23 March 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-
Jack Piong recently went for his first overseas missionary trip to the Philippines, where he witnessed the days of the Pentecost relived among the spiritually parched land.

Together with Pastor Dianithi Durairaju and Abraham Wong, Jack Piong joined Rev. Raymond Yeo who spearheaded the leader-empowering missionary trip, to the Philippines.
“If I don’t go and make disciples, how am I fulfilling my job as a disciple?” said Jack.
And what divine plan God has in preparing Jack for the missionary trip.
Over his seven years in FGB, God has been steadily grooming Jack by providing him a platform to speak and also sharpening his leadership skill. He is also presently serving as a Deputy Regional Director of the Subang Zone in FGB.
Like Apostle Paul who has encouraged Timothy to entrust what he has learned to other reliable men (2 Timothy 2:2), Jack believes in passing on his gospel knowledge to the following generations.
“Let say only you know the gospel yourself. If you don’t share it with other people, how would they carry on the gospel after you?” said Jack.
Apart from honing his skills, the Lord also prepared his heart to heal the sick prior to this missionary trip. One night in last November, God woke him up to read Mark 14:16 to his bafflement.
The disciples left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover (Mark 14:16)
He did not understand God’s message until he was given the second bible verse, Mark 16:18.
They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well (Mark 16:18)
Upon prayer, Jack understood that God wanted him to visit the ‘city’ that resembled the villages, slums or squatters, to heal the sick. So, when he went for his missionary trip, he claimed upon God’s promises.
Here are the journal entries for Jack Piong’s remarkable FIRST MISSIONARY TRIP TO THE PHILIPPINES:
29- 31 April at Las Pines
The Holy Spirit slain the church leaders and members, resulting in a great revival in the church.
While I prayed for a man, I saw a strange vision of him sitting ahead of a saddleback while facing the back of the galloping horse. But as soon as he turned to the front and sat on the saddleback, the horse started running and became white as snow. So was the man who followed suit and became a white knight! Turned out, this man is a pastor who wanted to pioneer a church in Cebu and has quitted his previous church. My prayer reaffirmed God’s calling for him to pursue God’s calling upon his life. He also invited me to be a speaker in his church.
I also prayed for a moody young girl who was the pastor’s daughter. After praying for her, she was in tears and was slain by the Holy Spirit. What surprised me more was the girl became so joyful and helpful that her mother could barely recognize her.

Finally, another pregnant lady in her mid-twenties also came forward for prayer. I didn’t understand what God showed me but I saw her kept pushing the baby out. I kept this vision to myself and told her other words God had spoken to me. The lady cried profusely, together with the lady pastor beside her. I was told later that the pregnant lady was planning to abort the baby, while the lady pastor has a ministry of receiving abandoned children.
31 March- 2 April at Baguio
Mark 16:18 became a reality as I witnessed this verse coming alive. Before the days of the Pentecost, Jesus met his disciples in the upper room and told them that He would send them a comforter and redeemer. And when His disciples received the Holy Spirit, Jesus promised that they would do greater things than Him.

True enough, when I was in Baguio, I saw the night of revival. At least half of 100 people were touched and slain by the Holy Spirit. A boy crawled on his belly across the church hall crying relentlessly. Choking in tears, he stuttered that Jesus spoke to him and told him that He loves him, before he burst into tears again. Other people were also falling onto the floor due to power of the Holy Spirit and they cried out of tears of joy! The day of the Pentecost was certainly here.

Also, I was amazed that God could use us even at the last hour. Like Jesus who saved the thief while He was at the cross, God used us to save a 26-year-old man named Mark from taking his life in the home we stayed in. At 2:30 am, his frantic mother came out of her room, saying that her son wanted to commit suicide. We were supposed to leave Baguio at 5 am. But thank God, Rev. Raymond was there to pray for Mark. After prayer, I also sat by Mark to share the gospel and invited him to join our remaining missionary trip. Praise the Lord! After the trip, Mark became a reborn Christian and is now serving the church.

2-7th April at the Mountain province
We went up the mountains, to as far as Paracelis. It took us another seven to eight hours just to drive up the hills to reach a tribe who were predominantly maize farmers. The church appeared bare, as if reflecting the place’s spiritual state; you can see its visible wooden frame and benches for seating.

But the revival was apparent here! The lame walked, the deaf heard and the blind saw upon our prayers.
A young girl who had an ear blockage for instance came. When I prayed for her, I saw a vision of tentacle-like impressions streaming out of her right ear. After prayer, I asked her three questions, stepping a few steps backward after she answered each question. It’s a miracle! She could hear normally and answer all of my questions!

Brother Abraham also carried a lame boy who had zero mobility and required carrying to the church. Later in the noon, I saw this young boy walked on his feet again before disappearing from the crowd.
Even when we went to the streets, people had faith. An old man who had blurred eyesight asked to be prayed for. The Bible came to life!

6th May in Las Pines
We visited the River of Life church located in the squatters’ area to provide leadership training to the church leaders and youths for churches around that vicinity. Although Senior Pastor Joey Bernales has ran this church for 16 years, the amplifier and speakers were very old, which slightly compromised the angelic voices and instrumental tunes of the singers and musicians respectively. A self-funded church, we are planning to raise funds for them. Although the church was tight on expenses, I was impressed that they could manage a feeding program for 90 impoverished children staying in the squatters.

8-10th of May in Baguio
We visited the Mount Moriah Church in Baguio, another place of revival!

11th-12th May in Bacoor, Cavite.
About 150 people from the streets turned up as soon as the worship in the River of Life church started. There was only one church in the 20-hectar-slum area. We plan to expand the premise to fit in more people and also provide a better facility.

So, here are the accounts of Jack Piong’s awesome missionary trips to the Philippines. Perhaps, you want to sign up for a missionary trip yourself too.
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