More than 120 participants, volunteers and staff from 19 countries around the world came to Out of the Comfort Zone (OCZ) Asia 2016, a short term mission program which equips participants to take the gospel to Asia.

Organised by Operation Mobilisation (OM) Malaysia in Port Dickson Methodist Centre from 9th till 14th of July, participants were equipped through Bible teaching, workshops, group discussion, prayer and team building time.
One of the highlights of the conference was the Asian Village Night, where volunteers of OM set up booths to showcase their respective country’s unique culture, food and social climate.
Another highlight was the prayer night, where participants were taken through a convicting tunnel of realistic human atrocities staged through drama, followed by a creative display of posters, pictures and videos in the hallway.

“If this generation can see the cause of missions and God’s Kingdom, I believe they would do so much more than our generation,” said Pari Bala, director of OM Malaysia, commending the youths for their ability, drive and passion. “With a missional mind-set, they can change the world wherever they go.”

Indeed, mission is for everyone. No one is too young or too old to go on a mission field. Tan Chee Hong, team leader of the OCZ Philippines outreach team shared how God called him into missions since he was 15 years old.
“In the beginning, I thought the purpose of mission is for me to help people. However, every time when I return from a trip, I find myself impacted by them, more than me impacting them. I felt convicted by God of their needs. We must help them,” said the passionate 31-year-old financial analyst.

Yen Lin, another member of OCZ Philippines team, also shared how she took a one-year-gap from her studies in Taylor’s College Subang Jaya, to grow a deeper relationship with God. She took this opportunity to join several mission trips, which opened her eyes beyond her imagination.
“I would like to encourage all the youths to serve in mission trips because today will be your youngest day. Don’t be afraid. Just trust God that He will bring you through. I have grown so much through mission trips!” the 19-year-old enthusiast quipped, adding how mission trips have empowered her for evangelism.

Lucas Low, a cheerful 20-year-old member of OCZ Philippines team also shared how he was excited for his first mission trip abroad. “Knowing and experiencing are two different things. I hope to experience the different culture of the people in the Philippines and bring this mission experience back to my church. There are so many people out there who have not heard about Jesus Christ. And I want to encourage the youths to do their part in sharing the gospel.”

Justin Chua, a vibrant 19-year-old volunteer of OM added, “Do try the OCZ Asia mission trip out because it will be a life-changing experience. I hope to do it soon and experience this for myself.”
The conference ended on a high note, as participants felt fully empowered to reach the unreached nations with the gospel.

Note | With over 3,000 personnel around the world, Operation Mobilisation (OM) works in over 110 countries and Logos Hope to motivate and equip people in sharing God’s love with people from all over the world. OM seeks to help plant and strengthen churches, especially in areas of the world where Christ is least known. For more information, please email info.my@om.org or call +603-78035303.
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