Precious Child in My Eyes- Jessy from The Muse


23 Jan 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-


Jessy is a precious child in God’s eyes but she did not know. Since young, she was searching for love, searching for someone who would listen to her, but no one did. She did not know that God had always been watching her, her every smile, her laughter, the twinkling of her eyes and every motion and thoughts He knew from afar.


Jessy from The Muse


She is beautiful but she did not know. Her heart was broken by a relationship with a boy who did not love her, only to fall into the arms of her everlasting, loving Father who had been waiting for her since she was born. What a precious child at sight.


Broken she came to God… and God gladly receives her.

“I used to be a very cheerful and outgoing little girl. But when my first relationship ended, I was devastated,” said Jessy who ran away from home a few days.

To shelter her heart from being shattered into pieces again, she became cold and distant to other people and only kept a few close friends. How could the relationship end? Quitting her second-year degree in psychology, she worked as a telemarketer in a bank to help the financial crisis in her home. Nevertheless, akin to a bird that does not belong to the cage, she didn’t enjoy the 9-5 pm working routine. Hence, she picked up singing much to her parent’s disapproval but it was also through her singing career, she met her husband, Sean.


Jessy singing with Sean playing the guitar


“I only trusted my husband who was my boyfriend then and I became possessive because I was in my own world and I didn’t really see people,” said Jessy.


Who is this Jesus who changed my friend?

Recalling the past, she also recognized herself as being prideful at that time until she met her best friend, Matthew whom she didn’t meet for a year. He shared with her about his acceptance of Jesus.

“I was curious because Matthew is a firm and religious guy (of another faith)… He was some one like me. And I wanted to find out who is this God who changed my friend?” said Jessy.

A religious person of another faith also, she used to be a vegetarian since she was 11 years old for ten years. She believe that good deeds would bring her to heaven and not killing animals would earn not only her, but her family as well, brownie points to heaven.


Jessy singing in one of her performances


So, Matthew continued to share gospel stories with Jessy that intrigue her. He invited Jessy and Sean to his care group and she became increasingly captivated with the bible verses shared. Jessy and Sean even shortly got a Bible from Matthew. And after one month of joining the care group, Matthew invited them to his church.

“We were late for our first service and worship already started. As I stepped into the church, tears just kept flowing down uncontrollably,” said Jessy who cried for two to three hours that it even caught the attention of the pastor who came to pray for Jessy along with a few sisters-in-Christ. And that was her first encounter with God. Since that day, she started to pray to Him every day because she believes without a shadow of doubt that God listens to her prayers. Why? The Bible says so. What child-like faith! Although she had been talking to a god of another faith, she has been talking to the Lord every night since then.


Reconciliation in the family

Eventually, Jessy and Sean accepted Christ at the same time. However, amidst her joyful encounter with God, her relationship with her family was still strained. As she prayed to God, God opened her eyes in a dream about her mother doing house chores for her.


Jessy and her husband, Sean


“I realized that my mother has been sacrificing for me by ironing my school clothes and doing all these little things I ignored earlier. I realized how much pride has blinded me,” said Jessy who recognized humility as a first lesson that God wanted her to learn.


Walking closely with God

From that point on, she started to grow as God revealed things to her through dreams. She described the last two years as a year of restoration and deliverance. She recalled a time after her two-weeks prayer walk, she prayed to God to train and discipline her.

At the end of the two weeks, she had a vivid dream of her sitting on the roof of her grandmother’s house at night while lounging with her family. At a distant, she saw a gigantic eagle with glittering royal blue feathers hanging motionless in the sky. As she watched the eagle, it suddenly turned its head towards her and began to flap its wings towards her. Feeling fear in her heart, the eagle came closer until its claw touched her forehead. A voice said, “You have to rest. You have to renew your strength.”


The dream at the rooftop


“I woke up and I remember running to my brother’s room to tell him that I have met God! But I wasn’t sure myself then because I haven’t really read the Bible,” said Jessy who was new in her Christian faith then.

Her brother showed her Isaiah, where by an eagle is a symbol for strength, which affirmed the Lord’s presence. And that was the first dream she received from God.

Another vivid encounter was her worshipping God three days after her baptism. During worship, she started dancing, crying at the beginning and then laughing like a child at the end. At that time, she learned from her care group leader that she was delivered from depression, which was rooted in an unforgiving heart of her. After that encounter, she felt like a heavy rock was lifted from her shoulders.


Jessy feeling happier!


“It’s like a horse that is trying to run in all directions but it was held back by a rope… God wants to cut the rope to let us run free,” said Jessy referring to a pastor’s preaching. A burden was lifted from her and at that time, her joy was so evident that people would comment on her happier disposition and even singing with a more soulful voice. She was happy. She was relaxed.

“Although I cannot see Him there, I can feel his love surrounding me. You so want to be with him and I look forward to being in His presence,” said Jessy who spent her weekdays being with God or reading books.

Before she knew the Lord, she was self-conscious of herself and she was afraid of failure so much so that she repelled from trying anything new.


I am not perfect. But God loves me.

“In the past, the first impressions people had on me were that I am distant, cold and superior to them,” said Jessy. “I wanted to be perfect but I know that I am not. God told me that I couldn’t be perfect. Only He is perfect. I just need to be myself and be humble.”


Jessy knowing God loves and accepts her for who she is


A woman who knows God dearly loves her, she knows that God loves her just the way she is.

“He says… come to me. I want you to enjoy the abundance of life that’s ready for you. I know that I am precious,” said Jessy.

Even then, she is mindful to write her encounter with God down because as humans, we tend to forget.


Honoring God in her relationship

The hardest lesson for her currently is obedience to God. To set an example for the younger adults and college students, Sean and her slept in separate rooms for two years before they tied the knot.


True love waits…


“I thought that sleeping in separate rooms would hurt our relationship but I salute my husband for doing that for two years, because from there, I know that he is a reliable man who I can trust and he is also a man who loves God,” said Jessy.


Leading a ‘little lamb’ close to her heart.

Recently, while leading a disciple who she lovingly described as her ‘little lamb’, she also learned how to mentor people.


Jessy singing on stage


“I used to think that making disciples meant constantly feeding them with the Word of God but that’s not true. You just got to be natural and keep praying,” said Jessy. Instead of praying to God to change her disciple’s heart previously, she is now praying to God to change her heartto understand and touch her lamb’s point of view, interest and character.

“Don’t go to church, be the church,” said Jessy referring to another pastor’s preaching.


Beautiful is the woman who knows her value

Currently, Sean and Jessy are the founders of "The Muse Entertainment" as music artistes with 40 musicians that made up about 9-10 live bands to cater for different music shows. The couple is also working on using one guitar and one voice for a simple and touching gospel album.


Jessy, Sean and their musicians


So, beautiful is the woman who know her value… her value in her Father’s eyes who gave His one and only son who would slay the dragon just to gain your hand in marriage as a spotless, perfect bride of His. Do you know how precious you are to God? Do you know your value to Him? He doesn’t want anything that you can offer, not your brains, your looks, your intelligence, your charm, nothing. All he wants is just you, at your current state, at your current time.


For more information about The Muse:!/themuseent?fref=ts

The couple, Jessy and Sean are also attending B&P currently or called as Business and Professionals. Started in 1994, Businessmen and Professionals (B&P) ministry was created to help businessmen and professionals walk the talk of faith in their workplace. Please go to the website below for more information:



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