Power is the Altar. You are the Altar – ‘Awakening Malaysia’ Conference


24 April 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-


On April 10th, the ‘Awakening Malaysia’ conference at New Life Restoration Centre in Petaling Jaya swung open its only public session to receive a flood of people into the church.


Praise and Worship Team

The attendees of the conference worshiping the Lord


Rev Dr John Mulinde was the main speaker. He is also the founder of the World Trumpet Organization, whose mission is to ignite the hearts of believers to revive and transform their own nations.


Rev Dr John Mulinde, Founder and International Director of World Trumpet Mission


Rev Ann Low headed the organization of the 'Awakening Malaysia' conference with Rev Johnson Chua who is the Organizing Chairman of the conference. They hope to nurture prayer throughout Malaysia to transform our nation.


Rev Ann Low, National Prayer Facilitator of MNPN


As the speaker this evening, Rev Mulinde shared the power of prayer altars, inspired when he was reading Genesis 12.

“The Bible is a beautiful narration and its stories cascade down like a waterfall,” said Rev Mulinde.

But when he read Genesis 12 and 13, he found that every time when God talked to Abraham about entering Canaan land, the story was always interrupted with who is in the land.

Genesis 12:6

Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time, the Canaanites were in the land.

Genesis 13:7

And quarreling arose between Abram’s herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. The Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land at that time.

Why mention who is living in Canaan if God were to ‘give’ the land to Abraham and his descendents forever (Genesis 13:5)? In other words, Abraham has to simply enter the land, and not fight for the land.


Rev Dr John Mulinde


The reason is that the people staying in Canaan defiled the land, which opened its doors to darkness.

“The sickness of the land is in the people of the land. If you want to bring healing to the land, study the people in the land. And you will discover what actions cause the land to defile,” said Rev Mulinde.

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Also, Abraham built an altar for God wherever he stopped. And the place he built the altar is always a place of peace (Gen 13:18). Although he went to Egypt, a place full of wealth, he could not find a place to settle until he returned to the place between Bethel and Ai, where he had first built an altar (Gen 13:3-4).


Isaac Lee (MNPN council member) welcoming the participants

Rev Johnson Chua, Organising Chairman of ‘Awakening Malaysia’ Conference


“When you build a faithful altar to God, you draw the presence of God continuously,” said Rev Mulinde.

Citing the example of Jacob who ran away after cheating Esau’s blessings, Jacob arrived to a certain place at Bethel and dreamt of the angels coming up and down the stairways. He also saw God sitting on His throne. When he awoke, he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven (Gen 28:16).”

The place he laid down to sleep was the same place Abraham stopped to build an altar (Gen 12:8) two generations after Abraham!

“The Lord says if you fill the land with prayer altars, even for the people who are not seeking me, when they come into my prayer altar, I will break their resistance and they will give me their lives. It is not by your power and might,” said Rev Mulinde.

“You will meet people and talk normally but there will be an implication. If you build me an altar, meaning you abide in me while I abide in you, though you walk away, the Lord’s presence would remain in them. The Lord would convict them to their sins and bring them into repentance,” he added.


Rev. Ron Hee and Pastor Hiew Yee Onn, Pastors of New Life Restoration Centre PJ

Senior Pastor Dr Chew Weng Chee of SIBKL praying for Malaysia


Another instance would be when Jacob’s son killed the Hivites for raping their sister (Gen 34). The Lord asked him to return to Bethel and build an altar for Him before renewing the covenant with him. And Jacob was protected throughout his life.

The next example would be when the Lord was angry with His people who were ruled by David at that time (Gen 24). After sending a plague for three days, Gad the prophet asked David to build a prayer altar (Gen 24:18).

“There are many examples of the altar. What is so special about the altar?” said Rev Mulinde.

In the Old Testament, you place animals to sacrifice to God. But Romans 12:1 says, “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

“When God asked Abraham to give Him his son Isaac, God said to Abraham… I have seen your heart, you have not even deny Me your son (Gen 22:12). At the altar, we give our Isaac, things that we treasure, things we idolize in our heart, and bring it to the altar for the Lord,” said Rev Mulinde.


Rev Phua Seng Tiong praying for the nation in fluent Bahasa Malaysia

Pastor Robinson Simunyi of SIB Canada Hill, Miri, Sarawak


At a prayer meeting, we tell God what we want. But at the prayer altar, we bring sacrifices to God. One of the unique things about coming to a prayer altar is it brings us into surrender.

“We surrender our will, treasures and dreams and take HIM as our reward. Remember how God told Abraham. He promised him the land, children, a great name, a blessing to the nations, yet He said to Him: do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward’ (Gen 15:1),” said Rev Mulinde. “And that’s why we say: Lord, that’s not my treasure and dream. You’re my treasure and dream. You are what I want.”

The altar is a place of total commitment and a place where we make a covenant with God. It’s not only meant for prayer. It is our identity. Isn’t this what salvation is?

 2 Cor 5:14-15

14For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

“At the altar, we give everything we have. In return, we take his authority, strength and power. We draw the presence of God. The Lord abides in the presence of His people. That is how we possess the land not by fighting with our own efforts,” said Rev Mulinde.


Rev John Mulinde

Pastor Hiew Yee Onn of New Life P.J. Chinese

Rev Khoo Kay Hup of FGA KL


But also remember that everything we do at the prayer altar can also be done by the prince of darkness. The unholy priesthood who worships the devil and unclean spirits also offer himself to his control and spread the influence of darkness.

“The priesthood that prevails in the land will control the land. Who is going to rule in this society?” said Rev Mulinde.

Hebrews 7:12

For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also. 

If the land had been living according to the way of darkness, the unholy priesthood is prevailing in the land. But if the people of the Lord seek His presence by praying, they will begin to prevail.


Attendees praying earnestly to God

Attendees on fire for the Lord in praise and worship


When we realize the society is decaying, stop complaining and come back to repair the altar of God because it is at the altar, we exercise authority.

Hence, powerful is the altar, powerful is us if we pray to God, repent and surrender to Him. Do you know you’re the altar of the Holy, perfect and good God?


This is only the Part 1 of the Rev Mulinde’s speech about the prayer altar, an important foundation of how the Lord moved to stifle and suffocate Joseph Kony’s heartless operation of mass massacre, rape, kidnap and torture. Look out for Part 2 for Joseph Kony Operation Dead. 



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  1. 0

    Dear Christian Malaysia,

    I have watched John Mulinde on youtube regarding God Judgement in America, And how he had sacrifice his lucrative career, and humbled down with nothing, sold of and given away most of his possession moved new cities to do the work of god. His mention in his land where witchcraft, demonic posession and wicked veil of darkness was under seige in their nations.

    He is truely a anointed man of GOD, with a special calling in life.

    I pray and wish that he will be able to attend many other churches surrounding KLANG VALLEY to hear the word of god. Kindly post up his recording videos if any from the church he has presented his sermons on, so we know what Christian community can learn and do to build an alter to god at our current age and believe, as this is a rare subject we learn in the old testement but not taught in how it applies to current churches or life as a christian today, and how we can offer our sacrifices to god.

    I hope someone can guide us, or post us on this important subject.


  2. 0

    thank you Josephine for your information and highligts regarding this man of God.

    Also about your request, is the same as mine. would someone please uploading those sermons and teachings by John Mulinde and Mark Daniel as requested by Josesphine? we appreciate this in advance and may the Lord keep you in Jesus name.

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