8 March 2013 by Natasha Kim CM-
Marriage forms a home or family that is the basic unit of all society. However, the significance of it has been taken for granted by many these days. It is a big deal and it’s something that requires effort from both parties in a marriage in order for it to last.
When a marriage takes place, there comes about a union of two souls who, though they are two individuals, are to possess a single thought. A covenant before God is established.
If you care about building that strong foundation and finding that you need a helping hand in doing so, Family Restoration Centre might just be the answer.
They have helped numerous married couples who feel that their marital relationships have gone cold. Big chances are, you might see the change that draws two people closer together than you ever imagined you could through your own efforts.
Dr. Vincent Vasudevan together with his wife Rev. Dr. Victoria Nair are the co-founders of this ministry, and it has been around for two decades! Married for 36 years, they pastor Joy Harvest Assembly and have two grown up sons who are doing exceedingly well. At the beginning, they started this ministry because they felt the burden to set up effective families for the glory of God.

Now by their own testimony, they have helped so many couples through their marriage seminars they have conducted locally and abroad. Other than that, they also provide help for singles who are planning to marry on how to handle conflicts that may come their way and parents who need help dealing with troubled children.
According to them, “No man or woman comes together in a marriage by chance but only by divine appointment. Our prayer is that your relationship and understanding in your marriage will be further enhanced after this seminar. Marriage is a commitment that can only be achieved through love.” It is love that makes a house a home and they strongly believe that everything begins from the inception of a family.
With their help, they have witnessed many contemplated divorces put to a halt! Their passion is to equip counselors and trainers for the nations. As firm believers of the adage “Charity begins at home”, they feel that a loving home, with a loving husband and wife is the foundation and that it will impact the community and the nation.
“What makes us better and more effective compared to clinical and psychological counseling is the fact that we use prayer counseling,” said Dr Vincent. “The Lord has got enough background in the scriptures to heal your relationship! And the Lord heals the heart!”
God’s plan of Marriage is Ultimate
Marriage transforms two individuals to become ONE in body, mind and spirit.
To date, they have been invited by many churches to have their family seminars and rallies. After being invited, Family Restoration Centre will organize everything from family rally which is a 2 to 4 nights event; to family seminar consists of a 3 night stay/retreat in a resort bungalow for about 10 couples.
The seminar itself focuses on the importance of enabling couples to realize what marriage is all about. “It is a story that begins with two imperfect beings brought together by God and they take the risk of trying to make each other perfect. There is no perfect marriage, but every marriage relationship needs to be worked out by the couple,” they said.
They have a Three-D formula that they use to ensure that the uniting of man and woman in a marriage becomes enforced. Dr. Vincent said, “This formula has been effective in helping to restore and heal troubled marriages.”
The seminar also acts as a refresher for couples. It allows them to take time off their daily routines and demanding commitments as well as enables them to spend plenty of time with each other.
This seminar is recommended for all couples after the first five years of marriage. You may regard it as a honeymoon with a difference in that you learn interesting truths regarding this unique relationship called marriage!
To find out more about Family Restoration Centre and their other courses, please visit frcmalaysia.org or call +6019-658 2427/ +6016-2312824
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Marriage and family restoration
My wife has filed for divorce and me and my two young sons are praying and believing god for a miracle my youngest son says gods telling his heart moms coming home to be a family agin do please pray god will grant them the desires of their hearts I love my wife and boys I need my family so please please pray for a miracle we need a miracle today the divorce is going to be final soon please please pray
Hello Ty,
Dear Lord, thank you that Ty is your beloved son and his sons are precious in Your Eyes. We pray that Lord, amidst this confusing and uncertain situation, we are reminded that Lord that you are sovereign, good, loving, and kind. We pray that Lord, please bless Ty and his sons your peace and comfort to go through this. Please bless Ty with strength and wisdom to say the right things at the right time, think clearly, and make the right decision according to your Will. May they grow even deeper in knowing who you are Lord. And may you bless Ty’s wife as well with clarity of mind, calmness, the desire to pursue your heart, also mentors/ brothers-in-Christ/ sisters-in-Christ to go to. Thank you Father for Ty’s heart in pursuing you.
Adeline Lum