia)’s part as he had an eye infection. They recited the famous passage of Jesus’ resurrection of Lazarus. It was followed by the song “Lhaw d’ethiled” (Syriac hymn from the Shehimo) by OSCM Choir.


The procession into the church.
Canon Andrew Khoo reading part of the passage on this year’s theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.


Rev Philip Lok, the General Secretary of the Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) then reflected on the the historical struggles with questions of belief, confusion and difficulty, and the significance of the Nicene Creed in uniting the faith across such struggles while giving us a common point of agreement for the doctrinal questions of our faith. Elder Frederick Foo from Malaysian Care led the congregation in affirming that Jesus Christ is still and will always be with us, before the Very Reverend Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa from the host church delivered his Words of Welcome. 


Rev Philip Lok, the General Secretary of the Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) then reflected on the the historical struggles with questions of belief, confusion and difficulty, and the significance of the Nicene Creed in uniting the faith across such struggles while giving us a common point of agreement for the doctrinal questions of our faith.


Bishop Steven Lawrence (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia) and Bishop Thomas Low (Lutheran Church in Malaysia) then led the Opening Prayers and Kyrie Eleison. It was followed by the hymn “Mother of God” (Sir John Tavener), sung by Cantus Musicus.


Bishop Steven Lawrence (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia) and Bishop Thomas Low (Lutheran Church in Malaysia) then led the Opening Prayers and Kyrie Eleison.


Scripture Readings and Reflection

The Scripture readings of the evening centered on faith, hope, and love. Deuteronomy 6:4–9 brought to the attention of the assembly the centrality of loving God with heart, soul, and strength. Psalm 131 spoke to quiet trust of a soul at rest in God, while 1 Peter 1:3–9 celebrated the living hope believers have through the resurrection of Christ. The Gospel reading from John 20:24–29 recounted the story of Thomas, whose doubts were transformed into a profound confession of faith: “My Lord and my God!”. 


Rev Matthew Punnoose of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church (third from left) led the reading from Deuteronomy.


Rev Matthew Punnoose of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church in Malaysia led the reading from Deuteronomy, while Lieutenant Roger Teoh (Salvation Army) led Psalm 131, Rev Richard Tok from the Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia led the reading from 1 Peter, Elder Lim Kar Hor (Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia) read the Responsory and Bishop Dr T Jeyakumar from the Methodist Church in Malaysia led the passage from John 20:24-29. The OSCM Choir then sang the hymn “Qymtho” (M J Marret 2021).


Rev Richard Tok from the Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia led the reading from 1 Peter.
Bishop Dr T Jeyakumar from the Methodist Church in Malaysia led the passage from John 20:24-29.


Sermon by the Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa

In his sermon, the Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa shared that the resurrection of Lazarus in John 11:17-27 and the resurrection of Christ not only points to Jesus’s defeat of death on the cross but also the door into the abundant life given to us by God. As new creations in Christ, the challenge to us is this; how does this passage and in particular Jesus’ question, “Do you believe?”, resonates with us? For this passage is not just about an event in the past but still faces us today.    

In Romans 6: 3-5. the apostle Paul confronted this question. We are no longer bound to the curse of death which is the legacy of Adam but rather we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus Christ gave life to the world, we are called to lead a life that gives life to the world. We become the light that dispels the darkness in the world. In giving life, the Church is called to overcome all forms of death. 

The Very Rev Philip imparted that the word ‘belief’ in the modern life implies an embracing of an idea rationally, but in the original Greek and in the context of the New Testament, the word not only conveys a mere intellectual assent, but also a deep personal trust and commitment to God and His promises. There are different shades of trust and unless we put our trust in God completely, we sometimes find ourselves moving into anxiety and fear. 


The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa delivering the sermon.


We learn to put ourselves in complete trust in Jesus Christ by remembering His resurrection and looking forward to the resurrection of all believers when Jesus comes again. But we also experience that resurrection partly in our daily lives when we embrace light and life over death, and when we reject evil and darkness. Thus, the belief in Christ’s resurrection is not just a part of our faith or a credo but a lived experience. 

In the same spirit, as expressed through the Nicene Creed, we share this common belief and experience across all denominations. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 2: 19-22, Jesus is our cornerstone, and we are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him we too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. This belief in Christ Jesus as our Chief Cornerstone and the reality of the resurrection is what unites us. The OSCM Choir then sang the hymn “Christ Be Our Light” (Bernadette Farrell 1993).


Celebrating Our Common Faith

This part of the service was started by Mr Victor Soosai (Catholic) reminding us to be the light of the world. Mrs Ann Sumitra (Catholic) reminded us that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Father Xavier Andrew (Catholic) reminded us to love one another. A particularly memorable highlight of the evening was the actual recitation of the Nicene Creed by Archbishop Julian Leow (Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur). As the Nicene Creed resounded in the church by the assembly in unison, it became a powerful reminder of a common faith shared across time and tradition. 


A particularly memorable highlight of the evening was the actual recitation of the Nicene Creed by Archbishop Julian Leow (Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur)


The REC Myanmar Youth’s Choir then sang two songs: “God’s Choir” and “Let There Be Joy, Hope And Light”. Even though the latter is a Christmas song, we believe the light of Jesus shines through our hearts every day, not just during the Christmas season. 


The REC Myanmar Youth’s Choir.


Prayers of Intercession

The prayers of intercession was led by various leader representatives from the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, also known as NECF; namely, Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng from Full Gospel Tabernacle and Chairman of NECF; Rev Elisha Satvinder from New Covenant Community; Pastor Lee Choong San from Full Gospel Tabernacle; the Secretary General of NECF Pastor Sam Ang; and Pastor Simon Eng from Hope KL. Pastor Sam Ang then recited the Lord’s Prayer.


Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng from Full Gospel Tabernacle and Chairman of NECF.
Ps Simon Eng (Hope KL) and Ps Sam Ang (General Secretary of NECF).


The prayers mirrored particularly how the Church first started and the early Church’s commitment to work together, care for one another,  and address the needs of their communities, as well as the broader issues facing the world around them. Drawing inspiration from early Fathers of the Church like Clement of Rome and Gregory the Great, the prayers implored God to guide the faithful toward unity, to heal divisions, and to address the problems of the world. The OSCM Choir then sang the song “We Are One In The Spirit” (Peter Scholte 1966).


Reflections on Unity: A Call to Action

More than just a time of remembrance, the celebration was a call to action. As aptly pointed out by the Rev. Philip Lok, General Secretary of the Council of Churches Malaysia, right at the beginning of the prayer service, “Today, as a gathered community of Christians, we come together from different cultures and confessions to celebrate our common faith.” Diversity in unity was the recognition that underlined the ecumenical movement, aiming for cooperation and mutual understanding between the different Christian communities.


More than just a time of remembrance, the celebration was a call to action towards continual friendship and unity.
Pr Richard Kee Meng Tok (Presbyterian) celebrated his 81st birthday in the presence of The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa (Orthodox Syrian Church, Chairman of CFM and CCM), Archbishop Julian Leow (Catholic), YB Teresa Kok, Father Seraphim Choy (Russian Orthodox Church), Rev Mathew Punnoose (Mar Thoma), Rev Balan Moses (Lutheran), Elder Mok Cheh Liang (former General Secretary of GPM) together with other Bishops, church leaders, brothers and sisters in Christ after the Christian Unity Prayer Service 2025.


The evening service, with its blend of traditional and contemporary elements, reflected the richness of the Christian heritage while addressing the challenges of its communities and the modern world. The hymns, prayers, and Scripture readings served as a reminder that unity is not just a theological concept, but a lived reality that requires effort, humility, and grace.


Three generations of General Secretaries of Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia. Elder Lim Kar Hor, the current General Secretary is on the right in a Lun Bawang, Sarawak vest.
Penatua Jhon Simangunsong dan Pendeta Santoni from GKBI KL dan Rev Ronley Ansoi (Anglican) (both seated at second row).


The Concluding Prayer was by Rev Andy Chi, Executive Secretary of CFM. And we were sent forth by The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa. The OSCM Choir sang the Postlude “Blest Be The Tie That Binds” (John Fawcett 1782). 


Moving Forward: Hope for the Future

As the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 drew to a close, participants were reminded of their shared mission to be the light of Christ in the world. The Concluding Prayer, inspired by the Bose community, encapsulated this vision: “Hasten the hour when all churches will recognize each other in the one communion you willed and for which your Son prayed to you in the power of the Holy Spirit.”


Rev Andy Chi, Executive Secretary of CFM, led the assembly in the concluding prayer.


The commemoration of the Council of Nicaea and the recitation of the Nicene Creed were powerful symbols of hope and resilience. In a world often marked by divisions and conflicts, the unity of the Church stands as a testament to the transformative power of Christ’s love.


Sending off/Benediction by The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa (Orthodox Syrian Church, Chairman of CFM and CCM). Standing behind him are: Archbishop Julian Leow (Catholic) Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng (Chairman of NECF) Bishop Steven Lawrence (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia) Bishop Thomas Low (Lutheran Church in Malaysia) Bishop Dr T Jeyakumar (Methodist) Rev Andy Chi (Executive Secretary CFM) Rev Philip Lok (General Secretary CCM) Rev Sam Ang (General Secretary NECF) Rev Balan Moses (Lutheran) Rev Mathew Punnoose (Mar Thoma) Rev Richard Tok (Presbyterian) Father Seraphim Choy (Russian Orthodox Church) Father Dr Clarence Devadass (Catholic) Father Gérard Theraviam (Catholic) Father Xavier Andrew (Catholic) Father Andrew’ Manikam (Catholic) Pr Simon Eng (Hope KL) Elder Frederick Foo (Malaysian Care) Rev Elisha Satvinder (New Covenant Community) Pr Jipher Genardy (Presbyterian) Elder Lim Kar Hor (General Secretary GPM)



The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 was a time of profound reflection, celebration, and commitment. It reminded believers of the rich history of the Church and its ongoing journey toward unity; “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” John 17:21. As Christians continue to pray and work together, the words of the Nicene Creed serve as a guiding light, affirming the shared faith that transcends boundaries and unites. Next year, it will be the Anglican’s turn to host it at St Mary’s Cathedral at 8:00 pm on Thursday 22 January 2026


Christianity Malaysia would like to thank the organisers of the event, and in particular Elder Steven Fung, for their hospitality and kind assistance throughout the production of this report article. All photos kindly contributed by Elder Fung. More photos – including video recordings of highlights from the event – can be found at CCM Youth Network’s Facebook Group page (


The full service can be followed through the YouTube video below:


A short interview with Archbishop Julian Leow by The Herald on the Christian Unity Prayer Service 2025:



We remember with gratitude the lives and legacies of Bishop Jason Selvaraj (Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia) and Pastor Michael Moey (REC Myanmar Youth’s Choir) who were called home to the Lord last year. 


Orthodox Syrian Church (Host)

The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa. Rev Fr Joshua Jacob. Cherian Vargis. Dr Mary Joseph Marret. Simon Varghese. T.P. Thomas. Mary Joney 


Joint CFM and KL Churches Committee for Christian Unity Prayer Service 2025 

Bishop Steven Lawrence (Lutheran) Rev Andy Chi (CFM) Rev Ashok Amarasingham (Methodist) Rev Balan Moses (Lutheran) Fr Gérard Theraviam (Catholic) Rev Mathew Punnoose (Mar Thoma) Rev Vijendra Daniel (Anglican) Cherian Vargis (Orthodox Syrian) Diana Kuah (Methodist) Joseph Phoon (REC Myanmar Children’s Choir) Maria Yan (Catholic) Mary Joney (Orthodox Syrian) Mike Tan (Catholic) Lim Kar Hor (Presbyterian) Steven Fung (Presbyterian) Tianne Pereira (Catholic) 



The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa 

Rev Andy Chi 



Archbishop Julian Leow

Richard Chia



The Very Rev Philip Thomas Cor Episcopa

Rev Philip Lok



Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng 

Rev Sam Ang 


REC Myanmar Youth’s Choir

Joseph Phoon 

Conductor: Benjamin Lian, Brandon Pau


Cantus Musicus 

Alain Boey. Andrew Hwang. Bibiana Ang. Canis Rozario. Chan Wen Li. Chen Lee Fong. Cristina Yap. David Neo. Diana Teo. Glenda Ferri. Handel Thomas. Ivy Winter. Jeffrey Bannister. Joanne Mah. Joyce Lum. Laure Savoi. Leela Jesuthasan. Lisa Ho. Mega Tan. Mellfiena Soenardi. Michelle Lim. Nixon Tan. Pamela Ng. Pieter Rebel. Samuel Phang. Sherrilyn Song. Susan Ho. Thomas Kniepkamp. Timothy Ooi


Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia

Bishop Steven Abbarow

Rev Vijendra Daniel 

Rev Ronley Ansoi

Canon Andrew Khoo


Anglican Diocese of Kuching 

Bishop Datuk Danald Jute



Archbishop Julian Leow 

Father Gerard Theraviam

Father Xavier Andrew

Richard Chia

Ann Sumitra

Maria Yan 

Mike Tan

Tianne Pereira 

Victor Soosai 


Full Gospel Assembly 

Elder Dr Khoo Kay Hup


Full Gospel Tabernacle 

Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng

Rev Lee Choong San


Lutheran Church in Malaysia

Bishop Thomas Low 


Evangelical Lutheran in Malaysia

Bishop Steven Lawrence 

Rev Balan Moses 


Hope KL 

Pastor Simon Eng 


Malaysian Care 

Elder Frederick Foo 


Mar Thoma 

Rev Mathew Punnoose



Bishop Dr T Jeyakumar 

Rev Ashok Amarasingham 

Diana Kuah 


New Covenant Community 

Rev Elisha Satvinder 



Rev Richard Tok 

Elder Andrew Siew

Elder Mok Cheh Liang

Elder Lim Kar Hor

Elder Steven Fung


Gereja Kristen Berbahasa Indonesia 

Pendeta Santoni Ong

Penatua Jhon Simangunsong


Russian Orthodox 

Father Seraphim Choy


Salvation Army 

Capt Andrew Lo 

Lieutenant Roger Teoh


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