Stirring dreams to Global Healing- Bob Fitts (Part 1)


11 July 2013 by Donna Uning CM-


Like Joseph who had a dream, it all started when Bob Fitts and his wife Kathy had a prophetic dream back in their high school at California. Little did they know their dream came true!  Indeed, God has prepared things that the couple did not see, did not hear, and conceived in their minds (1 Cor 2:9).

“Every person has a dream but sometimes we don’t know what that is. You have that kind of echo in your heart but we often make it smaller than it is,” said the singer and songwriter Bob.


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Bob and Kathy Fitts


As straight-A students, he recalled a time when he and Kathy skipped a class once out of boredom. He recalled suggesting to Kathy, “Let’s go talk about Jesus.”

“Both of us were very excited to take His Words around California and the United States at that time,” said Bob who forgot about their dream until they brought it up again after they were married and had a son.

“There was a sort of seed planted then but we had no idea that we would literally be circling the globe now,” said Bob.

At that time, they were visiting Malaysia when his seven-year-old son believed in Christ and was baptized in the Straits of Malacca. Since then, they would tour the whole globe for one year either starting in Asia, Europe or United States.

“In the 1990’s, we started a school of worship in Hawaii. With a team of 16 people with us, we would have a worship tour in Singapore, Pakistan, Europe and the United States- literally around the world!” said Bob.

Counting to 240 travelling days last year and this year, they only spent about three weeks at home in between their travels. Thank God Hawaii is located strategically between United States and Asia for easy travels. They moved to Hawaii after five years of marriage in California and have stayed there ever since.

“We have a pretty amazing God. It’s like Joseph. He never dreamt of becoming the prime minister although he did have a dream. Joseph is just like all of us. He couldn’t quite comprehend the goodness of God at that time,” Bob said.

Growing up with a father who was a pastor in a stable and good childhood, his life is now has radically changed!

“From dreaming about travelling around California and ending up sharing about Jesus in Russia, that is just crazy,” he added.

So, what would Bob like to share for his first visit to Kuching?


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The worship seminar in Kuching recently


“One of my major life themes is to heal the nation. All over the world, every nation has its many struggles. And nations mean ethos, which include all the people from different ethnicities,”  said Bob.

And within these ethnicities are individuals who each have their unique struggle in life.

 “I believe in Jesus; how he found the people who are hurting. Maybe, people did not seem like they are hurting. Like Zacchaeus, he was a tax collected but he was hurting and hated by many. Even the prostitute, many people hated her. She probably hated herself too,” said Bob.

Hence, every person needs to be loved, which makes up their second major theme.

“We want to sing songs because everybody has a song that they listen to,” said Bob.

A song dear to his heart is Pie Lesu or Sweet Jesus, which is a Latin song sung by Jackie Evancho. Written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, the song was specially written for his late father.

“This is one of the songs that recently stuck in me and I have been thinking about singing it in some of my concerts,” he said. His favourite line of the song was ‘Sweet Jesus who takes my sins of the world, grant him peace Lord.’

“That’s how I feel when Jesus was sitting at the temple as he quoted Isaiah,” Bob said.

“Jesus said that the spirit of God is upon me because He has ‘anointed’ me. The word ‘anointing’ means that He has given me favour to reach out to people who are broken, bind up the broken-hearted, and set the captives free,” he added.

Hearing these words gave him goose bumps! Who does not want to meet a person who breaks every chain in your life, forgives everything that you have done and heals every hurt in your life?

“This is who I believed God has anointed me to be. And I think, when you realized how much God loves you and you worship him, what happens is that you would love people. If you receive a lot of love, you can give a lot of love too because there is no deficit,” said Bob.

In the second part of the interview, Bob talked about God’s love, his worship ministry and his love for trees.


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