14 Jan 2013 by Joseph Tan-
When promotion is offered, it is very rare that this opportunity will be rejected. So, the corporate person soldiers on – taking more and more people management and administrative responsibilities. And yet, do we ask – is this person wired for people influencing, having the talent to command or develop others? According to The Peter Principle, if we follow this path of upward promotion without question, we would wind up promoting each person to his next level of incompetence. Instead of being promoted to a position where the individual can perform with utmost personal satisfaction, we sacrifice the display of personal strength for the attractiveness of positional respect.
The issue of Career Fit must take precedence over the issue of Career Promotion. It is only when there is a fit, can there be the optimum expression of satisfaction, joy, and loyalty. Growing a person based on their unique strengths instead of societal pressure for job title status goes a long way towards creating a productive work culture. Try to help people understand themselves and then create a job of growth rather than gain. People who are productive are first and foremost, people who are growing.
Interested to know the difference between career fit and career promotion? Watch the video and see how it all fits together.
Watch this video!
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Note: Joseph Tan is the founder and consultant of Good Monday Consulting, whose mission is to resolve conflict and reduce stress at work, at home and in life by focusing on the root cause of character and developing core strengths. You can contact him at joseph@goodmonday.com
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