“Tonight, can we extend the boundaries of what we think is appropriate and stop to clean it up. Stop trying to make it tidy. Let’s get messy! Cause I tell you when the Spirit of the Living God falls in your heart, it’s messy.
“When the Spirit of conviction comes, He rights things that are wrong. He heals brokenness. It’s messy. So, let revival happen in all its messy glory tonight!” said Jacob Cook from Bethel Music on 18th of October in SIBKL, Petaling Jaya.

More than 1,700 people came to worship in the Spirit-saturated night of the Californian worship group, with Jeremy Riddle, Kalley Heiligenthal, Amanda Cook, Josh Baldwin, and Hunter Thompson onstage.
Before the worship began, Jacob prayed for God to enlarge the hearts of the attendees, so that they will have a bigger capacity to dream and imagine. He prayed that revival will happen in Malaysia.
Standing in the gap, the worshippers of Bethel Music prayed until God’s presence would come like a hurricane and stir up faith to a flickering light and a full-blown fire in Malaysia.

“There is only one condition that happening. You always have to be one accord. Let us tear down that separation. We are the sons and daughters of one Father. We are family. This isn’t just an event or concert. This is our living room. We are all love-sick for Jesus”.
As Bethel Music sang their first song, Fall Afresh, the Holy Spirit’s presence was invited in.

“Holy Spirit, You are welcomed. It’s You, we want to see. It’s You, we want You to fill us. Pour on us afresh. Do something extraordinary in this place tonight. Holy Spirit, may Your breath fall and may your tongues of fire fall”.
The crowd lifted their hands feeling the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which saturated the atmosphere. All eyes were on Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

“The atmosphere on that night was emotional but electric with the Spirit of God ever present. Each song just drew me closer to God’s great calling,” said Adrian Nicholi Vincent, an attendee of the Bethel Music.
Another attendee Grace Sng added, “There was such an atmosphere of deep hunger and keen anticipation for God’s Presence to manifest. I could recall numerous moments when it felt like the heavens were opened. Everyone just lifted unhindered praise and worship to God in one spirit and heart.”

On that night, Bethel Music worshipped a repertoire of songs including Breaking Through, Ever Be, God I look to you, No Longer Slaves, We will not be Shaken, Our Father, Forever, One Thing Remains, etc.
“I hope that we are on a voyage of discovering that God has been on our side all along that we can live a whole life full of heart, with the capacity to process pain, wrestle with truth, and find ourselves steady at the end of our pilgrimage.
“There is an endless possibility for God to create a world within us, a world transformed through the bravery of perfect love. My prayer is that you will experience that realm… that you are a brave new world.

“May you be filled with hope with the One who’s mercy is timeless and whose love remains kind, as boundless as the sea,” said Amanda Cook in a video shown, relating to their vision for Bethel Music next year.
Jacob Cook shared about how a song called Kind was written by his wife Amanda from their house, which filled the place with God’s Presence. The song talks about what God is not.
“I so long for the day where Malaysian believers and all of the prophetic songs that you write with those unique expressions in love… So, write your songs. Painters, paint your paintings. Dancer, dance your dance,” he said to a roaring applause of the audience agreeing with his hope.

“God is the creator of arts. That’s the best way to teach the world how to love God. I am so grateful”.
The worship night ended with an encouragement, “I just want to say that we are so proud of you… You guys are carrying a torch to your nation. No matter what happens, that torch is touching so many parts of the earth. So, when you are raised, shine your light no matter what.
“We just feel this hunger that is unmatched. There is something about Southeast Asia. There’s this tipping point where the believers had been contending for something so long but the world oppresses the object of your desire – the outpouring of the Spirit in your nation. If you press a little longer, that will happen”.
God’s presence manifested strongly and heaven was brought to earth as the Bethel Music team guided every attendee to usher in the Spirit and fully surrender their whole hearts to Jesus Christ.

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