Living a Life for Christ: Abraham Chuah


In Galatians 2:20, Paul cements his new identity in Christ by declaring that:


“I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”  


For Abraham Chuah, this same testimony has been the bulwark of much of his life. 


Abraham Chuah with his wife.


Coming to Know Christ  

Abraham Chuah is a jovial man who is always full of joy and energy. Whenever he shares about Christ, you can feel the excitement he has in his relationship with the Lord. Though he has undergone his fair share of challenges, the things that remain with him are the faithfulness of God and how God always watches over His children. 

Abraham was first exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ back in the 1970s when he was still a secondary school student. He relates, “I was first exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ during my secondary school days, and I accepted Jesus as my SAVIOUR & LORD in December 1973.”

Being a vibrant and energetic individual, he was very active during his youth, participating in numerous sports such as volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton, swimming, & athletics. He went on to represent his school at the Perak state level of the MSSM (Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia) in Volleyball for 2 consecutive years (1972-1973) & as a youth at the State Level for 1 year in 1973! 

Those were happy days. Little did Abraham know that he would encounter tests that would challenge his faith, not long after he entered into working life. 


The Challenge to Stand Firm for Christ

Upon graduating from high school, Abraham started his career as a sales agent for a prominent sewing machine company (name kept confidential for privacy reasons) in 1977. Within 4 years, in 1982, he would be promoted as a branch manager in Kuala Kangsar, and he would work in that post for more than 10 years, until 1994. It wouldn’t be long before the tests came.

In the Bible, we read the story of Joseph and Daniel. They were followers of God who had to live and work in a foreign land. Because Joseph maintained his integrity and refused the advances of Potiphar’s wife, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison before he was vindicated and raised by God. Similarly, Daniel and his friends had to undergo numerous tests during their time in Babylon. Abraham would face such an environment and situation himself. 

“Beginning from my first 2 years in my managerial post, I faced lots of trials & testings,” Abraham shared. Because his superiors were not Christians, they led very secular and worldly lives. To ‘squeeze’ Abraham into their mould, they would ridicule and try to force him to participate in their ‘social’ activities such as taking alcoholic drinks, womanising, watching live strip shows and pornography, and buying lottery (gambling) corporately.  

“My superiors were greatly disappointed with me for not bowing to their demands during those orientation periods,” he remembered. “They would ask me sarcastically how do I expect to do business without actively participating in their ungodly lifestyle, though I was still just a newly appointed young ciku branch manager.”


Abraham on his honeymoon with his wife in 1984. God would begin to change things in his work situation around that time.


Though not in an actual foreign land, the testings thoroughly made Abraham feel like he was in an alien environment. Admidst all these trials & tests, he could only trust GOD to see him through. Two thoughts came to his mind. Either he was going to resign because he was in such an unfavourable position with his superiors, or he would stay and press on, hoping for the best in the LORD to provide a way of escape. 

“It was a real mind game in this real business world!” Abraham verbalized. “Praise the LORD! My first 2 years as a branch manager were a really good experience in the testing of the genuineness of my faith in the LORD. I could just compromise and go along with the ungodly lifestyle for the sake of my career and to raise my family, or to remain firm as a genuine Christian by not giving in easily to their demands which were contradicting to my faith in JESUS!”

In all of his experiences, Abraham’s wife has been a strong pillar of support. “It is partly because of my loving, prayerful, supportive, and godly wife that I have been blessed with that gave me strength and led me later to success. In everything I was going through, she stood by me. Behind every successful godly man is a prayerful and supportive godly wife,” he affirms.  


Abraham on honeymoon with his wife in China on 19th May 1991. Through all his experiences, his wife would stand by him as a pillar of support.



God would change things around for Abraham in due time. “I praise GOD that my trials & testing during that first 2 years turned out to silver linings leading to victory & blessings. My superiors began to mellow down & changed in their attitude towards me when they saw tremendous results in my Sales & Collection. They were starting to like me. God had begun to change the situation. 

“From 1984 till 1994, GOD helped & brought into my life several trustworthy people to assist me in the Sales, Collections, Inventory, and Administration. I was awarded the BEST in Inventory, Administration & Collection in the overall management of the company. I was one of the Top Branch reporting nearly 95% Collection for 10 consecutive years!!”

Furthermore, Kuala Kangsar was known to be hard ground for the company. “Many of my senior colleagues whom I had the opportunity to know during my managerial tenure asked me how I managed to tame this “tiger”- Kuala Kangsar Branch – into such a profitable situation when so many managers that had been appointed there in the past had failed to do so!

“My answer to them was JESUS DID IT FOR ME! I vividly remember what I learnt from GOD’S WORD. Those who HONOUR GOD, GOD will HONOUR them too! Praise & Glory to JESUS!”


Abraham and his wife In Singapore, May 1993. By this time, God had raised Abraham from a denigrated lowly place to a much respected role in his company. A year later, Abraham would make the decision to embark as an independent entrepreneur in complete faith in God’s leading.


Handpicked to Share a Success Story 

In December 1987, Abraham was handpicked by the company’s top management to share his success story during their Annual Convention that was held at the Melaka Ramada Hotel.

“I tendered my resignation in August 1994, knowing that it’s going to be a sunset business,” Abraham reminisced. “I also knew that deep inside me, I always wanted to be an entrepreneur – to own & manage my business and lead it to an enormous profitable situation, so that I can be an end-time financier for GOD’S KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT.”


Looking Back at the Experience

“Whatever my success story is & all the challenges I faced & went through, my sole purpose in life is to HONOUR my GOD for JESUS is the reason for me to live,” Abraham expressed. 

“I would like to share with all my beloved friends that when we HONOUR GOD in every aspect of our life, Psalm 37:23-24 says, “The steps of a good (righteous) man are ordered by the LORD, and HE delights in his way(obedience & willingness). Though he falls, he shall not be cast down; For the LORD upholds him with HIS HAND. AMEN!

“When I took over the position as the company’s Branch Manager in Kuala Kangsar in August 1982, there were three things I did immediately. The first thing was to remove the idol worship altar, cleanse the premise with anointing oil, and welcome GOD’S PRESENCE & acknowledge the HOLY SPIRIT as my Senior Partner. 

“Secondly, I set my heart & motive to be humble and teachable & to conduct an honest, honorable & righteous business in every aspect. Thirdly, to be always thankful in whatever circumstances and to give the BEST GLORY TO GOD. Hallelujah!”


Abraham Chuah and his wife in a recent birthday celebration.


God would continue to lead Abraham in missions to the Orang Asli, as well as in growing his faith during the early challenging days as an independent entrepreneur.


Note: All photos kindly contributed by Abraham Chuah.


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