Spiritual Crossroad: Chuck Pierce at Grace Convention Center



In 2005, a prophet prophesied the election of America’s first African American president. Three years later, such a man would rise to assume that office in the White House.

According to the prophecy, however, while God would allow this man, through His will, to be president for a time in order to heal the racism and slavery in that nation, that man would take America towards a decline in Godliness and spirituality.


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There would be a deeper issue to settle within that nation with implications not just for it, but also an impact on the world. Since that time, many of the things that the prophet would foretell would come to pass, not least in Obama’s stance towards the Holy Nation and its consequences.

The prophet was Chuck Pierce, and recently he shared a specific message for Malaysia at Grace Convention Center.   


Chuck Pierce’s Message for Malaysia

‘Currently, many nations in the world are in the valley of decisions, and Malaysia is at such a crossroads, whether to follow Jesus or satan. It is in a time of watching, waging spiritual war, and entering into rest, and God has knitted you together for such a time as this. The moment is crucial,’ he communicated. 


Chuck Pierce at Grace Convention Center


A wind of transition is blowing through the nation and now is the time to step into promise and destiny for our families, nation, and church. This new wind of authority and renewal is going to blow into the spiritual warfare that is resisting the enlargement of our boundaries as a people of God.  The previous season is coming to an end and Malaysia is at a time of moving into a new season. In order to move into the new season, we must have a new anointing.

Great spiritual warfare is coming from inside and outside to prevent our nation and Church from stepping into the new boundaries. But though we are living in such a time, we are also called to place our faith in God and shout a joy unto God that would fill the whole land. Spiritual warfare is often necessary before entering a new level as God’s people, and as a people of God, we need to remain in Him so that we’re not outsmarted by the devil (2 Corinthians 2:10-11).


Chuck Pierce giving the impartation.


‘The devil is always on the move to snatch a bigger portion of our inheritance,’ Chuck Pierce communicated. When Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, the devil tried to tempt Him by offering Him the kingdoms of the world. But Jesus resisted Him and waited for His time. In time, everything that God had created would come to be Christ’s inheritance. As the Church, we have a role in this. ‘Pray for satan to get his hands off from your portion of inheritance.’

Faith works in time and space, he imparted. It is concrete and it empowers God’s people for the right responses so that God’s plans for the world can be fulfilled. ‘Malaysia is at a critical time now. Now is the time God wants you to align the atmosphere of the nation to His Kingdom.’     


Embracing the Season and the Hebrew Calendar Year 5775 

Any language that has alignment with God has a base from the Hebrew language,’ Chuck said. And 2015 is a significant year. It is in the season of Ayin (5770-5779 / 2009-2019), the season of 70. God is watching every nation in these 10 years period, whether we’re aligning with Him or not. But 2015 is also the year of Hei (5775).


Transition well into a new season.


Hei means wind, sound, word, breath, spirit and revelation, he shared. It is a loud year of violent praise “Hallel” (shout “Hallelujah”). It is also a year of Esther and Hagar with redemption for both bloodlines of Abraham. Many from both lineages will be reconciled with God. ‘It is a year to redevelop our identity for the future, to align with God’s plan.’

Chuck also communicated that 5 major shifts will be taking place in the atmosphere:

  1. Heaven’s atmosphere enters earth

  2. The Government of God’s Kingdom is activated on Earth.

  3. Many governments on earth will start to submit and align with God.

  4. The Earth’s structure will be shaken.

  5. There will be a new movement and infilling of the Holy Spirit.


Malaysia at a Crossroads

Welcoming and celebrating the Holy Spirit.


This is a time that God is watching Malaysia and He is watching how we worship Him, how we are walking with Him, how we live and our every action on earth. ‘It is a time that God would visit you and if you’re aligned with Him, His visitation would cause the river of life to bubble up from within you. If you are living in your past season, in weariness and hopelessness and last season’s faith, you need revival. God is going to revive you with a new heart, mind and spirit if you’re aligned with Him,’ Chuck edified.


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– Jason Law

NOTE: Pictures kindly contributed by Grace Convention Center

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