SABAH, Seek His Face like Never Before – Brigitta Grace

Brigitta Grace (1st from right)
Brigitta Grace (1st from right)

On the revival night in the 3rd All Malaysia Revival Conference, intercessor Brigitta Grace – appointed representative of DR Ir Niko Njotorahardjo for the International Council of Elders – uttered prophetic words for Sabah as the birth of revival in Malaysia.

“Like a pregnant woman, you will desire for the spiritual food to feed your spiritual womb. You want to feed that fresh revelation. There are many young eaglets coming from your womb and they don’t even eat food from yesterday. But they want the fresh blood of food,” said Brigitta describing how young eaglets would feed on fresh game from their parent eagles.

Sabah is called to be the land of the wind and that Sabah should be seeking God’s face more than anything else and more than ever before. The wind of the Lord will sweep across the land, with His glorious presence and cleansing across the land.

“The wind will bring change to you, into you, into the church of Sabah, and into the church of Malaysia. It’s going to break you. The power of the enemy in the Spirit will be broken. Every evil spirit will be broken by the wind of change and the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! Welcome the wind of the Lord, the wind of the Holy Spirit,” said Brigitta.


Ref: hopevabeach
Ref: hopevabeach


United Nations had declared that the year 2015 as the International Year of Light. But we want to redeem this statement as the year of light for Jesus because He is the Light of the World.


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)


“When you are called the land below the land – I don’t hear any nation having that calling – you must not only declare it, you must enter into it. Just like Mary who said, ‘I am your servant, be done according to your Will.’

“Don’t you just sit down and stay proud in that Word. But you need to enter that purpose! And that wind of the Holy Spirit speeds up the revival, so that there is growth, and so that the seed of Christ that is given to you will grow because time is so quick now.

“He is coming soon and you must respond to the Holy Spirit. You must eat good and healthy food. Do not go on a spiritual diet. You must have all the vitamins of the Holy Spirit. Yield to Him like never before. Crave for Him like never before. Desire for Him like never before!” Brigitta said.


Participants of the 3rd AMRC
Participants of the 3rd AMRC


To awaken Sabah to her purpose, Brigitta wanted to provoke the church into jealousy by introducing the The Large Hadron Collider beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. It is the world’s largest and most complex experimental facility ever built, housing the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider. Buried as deep as 574 feet underground, particles are pushed to nearly the speed of light.

“The scientists today are different from the Darwinian time. Science and spirituality collide. And we are getting more and more into the spiritual realm. But they went into the other way of the spiritual realm,” said Brigitta.

The scientists are looking for the Higgs particle, or more popularly termed as the ‘God particle,’ to find out how this world began and to debunk the Big Bang theory. They detected miniature black holes in the Large Hadron Collider, thus suspecting the existence of parallel universe. And scientists reportedly hope to make contact with the parallel universe. Pastor Brigitta shared that this dimension could open to another realm with creatures of higher intelligence identified as aliens or spiritual entities, but is demonic in nature. She shared that scientists may be on their way in opening the abyss like in revelation.

“Sabah who has the Holy Spirit, Sabah who is entrusted to be a spiritual womb, your hunger and your desire for God must go beyond the scientists! I am here because I love your redemptive purpose.

“You have to compete with the world outside! The world outside desires so much for the knowledge of how this world is created, when the truth is God is the one who created Heaven and earth.

“Not one word of God will fall without becoming reality. It’s by the Word of God that God has created the world because every Word that comes out of God will not return void.

“So, I am aching in my heart for what the scientists are doing. I am showing this for you watchmen and I hope that your craving will go beyond their desire for spiritual things!” said Brigitta.


Participants of the 3rd AMRC
Participants of the 3rd AMRC


We are temple of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gateway, so that the Holy Spirit can access in and out to bless the world. God gave authority to humankind to manage the earth. But the Heavens belong to Him.


Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own (1 Cor 6:19)


“You don’t need that kind of equipment but God has already designed you to have a connection with Heaven. You are designed to have direct access to the throne of God.

“Because of the blood of the Lamb, you are welcomed to the throne of grace for such a time like this in approaching the Father. He gives you the authority and creativity to finish strong!” said Brigitta.

Brigitta made a promise to the Holy Spirit that she will be a door to release His Heart’s Message and lead many people to come to the Holy Spirit. Many people want their inheritance. What more God’s desire for us to have our inheritance?

“God has redeemed His inheritance and you belong to Him. He is so jealous of you and He wants you to connect with Him. It is the glory of God that determines the birth of knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

“Sabah, you will give purpose to His purpose. And I bless your purpose and your destiny. Together, we will embrace the Holy Spirit. And together, we will see His Glory like never before,” said Brigitta.


Brigitta Grace
Brigitta Grace


On a personal note, the existence of CERN should not cause anxiety or fear amongst believers in Christ. For God, nothing surprises Him, as Solomon says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecc 1:9)

In Genesis 11, we see how the whole world attempted to reach the Heavens as well with the Tower of Babel. Yet, God with one breath said, “Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other” and then He scattered them to all over the earth, so they stopped building the city. Our God is powerful and almighty, whose one word could change the course of history.

One thing we are certain of is that the world will end someday, as we know it, one way or another. But another thing to be very certain about is that Jesus Christ will be there when it happens.

Whichever way or time the world ends, let us not be alarmed with this news for the Bible has offered us much valuable comfort and even prophecies. There is peace for the believers in Christ. There is peace in the eye of the storm.

But most importantly, really, fix our eyes on Jesus Christ and continue to be faithful in our specific and unique calling and position to redeem the Kingdom of God in our realm of influence. And as Pastor Brigitta says, Sabah has been uniquely positioned, therefore position thyself faithfully.


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