The Difference between God’s Kingdom and the world’s Kingdom—FCCI Annual Conference, Genting Highlands

Pr Tony Tay (right) and Lim Kah Hooi, National Director of FCCI Malaysia
Pr Tony Tay (right) and Lim Kah Hooi, National Director of FCCI Malaysia

25 Nov 2014 by Adeline Lum CM-


On October 25th, Pastor Tony Tay preached at the Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI) annual conference at Awana Genting Highlands Golf and Country Resorts.

He talked about the Authority of Kingdom Leadership, whereby the second session focused on the difference between God’s Kingdom and the world’s kingdom.

In terms of locality, the world’s kingdom is visible and can be defined by its geography, space and time. God’s kingdom, on the other hand, is invisible and lies within us. (Luke 17:20-21)

How about leadership? The world’s kingdom leads from above while God’s Kingdom leads from below. In other words, the world’s kingdom leads top-down with force, pressure and control over people, inducing fear and oppression.


Ref: alaskapastor
Ref: alaskapastor


In contrast, the Kingdom of God leads bottom-up, whereby instead of forcing His Power on us, God reached down and sent his son Jesus Christ to be born as a man to redeem us. And far from ruling with oppression, Jesus exemplified a bottom-up leadership by serving, shepherding, and stewarding His disciples and the people.


Ref: blogspot
Ref: blogspot


But how do we lose exousia or the authority that God has already delegated to us in the first place?

Let us look back at Adam and Eve. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them dominion over everything on earth. (Gen 1:28) But when Adam and Eve listened, agreed, and finally submitted to Satan’s suggestion to disobey God, their exousia disappeared. At this point, Satan immediately took authority from them and placed them under bondage and fear, rather than love and voluntary submission to God.


Ref: esthertagitupou
Ref: esthertagitupou


Hence, since the fall, men have always been in the bondage of sin. Romans 3:10-11 says, “As it is written, ‘There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God.”

But when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior; we are delivered from the bondage of sins and become a new man in Him! (2 Cor 5:17; Romans 6:15-23) The blood of Christ restored the authority depositing in us by God through the Holy Spirit.

However, although God’s Spirit is vesting in us, we must first follow God’s Ways according to His Will and His Word, so as to be impactful in our domain of influence.


Ref: radiantwebtools
Ref: radiantwebtools


According to the Seven Cultural Mountains of Influence, God has already placed us with specific positions of influence in certain domain(s) whether in Arts and Entertainment, Business, Church and Religion, Daily News and Media, Education, Family or Government.

Thus, in every decision we make, we need to ask ourselves, “Am I following God’s Will or my own will?” If we make decision in accordance to God’s Will, we are bringing His Kingdom on earth into our domain of influence.


Ref: favim
Ref: favim


In a nutshell, if we operate according to God’s Kingdom by His Will, His Way and His Word, we will see God’s power unleashing in our domains of influence. You are meant to be victorious. And remember, obedience and submission is the key!


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)


The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. (Psalm 103:19)


Note: This article is written from the author’s point of view, whereby the content is selected, condensed, and expanded from the speaker’s original sharing. Please note that the content above may not comprehensively reflect the original sharing.


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