Release the seed wherever you are today

Ref: mymailgarden |


All of us are placed on a specific plot of land, where ‘the LORD has assigned to each his task’ (1 Corinthians 3:5). And everyday, as the sun comes up, we rise to work and till the ground, sowing the ground with seeds, not knowing which will grow.

But the matter is not whether the seeds will grow because it is the LORD who makes them grow.


I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)


We are called to sow, and God makes them grow. We are called to water, though God waters them also with His providential rain. The point is: no seed, no plant, no growth. The seeds are in your hands. 


Ref: grit
Ref: grit


We are called to be farmers. And living in this life now, are we not like farmers? We do not know how the weather is tomorrow – will there be rain or a scorching sun? Will there be a disease? Will there be a harvest? 

‘Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows’ (Galatians 6:7). In fact, this principle is known not only by Christians, but other religions as well, which sounded like, “The good will be repay by good and evil by evil”.


Ref: nano
Ref: nano


And as children of God, we are called to sow into eternity. Life is very short on earth. Picture a time when you were in primary school. Now, dial it back to when you were in the kindergarten. Now, think about who you are now. The days feel long, but the years feel short.

All of us – rich or poor – only have 24 hours a day. And who can tell how long we will live? A friend of mine just had a barbecue dinner with us last week. And just last night, we attended his funeral. They found him dead from a heart attack. He never rose from his bed again. Such fleeting is our life.

It also begs the question of how long exactly are the lives of the people around us? We take for granted that we will see them the next day. We take for granted of the breath in our lungs. But every day is a gift from God.


Ref: wellnesskerala
Ref: wellnesskerala


So, how long do we want to shut out mouths, in the name of being ‘politically correct’ or ‘polite’, and withhold the good news from the people who don’t know Christ? The fields are everywhere to be sown seeds.

Yet, we can’t open our mouths. When we stand on this side of eternity with God, it didn’t matter to us that the other person is standing at the edge of a burning hell forever. Why? Because we cannot open our mouths to speak the gospel.

I find it such a privilege that someone saw that I was drowning in the ocean, and she bothered to come and rescue me, although I was pushing her away. She was the key to show me who Jesus is. And my life changed before my eyes. I needed that someone.


Ref: pixabay
Ref: pixabay


And now, I have known Jesus and lived with Him, I cannot shut up and not talk about Him. It is very selfish for me to do that. I am saved so that I can at least open my mouth and speak about the Truth of Him.

You are the light and the salt of the earth. Do not be afraid to be the light and the salt. If God is behind you, who is against you? Therefore, boldly speak the gospel. Be that someone. You can save a person from the eternity of hell. And that’s one heck of a big deal.

Legacy is left not on earth, which will soon decay anyway. But legacy is left forever in the stones of Heaven, in the palm of our Abba Father. He forgets not of what we do. Men forget, but God won’t. Leave your legacy and sow seeds today, today, today.


Ref: pixabay
Ref: pixabay

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