A Time of Transformation in the Last Days
Like The world is moving into one of those periods of time where huge changes is going to take center stage, and events are unfolding towards those signs spoken about in Scripture and particularly […]
Like The world is moving into one of those periods of time where huge changes is going to take center stage, and events are unfolding towards those signs spoken about in Scripture and particularly […]
Like Today we are facing a pandemic that has the power to take many lives. For many who have been infected, who have lost loved ones, and who are fearful for their children’s future, […]
Like One of the last few words uttered by Jesus on the cross was “It is finished”. We see this is in John 19:30. The Greek word for this is “tetelestai” which means it […]
Like I am particularly indebted to an article by James Chambers that points out how our usual pitch for the Gospel may sound to today’s young: “What are the most common components of the […]
Like Ravi Zacharias is no stranger to most Christians. He is one of the most distinguished apologists of the Christian faith. Author of many books including the Gold Medallion winner Can Man Live Without […]
Like Most of us would be familiar with John 3. This is the passage of Scripture in which Jesus shared with Nicodemus about the Second Birth and the character of the Holy Spirit. It […]
Like If Jesus were preaching today, would He place consumer expectation and drawing a crowd as top priorities? Or would He value truth above all? Today, when we walk into a church, […]
Like Not too long ago, many Yehudim as well as many Christians would have commemorated a significant event that took place in ancient Israel. That event is the Passover. This was at a time […]
Like 26 Feb 2015 by Jason Law CM – Christianity is about many things. Above all, it is about a saving relationship with our Father in Heaven. Centering on this are two facets; the […]
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