RM 30,000 Raised for Bethany Home


28 Dec, 2012 by Natasha Kim-


Puchong Tabernacle Assembly recently held a day to raise funds for charity, specifically for Bethany Home in Teluk Intan, Perak. They called it, their Christmas love in action! It is very touching to see the gift of love being extended as many people came to offer help, take part and watch the performances held on this particular day at the concourse of IOI Mall, Puchong.

Bethany home is a Christian based home that is headed by Director, Pastor Jayasingh Rajiah. It is established to provide services for disabled children and adults with various types of disabilities including cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, Down syndrome, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, hearing and visual impairment. Over the years, as the Home continues to grow, expenditure continues to increase and so that is why Puchong Tabernacle Assembly came in to offer a helping hand this Christmas.


Director of Bethany Home, Pastor Jayasingh on stage thanking everyone for their support


A fundraising sales booth was opened up at the mall, where they sold Valentines D.I.Y notebooks, handmade 2 in 1 D.I.Y bookmarks/notebooks, table calendars, wrist bands and homemade cookies. The fundraising booth was a hit as many people crowded around and made their purchases for charity. For the children, the Church placed a booth where the little ones could crowd around and get balloons as well as gifts and make sand art. They definitely catered to all ages this Christmas season as they managed to gain the interest of many and create many smiles along the way.


The fundraising booth and the people helping out, hard at work trying to raise funds for the home


In addition to that, they held performances at the concourse of the new wing of the mall. They had a kid’s fashion show where the children of the Church took part in, which was sponsored by Factory Outlet Store as well as the Amber Chia Academy.


The Children’s Fashion show on stage


Besides that, there was also a Christmas Carol performance on stage that was sung beautifully by the youth of the Church.


The Christmas Carolers on stage spreading Christmas cheer


Of course a singing performance would not be complete without a couple of dance performances by the children themselves. Uniquely choreographed, the children were a sight to watch as they managed to catch the attention of many at the concourse.


A dance performance by the youth
Another dance performance made by the youth of the Church


Then, there were also performances by invited guests such as Guitarist William Kok as well as a special violin performance by the famous Dr. Joanne Yeoh. Both of which were truly amazing as they brought in an extra dose of Christmas cheer with their on stage musical performances.


A Violin performance by Dr. Joanne Yeoh
A Music performance by William Kok


And what is a day of fundraising for Bethany home, without a special performance by the residents of the home themselves? Together, a group of them were brought in all the way from Teluk Intan by Pastor Jayasingh to sing on stage. Those children touched the hearts of many, showing people that despite their disability, they have the ability to perform beautifully and that they have the confidence to stand in front of the crowd and sing their hearts out.


The residents of Bethany Home on stage with their special singing performance


Finally, the program ended with a closing performance by Pastor Alex of Puchong Tabernacle Assembly, where he sang and played his the guitar. His daughter Felicia Soh also joined him on stage as a back -up singer. Together they made a good team indeed.


Pastor Alex Soh looking smart on stage


At the end of it all, Puchong Tabernacle Assembly managed to raise close to RM 30,000 for the home. The home is truly blessed to have the support of this church that cares for them including the support of many others that helped donate and make the event a success. I’m sure that all in all, this event gave the residents of the home an extra boost of confidence knowing that so many people out there care for them and would love to see them grow. This Christmas season, despite the hustle and bustle of it all, it is pleasing to know that many still care and that they do not forget about the less fortunate. Blessings to all!



For further information about Bethany Home please visit http://www.bethanyhome.org.my/, and if you would like to know more about Puchong Tabernacle Assembly please visit their website at http://www.pta.org.my




1 Comment

  1. 0

    Praise God for PuchongTabernacleAssembly for caring for the needy.
    Praise God for the church members who offer time and love for these children.
    Christmas love in action speaks louder than what we preach.
    PTA continue to do good work for GOD.

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