The Empty Tomb: Pr Kalarani Subramaniam, Kajang Assembly of God

Ref: freepik


The empty tomb is one of the central emblems of Christianity and a bold confession of our faith. Christianity is not based on abstract principles but on a relationship with the living God who empowers us and infuses life into us. This living God also empowers us with authority and power and confirms us unto His likeness. Because of the resurrection power of Jesus, and because of the empty tomb, we can walk victoriously over every sickness, every challenge, over poverty, and all problems in our life.

What is so relevant about the empty tomb? How can it help us today? In a recent message shared on Easter Sunday at the Kajang Assembly of God, Pr Kalarani Subramaniam shared an impactful message on the power of the empty tomb.


Pr Kalarani Subramaniam


Jesus’ empty tomb is life-changing. We read this through the encounter of Mary Magdalene as well as Peter and John at the empty tomb. Initially, all hope had left them. The Israelites had wanted deliverance, but it seemed that the deliverer they had put their hopes on was gone. Many of the disciples went back into fishing, and some even went into hiding. They were filled with fear and doubt. Not many came to the tomb because they did not have hope.

Of those that did come, Mary Magdalene was at first filled with anguish and despair. She did not even recognize Jesus the first time he called her name. Peter and John had doubts and they were probably also ready to go back to their previous jobs as fishermen. Their encounter with Christ at the empty tomb transformed them. When they left the tomb that morning, their lives were changed. 


When Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John left the tomb that day, their lives were changed.


‘Jesus called Mary Magdalene by name,’ Pr Kala shared. ‘He had a personal touch on her. The encounter transformed Mary’s grief into joy and peace. When John went into the tomb, the record says though he did not understand everything, he believed (John 20:8). In his case, doubt was replaced by confidence and certainty. Their encounter at the empty tomb opened their eyes, thoughts, and hearts to know that Jesus is alive. Jesus transformed their lives. Because He is alive, He can do the same thing for us today and the transformation in our lives becomes a testimony of who Jesus is.’

Today, we may be wandering. Like the Israelites, we may be wondering who will roll the stone away from our situations. But the empty tomb and the resurrected Christ show that God is still at work in our situations. Jesus is alive. Even in times when we feel alone – very much like how the Israelites might have felt after the crucifixion – and whether anyone else can relate to our pain, Jesus can relate. He is alive, personal, and powerful. And this gives us hope and the hope is for everyone. 

‘He has a destiny for each one of us and it is up to us whether we want to take hold of it,’ Pr Kala encouraged. ‘Christ has defeated death itself. And it is not just physical hardship He enables us to overcome. The power is spiritual and it reaches into our inner life. Doubt, depression, etc.. whatever it may be, the risen Christ gives us the power to overcome them.’




The empty tomb raises our standing to a supernatural destiny. Philippians 3:10 encourage us that we have a heavenly hope because Jesus is alive. The empty tomb signifies His Power of Resurrection. And we have the same resurrection power in us (Romans 8:11).

In Ephesians 1: 15-19, Paul prayed for the Ephesian Church. There were 3 things Paul prayed about; (1.) that God would give the church the spirit of wisdom and revelation that they might know God better, (2.) the glorious hope and inheritance that Christ has given the church, and (3.) incredibly great power. The risen Christ has blessed us with all these things.

We have the power to tap into the areas within our lives, to become overcomers, and to challenge the powers of darkness. Sin once controlled our lives, and it prevented us from fellowshipping with God. God loves the sinner but sin was a hindrance. 

‘Without God, we are slaves to sin. But Christ through His death and resurrection frees us from sin. Christ took our sins upon Himself so that we could reach our destiny. Today we are justified, today there is no condemnation in Christ. We can break strongholds because Christ has set us free,’ Pr Kala expressed.

The Power of Resurrection not only empowers us; it has the power to have our sins forgiven (Romans 4:25), helping us to conquer sins and habits, shortcomings, and weaknesses in our lives. Additionally, it also overcomes the power of darkness (when Jesus was resurrected, He gave that authority to the Church: Luke 10:19), enables us to be confirmed in His likeness (Romans 12:1-2), and comes with the promise that death has lost its sting. Death no longer has control over us. The Power of Resurrection relieves us of our fear of death and gives us hope that one day we will meet our loved ones again in Heaven. There, we will rejoice and praise God together (1 Corinthians 15:55). The greatest of all hopes is that we have the assurance Jesus is coming again. Death could not stop Him.


The Power of Christ’s Resurrection relieves us of our fear of death and gives us hope that one day we will meet our loved ones again in Heaven.


In these last days, the Church is called to be end-time warriors. To be end-time warriors is to be purified by the blood of the Lamb, walking in His truth and boldness – walking in the Light. As a Church, we must come to a realisation and recognise our power in Christ. The power of resurrection is a reality in our lives and our testimonies are a witness of this. 

The empty tomb revalues our commitment to the Great Commission. Numerous verses in the Bible exhorted the disciples, and by extension, us to this great calling (John 20:17b; Matt 28:10; Luke 24:10). The story of the empty tomb did not end at the tomb. The Great Commission gives us active roles as God’s partners. If the empty tomb is real to us, we cannot remain as though it’s nothing to us. Like Mary Magdalene and the Disciples, be His witnesses. Continue to pray and bring words of encouragement to our close ones.  When Jesus comes, He must find us as a community in faith. ‘Entrust it to the Holy Spirit, our part is to be faithful in the little things He has entrusted to us to do,’ Pr Kala encouraged.




‘Jesus has risen,’ she emboldened. ‘The stone was not rolled away for His sake. It was done for our sake as a visible sign and proof and so that we may hope. It was so that we can enjoy salvation and eternal and abundant life. If the stone were not rolled away, we cannot enter and have fellowship with the King of kings and know the truth. Without Christ’s resurrection, our preaching is useless. But I have seen the power of the resurrection, I saw it transform lives, I saw the miracles, and I saw the hope that was in Jesus. This is why we must share.’ 

The resurrection of Jesus is the center point of our Christian faith. It is what sets our faith apart from all the other religions. Because Christ has resurrected, we are living in the powerful presence of the Almighty God. Without the resurrection, the dead will not be raised. Whatever the situation we may face, nothing is impossible with God, and the power of the empty tomb is not just in the might of God but also in His grace.     


Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…


This is an adaptation of the message shared by Pr Kalarani Subramaniam at Kajang Assembly of God on Easter Sunday 2023. For the original full message, you may access the video sermon at

Christianity Malaysia would like to thank Pr Kala for her great hospitality and help throughout the production of this article.  


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