8 Jan 2015-
1. To provide a mentoring platform for young Christian women.
2. Deal with issues they are facing in their jobs and businesses.
3. To help them live out their Christian faith in the marketplace.
4. To be the salt and light in the world
Mentors and mentees will be grouped on the day of the dinner based on varying reasons ie. location, interest, etc.
1. Kick-off meeting – 7pm, Sunday 18 Jan 2015 at D’Fong Restaurant (previously Summer Palace opposite Tropicana City Mall)
*Dinner will be sponsored | Dresscode: Smart Casual
2. From Jan till July – 6 meetings at times of their own choosing (meeting follows a syllabus on mentoring)
3. Closing meeting – Sunday 17 Aug 2015
1. Up to six M² groups with one mentor and between three and five mentees each
2. Each group will meet once a month for three hours over six months
3. The meeting will be chaired by one of the mentees in rotation
4. Mentor is to guide the discussion and give his input and counsel
1. Managing and leading self
2. Managing and leading others
3. Managing and leading groups and organizations
4. Success as a Christian; Work-life balance
1. Each Group will produce a write up on their experience; their take-away from the process and proposal going forward
2. These write-ups will be compiled into a booklet
3. At the closing meeting the group will decide what M² will do next
All application need to be submitted latest by 12 Jan 2014.
More details to be provided once all mentees have been selected.
Dr Peggy C Wong is a global entrepreneur and a servant of God with a degree in Economics from University of Malaya. She is also a graduate of the Owner President Management programme from Harvard University.
She co-founded with her husband the Keray Group of Companies in Malaysia and Partners Worldwide & Associates Pte Ltd in Singapore in 1993. The companies are involved in Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances and Investments. Year 2007 the Lord impressed upon her to start Living Hope – children Ministry to reach out to the poorest of the poor children in 14 States of Malaysia. The mandate was to feed and educate children ages 3 – 12 year old irrespective of race or religion as the Lord loves all children. Education is the only way out of the vicious cycle of property.
Dr Wong works with public listed companies, multinationals and high net worth individuals to secure the funds to feed and educate the poor, needy and marginalized children of Malaysia. Although the needs are plentiful everywhere in the world the Lord impressed upon her that charity begins at home, that is, Malaysia.
To date Living Hope Malaysia, through God’s guidance and provision have touched 41,210 young lives through its Programs and Projects in 14 States of Malaysia since July 2007. However, there is still 1 million children out there that needs assistance.
She accepted the Lord in July 2000. In 2013, she completed her 8 years Study at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). She has moved from the position of authority to servanthood. She worships in SIBKL.
Programme launch write-up for our 2014 programme: http://christianitymalaysia.com/wp/emerging-leaders-mentoring-programme-m2/
This is a programme anchored by the Full Gospel Businessmen Malaysia Fellowship – http://www.fgb.com.my/
For more info, contact Jason Lee: +6018 394 4391
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