9 July 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-
On 7th of July, Julian Law is the guest speaker of Hosanna Praise Assembly in Kajang led by Senior Pastor Rev Joshua. A young church started three years ago, three families committed to the church, growing it from 15 people to 60 people currently.
A close-knitted church, the family of Pastor Joshua led worship before the congregation was invited to share testimonies on-stage.
Next, Julian Law gave a sermon in being the ‘Slaves of Christ’.
In the Bible, the believers were called by many names such as the royal priesthood, servants of God, sons of God, and Ambassador of Christ. But a description uncommonly used to describe a believer is probably the ‘slave of Christ ’
The Greek word of slave is ‘doulos’ but when it is translated to the English Bible, the word ‘servant’ or ‘bondservant’ is used instead to possibly not intimidate the non-believers. Who would want to come to Christ if we told them to be the slaves of Christ?
Nevertheless, Paul recognized himself as the slave of God in Titus first chapter (New Living Translation, Holman Christian Standard Bible, NET Bible) and James too recognized himself as slave in James first chapter (Holman Christian Standard Bible, NET Bible).
So, why make a fuss between the words ‘servant’ and ‘slave’? This is because the word ‘slave’ was actually used and has appeared 130 times in the New Testament in the original text, which appeared only a few times in our English bibles. For example, Matthew 6:24 said, ‘Jesus said this, “No man can be a slave to two masters.”’ What does your Bible say? Does it say, “No man can serve two masters”?
Hence, there is a difference between a slave and a servant, which cannot be used interchangeably. A servant is paid wages for his or her work and can quit his or her job anytime. But a slave has a singular purpose of following and pleasing his or her Master, and he is ‘owned’ by the Master.
So, does that mean we cannot ‘quit’ being a Christian? The answer is no because the Bible did say that if we disown Him, He would disown us (2 Timothy 2:12). But rather a question of can we, what matters is our attitude of being a slave for Christ.
“To me, it’s a very high calling. If you’re a slave for God, you were redeemed with a high price, which is the precious blood of Jesus Christ. You are freed from becoming slaves for men and money,” said Julian.
Also, as a slave of Christ, our commitment to the Lord is high. We cannot worship God according to our whims and fancies, or our emotional inclinations.
“How do you expect him to work in your life if you’re acting according to your emotions? We must have a singular purpose in life and that is God,” said Julian.
So, how do we become slaves for Christ?
Firstly, we must always be available to serve our Master at all times.
A slave cannot choose when and how to serve the Master but is fully subjected to Him. Now, that is hard to swallow but is that not the meaning of obedience and submission to Christ? Luke 6:46 says, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?’
To call Jesus our Lord, meant that we are already subjected under His authority. Yet, why do we not obey Him?
Yet Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).
To be available to God takes deliberate choices or actions on our part. Julian shared how he declined a recent job opportunity due to the large time investment required from him, despite its lucrative prospect.
“To me, my number one priority is God. Everything I have, I give to the Lord and this is my promise to Jesus Christ.” Indeed, why gain the world but lose our souls? (Matthew 16:26)
Secondly, don’t get caught serving two Master’s.
A slave can only serve one Master. No slaves can serve two Masters. You can have a day job and a night job, but you cannot serve two different employers who have total control over you. It is common sense.
Matthew 6:24
24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Hence, in terms of us being slaves for Christ, we can either only serve the world or serve Jesus Christ.
“You cannot love God and love the world at the same time. You cannot be double-minded,” said Julian.
Thirdly, we need to pray and keep close to our dear Lord.
Even Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples who was close to Him, was a hot-tempered man who hastily struck and cut off the ear of a high priest’s servant (John 18:10) but God is able to change him. In other words, to keep following God, we must constantly pray and keep close to God.
“We must always seek the Lord, day and night. As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord,” said Julian.
Fourth, we need to depend on Him in all things.
A slave depends on his or her Master for everything in life including getting food, clothing, money and everything. Without the Master, the slave gets nothing in life. Is this biblical?
We know that every good gift come from Heaven (James 1:17) and also without God, we cannot do anything (John 15:5).
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
“We need to depend on Him in all things because He will supply us our riches in our glory. Be still and enjoy your fellowship with Him,” said Julian.
Fifth, trials and temptations in life are made to groom us into becoming more like Him.
Although we face many trials and temptations as slaves in Christ, they are there to make us grow.
Julian shared how one of his favorite Bible teachers, David Wilkinson, died in a car crash.
“In my carnal minds, I thought why would a godly man like David die in a car accident? But God revealed to me that there’s a reason for everything. When the church faced a trial, they grew stronger. When persecutions come, the church grows even more. Amen?” said Julian.
Sixth, we must count it pure joy when going through trials
“Trials and tribulations produce perseverance, godly character and hope, in order for us to be man of faith.” said Julian.
Seventh, everything good comes from God Himself
Although Peter has denied Jesus three times, he was forgiven, redeemed and used mightily for God’s purpose because Peter loves God.
We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His Purpose (Romans 8:28).
This topic is a hard topic to address. For a more comprehensive answer, please refer to http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/80-321
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