Sarawak– ACS Joint Christmas Service


21 Dec 2012, by Donna Uning-


Last Thursday, the annual ACS Joint Christmas Service kicked off with a colorful array of processional carol tonight at the Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre (ACS) here in Kuching. The service themed, “Jesus, The Savior of All Nations,” is hosted by the Methodist Church Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC).

The Trinity Methodist Church’s Boys Brigade musical band performed a prelude to the service before the heads of churches and readers enter the building during the processional carol. Superintendent of Kuching East District, SCAC Methodist Church, Reverend Mok Ing Huat presented the welcoming address. This was followed by the worship dance by Ching Kwong Methodist Church, donning colorful costumes reflecting the diversity of cultures and nationalities all over the world.


The seven representatives of ACS (right to left) Mr. Tommy Ong from Sarawak Baptist Church, Rev. Then Jit Seng from Anglican Church, Pastor Denney Nebor from Seventh Day Adventist Church, Pastor Tram Epoi from SIB Church, Major Francis Ng from Salvation Army, Rev. Jonathan Nora from SIAC Methodist Church, and Rev. Fr. Simon Poh from Roman Catholic Church.


Archbishop of the Anglican Province of South East Asia the Most Reverend Datuk Bolly Lapok, who is also the Chairman of Association of Churches in Sarawak said the opening prayer.  Seven ACS representatives onstage recite scriptures in English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, Iban, and Biatah.

The President of SCAC Methodist Church, Rev. Dato Su Chii Ann gave the sermon, Jesus, The Savior of All Nations. In his message, Rev. Dato Su Chii, talked about how early society searched for ways of salvation in politics, truth in cultures and life in religions. “In Jesus, we find the way, the truth and life,” he said. In John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (NIV)  The birth of Jesus Christ shows us the way of salvation. The death of Jesus Christ tells us the truth of God’s love, and the resurrection and return of Jesus Christ ensure us the life, he added.


Rev. Dato Su Chii Ann (right), The President of SCAC Methodist Church giving his sermon at the ACS Joint Christmas Service.


1 Timothy 4:9-10 says, “This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance and for this we labor and strive, that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe.” (NIV)

“Only Jesus Christ shows us the way. He is the only Savior. Tonight, we celebrate Christmas and remind us of the only Savior,” said Rev. Dato Su Chii. He also pointed out how we can celebrate Christmas meaningfully and truthfully with ABCD –  Admit that I am sinful. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Lord of my life. Commit myself totally to God and love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength; and determine to serve God by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.


The 100-member ACS combined choir


Roman Catholic Church Archbishop the Most Reverend Datuk John Ha, who is also the Deputy Chairman of Association of Churches in Sarawak said the benediction. The event was conducted in English and translated into Mandarin. The packed venue also saw a 100-member combined choir from all ACS member churches. ACS members include the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Methodist Church Sarawak Iban Annual Conference, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Salvation Army, Sarawak Baptist Church, and SIB Church.


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