Running with Faith- RUN TAR 2012

Students crying out on behalf of our nation

26 Dec, 2012, by Tricia Lim-


Ever since entering TAR College in 2010, my life has never been the same. Be it in my studies, friendships, or my spiritual journey with God- things have been in a never-ending spiral (in a positive way), propelling me for more.

Serving in TARC’s CF for one thing, has played a big role in this phase of my “life-changing” experience. This year, we decided to break another one of our many records, by hosting RUNTAR, an idea borrowed through RUNNAT.


The college runners interceding for our college and nation after the run


Our theme for CF this year is “Love Transforms 2.0”. A theme continued from the previous year because we think that showing love is the best thing we can do to bring transformation to our college. 

We were doing many things such as the “Love Your Neighbor” project, a revolutionary global movement where we show people random acts of kindness but somehow deep down we knew there was more.

And so an idea of doing a prayer run got birthed into some of the committee members and with a lot of skepticism (because it was our first time) and despite different opinions the CF committee decided on finding a day to host RUNTAR where students could come together to RUN. PRAY. & BELIEVE for change in our college.


Lifting up the Malaysian flag in joy and victory!


The main committees decided on a sub-team who will arrange and plan for this event. So five people including me were picked for different roles such as doing the promotion and publicity, printing out the prayer cards, finding the different routes of mapping out 5km paths for the different teams. We also got together to pray and intercede for this event as we knew that a spiritual battle was going on.


RUNTAR Prayer Cards


It was not easy for the RUNTAR team as we were all full-time students with assignment deadlines, midterms, church plus CF commitments and exam finals in less than a month. However so, with much encouragement and great teamwork, we managed to pull through by overlapping our job scopes, praying, and looking out for each other.

Our target was to have 50 people come for this run, but with college demands and different uncertainties, up until the very last week registration was open, we only had less than 20 signed up. Registration was also opened to college lecturers and office staff, anyone who believed in praying for change in our college but because of work demands people were unable to make their decisions soon enough.


A student on her knees in prayer


Miraculously, before the day of that “faith-filled” event, more students signed up at the very last minute and more than 10 people decided to join us- all from a supporting church, Muk En Methodist Church. This church is part of the Setapak Youth Network (SYN), where churches in the Setapak area near our college, come together to pray, evangelize and intercede for our main campus of 16,000 students.

So on the day of 8th December 2012, we rewrote history by being the first ever campus to host a prayer run in the likes of RUNNAT. As early as 7.30am, more than 10 groups of five met at strategically located places across our college and teams comprising of lecturers, students, church leaders and alumnus began to run and pray throughout the designated routes.


Worship in TAR College's football field


Finishing at the football field, every group was to run two laps of the football field to finish the 5km run. We then ended with worship and prayer. The finish was more than “spectacular”! The atmosphere in that football field where we did a public worship to “bring Heaven down” was a wonderful experience; I believe embedded in the minds and hearts of those runners.

We prayed for our college, the students, lecturers and all working there that they would meet our Savior. Also not forgetting our country, we also prayed for change in Malaysia. Everyone felt fulfilled and accomplished, knowing that we were part of a greater picture designed by God for us as college students.


Students crying out on behalf of our nation


We ran, we prayed, we believed, and we know that God was there listening to our prayers. If all goes well, the CF committee hopes to make this an annual event where we can come together to run and pray for our college. More than just “walking the talk”, I am glad that we are actually “running” our talk of who God is and the amazing things He can do for us, with us and through us. Through this, I learned that no one is too small to do big things for God!Ever since entering Tar College in 2010, my life has never been the same. Be it in my studies, friendships, or my spiritual journey with God- things have been in a never-ending spiral (in a positive way), propelling me for more.


The RUNTAR committee goofing around after much hard work


Note: Tricia Lim is a college student studying in TAR college who's majoring in journalism. She is also the Vice President of the Christian Fellowship in TAR college. 


Dear Viewers in Christ, if you find this article edifying to you, please share with your friends or loved ones by using the social media plugs (Share, Email to this article). The Lord will surely bless you as you bless others. May the Lord’s peace and love be with you. Amen.  





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