5 April 2013 by Donna Uning CM-
Over 200 people gathered at Good News Fellowship for a special session with Ps Julius Suubi from 6 am to 7:30 am Wednesday morning. The prelude to the finale called the people to pray for the city.
“It takes strategy to raise up altars to transform and revive a city,” said Ps Suubi. It takes strategy to have sustainability, not an event. An event does not change a nation; it is good for stirring up but God works through a process.
Ps Suubi, who has gone through transformation in Uganda, told what the Lord had instructed. The Lord gave us strategies to rise up altars from personal to the national level, he said, and to follow that pattern to see transformation in the land.
God gave Abraham authentic and powerful promises which defined his destiny and he became a vehicle to raise up one nation after God’s order. When God tells Abraham, the next thing that happens is that Abraham raises an altar after receiving the promise, he said. All transactions with God come out through altars.

“There are three major things determining who has the greatest voice,” he said. Priesthood, how powerful that covenant is – Jesus has the greatest level of promise; and altars. God gives promises and Abraham gives altars. In every covenant, altars convert the promises into reality.
There are different kinds of altars for us to have impact in the land. The first one is the personal altar. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. “You must activate your prayer life otherwise God’s promises do not come to pass,” he said. We cannot activate that power until we raise our personal altars through prayer.
“You have to wake up and visit the altar of the Lord; download fire from heaven,” he said. Revival begins on the personal level. Every Christian must at least pray an hour a day,” he urged. If you pray at least three hours a day in the next three months, pray in the spirit, sit back, relax and see your life completely transformed, he said.
All prayer begins in the flesh. You are struggling; even your tongues are dry because you begin to pray in the outer court. If you continue, you tongue begins to gain momentum. Your tongue is watered, oiled, anointed. You will speak without struggle and wake up, he said. If you pray only for 10 minutes, then you are always an outer court Christian; you continue forever with one tongue.

Secondly, you have to raise an altar with your family. You have to pray with your family, wife and children. You never see Sarah involved, what was the impact? Sarah never had a relationship with God, she asked Abraham to marry Hagar. She never heard from God and that caused a problem.
“If you are praying alone without your family, at one point or another, they will pull you down,” he said. He also told about the time he asked his three and a half year old son to fast. “When you fast together, there is power. Once the family is strong, the church is strong,” he added.
The church altar is the third altar. My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7). Sometimes there are more activities in the church than there is prayer. “There is corporate anointing in corporate meetings,” he said. When we pray together, God gives us prayer anointing. People in the same church are supposed to flow in the same power and anointing.
The marketplace altar is where you raise up an altar at your place of work. They covenant the land and resources. You cannot expect breakthrough without raising up altars; through that altar the land of Canaan was transferred to Abraham.
“You need money because the church needs money. God is going to give you the money to finance,” said Ps Suubi. You get promotional and financial favor; and bring people to the Kingdom. The world does not understand any other thing but the language of power. “You have to be connected to a higher power,” he continued. Prayer in the marketplace changes the atmosphere; to do that altar will bless them.
To impact the city, people need to come together from different churches. You need to raise the territorial altar. One single church cannot transform a city, you need corporate gathering of people from different churches to pray for your city, he said. When you pray together, there is a powerful force and power in unity. You have so much authority in the realm if the spirit.
“You will overthrow the devil that rules over the city,” he said. If there’s only one church praying for the city, all demons will look to that church, they are focusing on churches that are praying and fasting. Demons don’t care about non-praying churches. “If all churches are praying, demons are struggling to stay,” he continued, “They vacant from that city and look for people who are sleeping.” When revival hits the city, many churches will grow.
The national altar is when people that have set up their altars from different parts of the nation, come together to form the national altar.
Ps Julius Suubi held the extra morning session at Good News Fellowship, Kuching. The session is a prelude to Ps Suubi’s message to the city and nation to be held the same night.
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