15 Feb 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-
Rev. Muthu worked in an insurance company for ten years while serving as an itinerant pastor in Seremban, Port Dickson and Gemas. In year 1999, he moved to Kajang and upon realizing the great need amongst the people for the Lord, he quit his job to join a full-time pastoral ministry in Kajang reaching churched in Klang valley until 2003.

“God was opening doors to three different things at that time. We were involved in the missionary work, Filipino ministry and also helping out the churches in Klang valley,” said Rev. Muthu.

It was also during those years that Rev. Muthu began to get involved in missionary work in Asia region .
“Although I was interested in being a missionary, I was not sure how to start,” said Rev. Muthu.
Stretching the Lord’s grace, he zeroed his bank account and placed RM8000 into the Lord’s hand. Doors began to open and God touched certain individual including seven unbelievers to aid their missionary trip from time to time, where one of their first trips was the Philippines Island in 2000.
Watch this missionary trip to Philippines!
“We realized the power in giving!” said Susana, Rev. Muthu’s wife.
Since 2009 to 2012, their faith was increasingly stretched to be bigger as God provided sufficient funds for trip after trip. Even non-believers would come and entrust them with exact amount needed for each trip for the missions and for the crusade expenses!
“We don’t have regular supporters and God is our resource meeting the needs of mission field, HE PROVIDES AS HE CALLS for souls is the heart beat of God,“ says Rev Muthu.
Once, Rev. Muthu recalled needing bicycles for pastors in Nepal for them to travel 40 to 50 miles into the mountainous areas for outreach into the villages. While he was in Nepal praying to God, a sister-in-Christ in Malaysia was touched by the Lord to call and enquire if he needed any help. How amazing! God provided for him even without him asking the sister-in-Christ. Other instances include receiving calls to fund their desire to buy bibles for the church both in Philippines and Southern Tibet and also to Nepal and Bhutan. He also recalled a time when his family and he ran out of funds during a 40-days trip in South Tibet. God touched a brother from Malaysia to enquire their needs at that time and wired the exact needed funds to purchase the bible for this nation.

“The fear of uncertainty makes us lose what God has installed for His people. We may gain tangible things in this world, which we rely on for security. But it is the intangible, the spiritual that opens the door to spiritual abundance,” said Rev. Muthu.
For the past four years, God had been opening doors for them to minister to seven to 10 nations every year, where every nation would cost them from RM10,000 to RM15,000.
“It is a journey of faith all the way ,we don’t know where the next funds are coming for the mission field but as we step into the Call of God we believe HE will stretch our faith to touch the realm of miracles to happen for souls..,” said Rev Muthu.

“We only go to nations that God call us to. And we will not go to nations where God didn’t ask us to go,” said Susana who depended on God’s Word, prompt and prayer in moving forward.
“The Lord’s heart is for the poor, orphans and widows because these are the people who could not give back,” said Susana. “We have seen that when God prompts one to give, God would bless that person in return for twenty times sometimes more.”

This is the promise of God.
James 1:27: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Of course, to give with the motivation of having multiple folds in return would not be what God want us to purpose giving for. Most importantly, God looks at the heart of a giver, whether it was given in faith, cheerfulness, sincerity and trust. But isn’t it encouraging to know that our Lord will never shortchange us in what we give Him?
“We also help to bring young people to mission fields from Bangladesh, India and Malaysia,” said Rev. Muthu. “Once you’re in the missionary field, it is life-changing! I encourage young people to go.”

He also recalled a time of meeting a seven-feet tall man, who gave him directions while he was lost in Perth. Recalling back, he believed that the man was an angel because Susana who was accompanying him did not see the man while this man was conversing and giving direction to her husband to find their way back.
Hebrews 13:2: Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
They are also planning to have healing crusades in the countries they visit. In 2003, they had a healing crusade of eight team members in Rangamati, Bangladesh. Three hundred over people came night after night for healing. Although evangelism was not active, the villagers recognized Jesus as the God of healer when they witness the lame walked,theblid see and the deaf could hear and even promised them to broadcast their arrival in the radio the next time the team visit.

Susana recalled how the crippled, blind and very poor people in Nepal touched her heart so much that she immediately went into praying and fasting when she returned to Malaysia. Nevertheless, her throat was constricted whenever she knelt down and prayed, a spiritual attack she identified from her missionary trip.
“At that time, it was the first time I went to Nepal during war. I didn’t want to go because it was dangerous. The road was narrow and we saw remnant of buses that tumbled at the side. Every checkpoint had men with guns and I was thinking if anything happened to both of us, who would take care of my young children?” said Susana.

How God showed the couple where to go is remarkable. For example, Susana was first exposed to Nagaland when she came across a beautiful picture of a chapel there in Facebook. Upon prayer, she felt that God wanted her to visit there and was later connected to the pastor of the church through her friend who posted the picture in Facebook. Didn’t we say that we are moving into an era of social kingdom?
“I know that God wanted me to go to Nagaland 100 percent because I saw a vision,” said Susana followed by Rev. Muthu, “I first said no because the place was like Malaysia in the 1920’s. It looked backward ad remote with headhunters, insurgency and unrest. The doors had been closed for years and the year we were planning to visit was the first year it was opened.”
They were also expectedly the first missionaries to visit Nagaland. Despite the 16-hours long drive into the mountainous area, the couple fell in love with the people there who had such a fervent love for God out of a supernatural encounter with a speaking owl.

“Living by faith allows you to tap into God’s abundant resources not only in finances but also in providing the best people to work with,” said Rev. Muthu.
Indeed, we cannot out give God. Susana recalled being prompted to give her RM400 to her pastor’s wife though it was a large amount for her. And in obedience, she gave.
“I did not expect anything in return, but two to three months before the trip to Bangladesh, a pastor called me and asked how big was my faith in terms of finance. And he gave me RM4000 which covered the trip!” said Susana.
Another brother-in-Christ also gave RM4000 to the couple, allowing covering for two people in the missionary trip.

“When we have nothing, God is everything,” said Rev. Muthu. “That is the power of trusting God. When we realize God is big and we cannot out give Him, He just open up doors of miracles!”
Amen! What a privilege to give to stretch our faith! May we give in faith and cheerfulness like Rev. Muthu and Susana!
For more of their mission updates log to :www.apostolicshalomministries.org
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Reference for pictures:
How can I contact Evangelist Muthu. I am ill with evil spirits in my body.