14 May 2014 by Donna Uning CM –
It has been a year since Ps Gbenga Kotila visited Kuching. In the recent years, Ps Gbenga, senior pastor from Centre for Reality International Church, Ibadan, Nigeria has done many outreaches in homes, kampungs and churches around Sarawak.
With many scrumptious meals served the last few nights at the after-meetings, it was time for a juice break and some catch up with Ps Gbenga during his recent visit to Kuching.
So, what’s been going on since? “A couple of things; I’ve been busy with the ministry, impacting lives and seeing the people transformed and changed – which is what gives me joy,” says the pastor. From the crusades, Ignite events, and ministry – and yes, there was also the time Ps Gbenga was with Ps Benny Hinn during his visit to the country -that went viral!

“Is there sugar in this?” asks the pastor, lifting his juice. Um … I don’t think so (please God, let there be no sugar in the juice!).
“Over here, I have just discovered that many people are challenged in their marriages. For couples to work effectively, you need a time out and share some truths,” he explains saying people have problems because they do not know. “If you know, you won’t have that problem,” he says. “The psychology of men and women, and placing Scripture above culture leads to a better relationship,” he tells.
“I’m also thinking about seminars like leadership and marriage seminars for both married couples and singles,” he says. He hoped to do these seminars sometime soon when he comes back to Kuching.

Tell us about Ignite magazine. “The magazine has to do with our yearly events that tie with Ignite. We also have a program about raising a breed of people; a breed without greed,” he tells. “It’s about raising an army of change that will see things from the perspective of God’s Kingdom and walk in that light. Create change – not just being transformed but wherever they are, they also bring transformation.”
Tell us about Beyond Borders. “It’s a covenant program or meeting that God impounded in my heart that breaks limitations that people encounter. Many people feel there are limitations in life, but it’s only in the minds of the people,” he tells. “Once you’re rid of that mindset, no man is limited in life. If you think limitations, you will encounter limitations.”
“If your thought is limitless, your experience is limitless; as a man thinketh, so is he.”
Proverbs 23:7,
“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Apart from Kuching, Ps Gbenga stopped by Miri this time around. “I’ll be preaching in Miri. The last time I was there was in 2011 where I did a leadership seminar,” he said. In explaining about the seminar he tells, “Raising quality leaders and not informative or passive leaders; but active leaders who takes initiatives. To be a true leader, you don’t live by your right but by your responsibility. That’s the mission.”
Ps Gbenga will be sharing about “Fired by the Future” in his next meeting back in Kuching after his trip to Miri. “What is in your future is supposed to be a propelling force. When you look into the future, you tend to move forward. When you look into the future, you go further in life. The enemy cannot stop you but makes you look back to your past. If you look at your past, you are limited,” he says.

“When your future is in view, you have a celebration. A gathering of velocity for a journey of destiny,” he further explains. “There will be evangelizing, preaching, and impartation – everything is going to be involved. Wait until the next meeting,” he says excitedly. The anticipation heightens!
After the juice break, we talked about his messages during his visits to a few house groups here. We also talked about his family and asked how cold it gets in Ibadan. Your wife is a pastor too, I said. “Yes, she is,” he tells of his wife, Ps Oliyanka Kotila. She also pastors at Centre for Reality International Church, Ibadan.

“I always take time to come back here. I feel at home here,” he says. The pastor is always very busy whenever he visits Kuching, from meetings to impromptu calls from visitors. When I looked up his meetings posted in his Facebook, Ps Gbenga Kotila had back to back meetings, including a crusade coming up right after his visit to Kuching.
But it is always a blessing and enlightening to share with Ps Gbenga once again. Thank you!
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