Mega Worshippers’ Congress 2016 (MWC)



It is God’s desire that every nation, tribe, tongue and people worship Him with our voices, praises, singing and dancing equipped with every musical instrument even clapping to the tune with our very hands. Through this we are embracing and celebrating in unity, worshipping the true and living God. This Mega Worshippers’ Congress event was hosted by Apostle David Tan Suan Chew, the founder of Third Day Glory Ministries, recently at the Spice Arena Stadium, Penang.



“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

Colossians 3:16.


This is an auspicious event for the gathering of nations together to give grandeur adulation, reverence, exaltation to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The resplendent sounds of the Trumpets, Shofars and drums ushers in God’s glorious manifestation of His magnificent supremacy second to none.



Participants include:

Anointed Shofar Generals:

Pastor Paul Howe (Malaysia),

Pastor Roy Danel Sitepu (Indonesia) and

Pastor David Lim (Taiwan)


Anointed Dance Generals:


“Rowena Anna and Rosita A. Patah and their dance warriors contributed greatly to make MWC successful and spectacular in adoration to the LORD “

-Apostle David Swan.



All coming together with one purpose – to worship and adore the Almighty God. The anointing came upon the participants like huge waves of the seas, one wave after another continuously and the awesome presence was tangible to each who has breath and none could deny the presence of God and His Host of angels in the midst of His people. The anointing saturated the Stadium within not only during the first session but through every session for the next three consecutive days. Almost every participants leaving the evening session rejoicing and touched with their fresh encounter with the LORD.



It took most participants almost a year of preparation in praises, songs, dance composition and routine, choreography and other details not to impress any human being but purely to please the Almighty God who takes pleasure in the praises of His people.

Tribes from diverse nations, at least 15 various tribes from Taiwan; several from Borneo; praise worshippers from China, Philippines, Sabah, Sarawak, Peninsula Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa (Kenya), U.S.A., Australia, many other nations and ethnic groups.



These participants dressed in their traditional tribal elaborate costumes and outfits come to display their unique expression of love and reverence to the Living God. The pomp, the splendour and the gaiety is truly befitting praises and adoration to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Throughout all the sessions the spontaneous unity of the congregation was a true reflection of the manifestation of the Spirit of God amongst men. A new dimension in worship arises amongst the young and old. Many have been filled with the fire of God’s presence and glory, they wept with joy as they encountered God in a deeper facet.


“Happy are the people whose God is the LORD.”

(Psalms 144:15b)


“In Your Presence is fullness of joy.”

(Psalms 16:11b)


“Sing praises to God, sing praises: Sing praises unto our King, sing praises.”

(Psalms 47:6)


“Blow the trumpet in the new moon, in the appointed times on our solemn feast day.”

(Psalms 81:3)


“Praise Him with tambourine and dance, Praise Him with strings and pipes.”

(Psalms 150:4)



The awesome worship experience is like heaven on earth! They all come with a pure heart, hungry to experience God, with the desire to draw closer to Him and a new level of faith with God. They experienced the tangible love of God and evidence of His presence. There was exceeding joy, brotherly and sisterly love amongst one and another despite multi cultures and background. All were been all united in one accord by the love of God.

Happiness and joy expressed on the faces of the participants reflects the intensity of the atmosphere from the very first night to the final session. They were all awed by His presence as they sang, danced, blowing of shofars, trumpets and various musical instruments in reverence as they ushered in the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.



Here are some of the testimonies of the participants:


“Simply magnificent, Puji Tuhan. He will receive blessings from the Lord and righteousness from the Lord of his salvation”

– a tribute to Apostle David Swan from Pastor Anthony Wong


“Many of my seer friends literary saw heavenly rain came down. I sensed the Lord is so delighted and pleased because His children from different nations and tribes are gathering in unity to worship Him with their native language and instruments.”

– Timothy Tang


“I felt so much of the presence of Holy Spirit and great anointing on His people in the Spice Stadium. Many angels were dancing and worshipping with all of us.”

– Pastor Afzal Rehmat Masih


“Jesus glorified in Malaysia”

– The Gospel Truth by The World’s Christian Newspaper, Hyderabad, India


“The name of our Lord Jesus Christ in MWC, Spice Stadium, first historic spiritual event to glorify, magnify and worship our beloved Saviour Jesus Christ.”

– Joshua Alan Illangovan


“Many people of different nationalities gathered to worship God, Praise the Lord.”

– Pastor Michael Siew


“What an awesome worship congress.”
– Lisa Foong


Lisa Wang, China – shared her adoration and testimony in songs, praise and worship.



After much prayers and fasting all year long, the MWC 2016 was held and the participants came to “Give The Best To The Master” and the awesome presence and annointing of the Lord is brought back to their respective churches.


“I am the happiest guy in the world. I am riding on the Big Wave of the Holy Spirit. God’s will and Heaven’s plan are the Best!”

– Apostle David Swan


Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Worshippers, Trumpeteers, Shofar Blowers, Dance Warriors, they came from different tribes, cultures, denominations to worship and praise in their own tongues and ways in reverence to Jesus. One Pastor was so awed and trembling in experiencing the Glorious presence of the Lord and the privilege to blow the Shofar in all the sessions. What an honour and praise His Holy name.



It all ends too soon, Spencer Wing proclaimed. However, a bigger Feast of Tabernacle is being planned to be held at Miri Stadium, Sarawak in September, 2017.


Note: This article is written by Caleb Mah from Eagle Christian Fellowship


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