Pursuing Liberty Under Christ


11 May 2013 by James Hoh CM –


“Recently there was a seminar which was followed by newspaper report that says those who wear V-neck and body-hugging T-shirts are gays. They may be wearing such but that doesn’t mean that they are gays. This claim and labeling has stirred up the emotions amongst the gays,” Rev Tryphena said.

Pursuing Liberty Under Christ (PLUC) headed by Rev Tryphena Law, has an uncommon ministry, that is to reach out to anyone with gender issues.



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“PLUC is in its 11th year, started with men support group 2001. At that time it did not adopt the name PLUC. In 2002, a soft launch of the support group was done by the group and some pastors,” she said.

“At first, I joined them in prayer groups but later on, I was invited to sit on their board because there were also needs for journeying with women. So I was there to help.  “But in 2002 the name Pursuing Liberty Under Christ (PLUC) was used,” Tryphena said. “PLU – People Like Us is a phrase commonly referred to gays in Malaysia and Singapore. We used ‘PLU’ and added a ‘C’ (Christ) because anyone who desire transformation can only be done through Christ,”

She took over the leadership of PLUC in 2004.





“So far mostly who came forward are from Christian background And about 80-85% out of those came to us are actually in the ‘closet’ as their struggles are not made known Nobody knows they are struggling with their gender orientation. That’s why confidentiality is very important in this ministry; we don’t put up a sign board at our office. Our meetings with pastors or visitors are only possible during certain times of the day where our clients were not around. We don’t reveal the identities of our clients to their pastors.

“PLUC is small yet people actually know us. People who really need help will know where to find us. There are numerous ways to find us, for example, Google “PLUC” and you will find us. Besides that we have been featured in magazines and newspapers like Asia Beacon and Kairos Research and The Bridge Communication and Sin Chew Jit Poh,” she said.

Asked how a typical counseling session is done, Rev Tryphena explained, “We listen; Encouraging them to process their emotions through some questions and pray. There are occasions where we pray to God to severe some unhealthy soul ties. Every client is unique and their needs differ. Therefore what works for some may not necessary work for another. Ultimately is creating a safe place for them to embark in their journey. For some, we just need to journey with them like friends. Ultimately we encourage them to have healthy same-sex relationships,” she said. 

“PLUC does not practice one-on-one pastoral counseling We promote accountability therefore two pastoral counselor journeying with one client.

“If I have the option, I would not be involved in this ministry especially having come from this background. It’s the call of God that has kept me going.





“We live by faith, as we only charge a one-time administration fee of RM20. It is up to clients if they want to give a love-offering. But thank God for kind individuals, organizations and churches that have been supporting the ministry faithfully,”

Her plan for the future is to educate parents, youths, children and churches healthy relationships. Rev Tryphena who is a trained teacher, said prevention is better than cure. By teaching an accurate view of gender development is a means of prevention.

PLUC seeks to assist individuals who desire restoration of their sexual identity to God’s original intention, empowering them to take ownership in maintaining moral and relational wholeness.


If you are facing issues with sexuality and seeking help, or if you are interested to volunteer , PLUC can be contacted at: E-mail: help@pluc.org.my or phone 03-7887 3501 (Tuesday – Friday 10am-5pm).


For more information, please visit www.pluc.org.my.

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