Like Satan’s ability to entrap believers depends on these factors: ignorance and lack of vigilance on the part of believers and deception on the part of the evil one. You are having a […]
Like Satan’s ability to entrap believers depends on these factors: ignorance and lack of vigilance on the part of believers and deception on the part of the evil one. You are having a […]
Like It’s the time again when the topic of making New Year’s resolutions inevitably crops up. Good intentions are commendable; we all want to start on a clean slate. What are some […]
Like A Christmas reflection: Nine reasons why Christ came to this world […]
Like Exploring the positive aspects of grace and why we need it so badly Some believers abuse God’s grace, using it as a licence for sinning, thinking that the more they sin, God’s grace […]
Like As we battle our way through life’s many challenges, we have to trust God. He will fight for us. Winning a battle does not necessarily rest on a nation’s sophisticated war machine, which […]
Like Even if we have seed-sized faith, God can work miracles on our behalf. What does Jesus mean when He says, “If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to […]
Like Before sharing a word in season to weary souls, we need to set aside time to listen to God How we sometimes wish that God could download the Word to our “hard […]
Like Who or what do we turn to when crisis strikes? Where do we place our hope and trust? Do we depend on our wisdom, past experience, financial resources or advice from well-meaning […]
Like Don’t let your spiritual gift lie dormant. Stir it up! Look at John—he’s so gifted in preaching. Wow, Jane really shines when she leads in worship. We often admire the preacher and worship […]
Like The fact Jesus is the personification of grace and truth—not grace alone—has practical implications in the life of believers. A Facebook friend shared a testimony of dramatic breakthrough in the life […]
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