Strength in Vulnerability—Alan Yun

29 June 2014 by Adeline Lum CM-


“I am the type of person whom when everything is smooth-ridden, I won’t turn to God,” said Alan Yun—notable actor, model, advertiser, and founder of the restaurant LimaBlas and Limapulo.


Alan Yun
Alan Yun


Perhaps, you would remember Alan for starring in multiple advertisements such as Nescafe, Volkswagon, Mizone mineral water, Fuji Film, Head and Shoulders Shampoo, and many more. Going through the peaks and valleys of life, Alan candidly tells us his story of faith as a believer Christ as a businessman, model, and artiste.

Sure… it’s not a bed of roses. But it is during these times of struggles; he found the assuring hands of God.

“I came from a broken family—single motherhood. At a young age, I wonder why my friends and family have a complete family but I don’t have.

“But when I met Jesus, all these negative feelings and thoughts slowly go away. I don’t hog on them that much,” said Alan who received love from his brothers and sisters-in-Christ, and also other Christian mentors who treated him like a godson.


Alan Yun (right) with his mother
Alan Yun (right) with his mother


Because he did not want to burden his mother for finances upon graduation from school, Alan went full swing into the modeling business since 17 years old.

While some people may misjudge this industry, Alan believed it is the choice of an individual that makes a difference.

“Modeling, a lot of people say that it’s a very evil and nasty entertainment but it’s how you take it. It’s how you manage it, how you live with it, and how do you treat your subordinates, your colleagues, and people in the industry.

“How you behave is what determines what type of person you are. You don’t need to follow the flow. It’s God’s teaching and the influence of my friends and the people that I meet; the seed that God had planted in me. There’s always this inner man who’s telling me, ‘Oh, it’s time to put away you. You should be humble,’” said Alan.


Alan Yun during his younger days of modeling
Alan Yun during his younger days of modeling


Though his modeling career was generally smooth, he thanked God for the Holy Spirit who guided his endeavors in other industries either than modeling, such as opening food kiosks, trading, supplying building materials, advertising, and F&B.

“Constantly, there’s a voice kept telling me, ‘Alan, you can’t depend on that (modeling) for the rest of your life. That inner voice is definitely from God. And while everyone would have a belief, but whether you implement it, it’s a different story,” said Alan.

He counted his tenacity in starting from scratch in every industry as God’s given mercy, encouragement, and strength.


Alan Yun, ambassador for Pensonic in this picture
Alan Yun, ambassador for Pensonic in this picture


“As I look back, people might say, ‘Alan, you waste so much time,’ but I think that this is something that money cannot buy. Not many people would lower themselves when you have climbed so high. And start from scratch all over again.

“What I learned is to be humble. Respect is earned. You don’t ask for it. Even if you want God’s favor, you got to earn it; you cannot take Him for granted. A lot of success got to do with your own character,” said Alan who thanked God for His favor in his life.

To Alan, the four ‘C’ the society believe in life—condominium, cash, car, and credit card—will not bring us success but he believed another four ‘C’s would.

“I started with Curiosity and Courage. When you have Curiosity and Courage, you have Confidence. Even with this three, they will not guarantee you success. The final ‘C’ is Christ. As I look back, it’s a cycle. Everything I do involves these four C’s,” said Alan.

Managing his three-month old Baba and Nyonya restaurant now, Limapulo, Alan was candid about wanting to improve his business. Though starting up a restaurant is challenging, Alan chose to remember the good things that God did for him.


Alan Yun (2nd from left) with his friends at Restaurant Limapulo in Heritage Street
Alan Yun (2nd from left) with his friends at Restaurant Limapulo in Heritage Street


“Whenever I feel insecure, when I bumped into circumstances, I will feel very negative. I learn this from Christian friends. You have to jot down your blessings. You have to look back at what God has blessed you. So, whenever I feel bad, I’ll recall what God has blessed me,” said Alan.

And while Alan worked in Limablas, the Lord sent him the owner of Asian Heritage to the restaurant, which became the strategic location for LimaPulo now.

“God gave me an idea (for LimaPulo’s location). I have seen the blueprint of the future Asian Heritage—the proper planning and new branding of this place. Eventually, it will become the destination.

“We are dealing with traditional foods here. It would make sense then to find a place with heritage value. And these are all pre-war shop lots that you can’t really find in K. L.,” said Alan.

Although Alan felt that the dinner crowd could be improved, he trusted God for His faithful providence. He chose not to fear, but to have faith that God has a plan for him, a plan to prosper him and not to harm him. (Jer 29:11)

“I got very good lunch crowds. This gives me some sort of assurance. God is feeding me manna. Also, there are not much major problems given by my workers. Everyone works happily.

“I would try my best to make it work but again, if it’s God’s Will, I will follow Him whatever it is. I think there’s a purpose (to a good crowd in lunch versus dinner), there’s a certain area God wants me to focus on and I am looking at this angle,” he said.


Alan Yun (most left) and his friend Isaac (most right) serving customers of Limapulo
Alan Yun (most left) and his friend Isaac (most right) serving customers of Limapulo


Besides the daily manna, Alan thanked God for sending him friends who weathered the hard seasons with him.

“I can sense that God is really working in my life by sending me friends that help me without any conditions. They are my good friends who do not draw any salary because they know that I am going through hardships. It is a clear sign that God is working.

“I learned that true friends are hard to come by and you have to appreciate those who really care for you and they are really genuine. Although they are not genuine, don’t give up on these people. Continue praying for them. After all, you’re not that great,” said Alan.

Indeed, Alan learned to let go and depend on God especially in the last few months. He learned to let nothing steal away a relationship with a closed one, especially when he learned that his mother was diagnosed with cancer in year 2011.


Alan Yun (right) visiting China with his mother
Alan Yun (right) visiting China with his mother


“When my mum got sick, that molded me into another person. I begged God to give mum more time so that I can really be a son. Because of my thick schedule, we hardly spend time but I never regret bringing my mum to China.

“I say no matter how much it cost, I will give my mum the best treatment. I thank God that every month, there are advertising projects that are able to pay off the bill. It’s a miracle how I can fork out so much money,” said Alan.


Alan Yun (left) with his mother
Alan Yun (left) with his mother


He learned that work and circumstances should never steal away a good relationship between the important persons in your life.

“I am still learning to let go. As long as I did my best, though at times I can be rigid and put work as my priority, but to me—emails, proposals, or anything—can be secondary. Once you hurt someone’s feelings, it’s going to be there forever,” he said.

Indeed, a man’s real character lies not in his successes but in times of struggles and trials. Will he be able to thank God and still glorify Him in times of difficulties?

“What is enough? There’s no definite figure for an entrepreneur. I will still thank God if it doesn’t work. I have built something here. I thank God that He gives me shalom to carry on in life, and this is important.

“Whether it works, I feel the restaurant is benefiting a small community and people are getting salaries. I’m looking from that angle and I feel very happy, putting profits aside. Sometimes, certain business need time to prove and build.

“For me, it’s from God to achieve what I have today. It’s not by my own strength. We are born naked and one day, I would have to leave this world,” said Alan.


Alan Yun, brand ambassador for Pensonic in this picture
Alan Yun, brand ambassador for Pensonic in this picture


Blessed is Alan Yun because of his trust in the Lord. And because of his trust in God, Alan found strength… in his vulnerability.


But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.

(Jer 17:7-8)


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  1. "Indeed, a man’s real character lies not in his successes but in times of struggles and trials. Will he be able to thank God and still glorify Him in times of difficulties?" >>> That's when our TRUST in GOD is being tested. (read about Job)
    Thank you for a great share… feel Blessed and empowered more and more. 

  2. Thank you for your inspiring story on your adventures with God.  Real humility is coming boldly into God's throneroom because of what Jesus has done, not what we have done.  As we declare with our mouth and control our thoughts with our minds (these are what we must do) – remember to sit and enjoy His goodness as Mary, and not to busy ourselves like Martha.  Sitting next to Jesus always re-energise me!

  3. Thank you for being an inspiration to us.  You not only have a good looking face but you also have some depth, quality and character as I read your journey of faith and your relationship with God.  May you continue to shine for the Lord as you journey with Him. 

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