Soar like the Eagle: the 7 Principles to Success – 7th Book Launch by Dr Peggy C Wong

Dr Peggy Wong sharing about the 7th book she has written, in the book launch
Dr Peggy Wong sharing about the 7th book she has written, in the book launch

8 May 2015 by Adeline Lum CM-


The eagle is an elegant creature of form, stature, and character. No wonder it was made as the national emblem of United States.

“At first, I was intimidated by how an eagle looks. But an eagle is a very focused bird and a master of its environment. Most importantly, we are made to be eagles! We are made to be people of significance,” said Dr Peggy in launching her seventh book – Soar like the Eagle: the 7 Principles to Success – on 25th of April at Canaanland in Ara Damansara.




Pastors, elders, ministry leaders, FGB brothers, brothers-in-Christ and sisters-in-Christ gathered for this wondrous occasion of launching this book, which took two years to write.

The emcee of the launch was Erik Lai of FGA who did a great job of keeping the crowd entertained with his witty remarks.


Erik Lai, the witty emcee of the book launch event
Erik Lai, the witty emcee of the book launch event


Datuk Chua Jui Meng, former Minister of Health opened a prayer of blessing for Dr Peggy Wong, “Father, as we gather here before you, we thank you for Dr Peggy whom you have raised up to be a blessing to those you love, the poor amongst us. May she be strengthened in her faith and soar like an eagle.”


Datuk Chua Jui Meng covering Dr Peggy with prayer of blessings
Datuk Chua Jui Meng covering Dr Peggy with prayer of blessings


The launch began with a powerful worship service by Associate Pastor Ramesh Kumar of Full Gospel Christian Church in Brickfields, followed by an introductory video of LIVING HOPE.

LIVING HOPE is an NGO that has helped 42,000 poor, needy, and marginalized children between 3 to 12 years old inclusive of children from 26 indigenous tribes.

“When God ask you to do something, do it obediently because He only needs us to be available. He does not need our abilities. He will equip, train and provide for us. It is really about trusting and obeying,” stressed Dr Peggy.

Compared to other birds, the eagle flies at an elevated altitude. Because of the height, they could only fly with other eagles and not sparrows and crows. Likewise, we are called to lead and be an example to others like an eagle, without getting entangled in the petty affairs of the sparrows and the endless gossips of the crows. We are called instead, to be the head but not the tail (Deut 28:13), victors but not victims (1 Cor 15:57), and the salt and the light (Matt 5:13-16).


Dr Peggy Wong (middle) with Pr Dr Chew Weng Chee of SIBKL (3rd from right); Tommy Chen, painter of the book front cover (2nd from right); and her brothers and sisters-in-Christ who contributed and supported the launching of her book
Dr Peggy Wong (middle) with Pr Dr Chew Weng Chee of SIBKL (3rd from right); Tommy Chen, painter of the book front cover (2nd from right); and her brothers and sisters-in-Christ who contributed and supported the launching of her book


An eagle also has excellent vision, being able to see as far as 5 kilometres away. A very focused bird; an eagle would swoop to its marked target and claim its prize. Likewise, we are called to fix or eyes on Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. (Heb 12:2) We are called to press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ (Phil 3:14), which takes focus and faith.


Dr Peggy, participating in a cutting-cake ceremony, in celebration of Living HOPE 8th Anniversary
Dr Peggy, participating in a cutting-cake ceremony, in celebration of Living HOPE 8th Anniversary


Dr Peggy continued to share other gold nuggets in the book, of the 7 characteristics of an eagle that we can learn from. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, this book is short and concise, bearing many biblical and fundamental truths we can immediately apply in our home, work, and Christian life. In fact, this book can be given as a gift to our pre-believing family, friends, colleagues, and staffs. It only cost RM15.00.

Dr Chew Weng Chee, Senior Pastor of SIBKL and spiritual mentor to LIVING HOPE ended the launch by sharing how God is likened Himself to be the “Father eagle,” carrying us on eagle’s wings. (Isa 40:31) And because we are made in God’s image, we too carry the same characteristics of an eagle. Hence, we must act like an eagle, instead of a sparrow or a crow. Remember, eagles soar but they do not fly.


Pr Dr Chew Weng Chee explaining how the Bible talks a lot about the eagle
Pr Dr Chew Weng Chee explaining how the Bible talks a lot about the eagle


Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. (Isaiah 40:31)


Pr Chew also shared that one of the things Solomon described as too amazing for him, which he did not understand, was the “way of an eagle”. (Prov 30:18-19) Even the psalmist sang of how God satisfies our desires with good things, so that our youth is renewed like an eagle’s. (Psalm 103:5) In fact, did you know that an eagle would need to choose its course of life or death at the age of 40 years old? An eagle has a possible lifespan of 70 years just like a human being!


Dr Peggy (middle) with her group of mentees, also called the "Power Angels."
Dr Peggy (middle) with her group of mentees, also called the “Power Angels”


Find out more about the 7 distinct characteristics of an eagle, one that is frequently referred in the Bible, so that we too can rise on eagle’s wings!

This book can be purchased in Canaanland Sdn Bhd or directly from LIVING HOPE Resources (M) Sdn Bhd.



Address: No. 65A Jalan SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: (03) 7727 5887 / 7728 0710

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